Child of Destiny

Chapter 349 The Angel Of Death


Shin waited for the right time before pulling out the [Yamato] from its sheath. And when he saw that the falling meteor reached the height of a three-story building from the ground, quickly unsheathed his sword in a very fast manner before swinging it in the air.


Right after that swing, a huge crescent sword wave with alternating black and white color was sent flying towards the falling 'meteor'.


And when the sword wave hit its target, the descent of the falling 'meteor' dropped drastically. But even if that was the case, the destructive force that it had was still present. So, this 'meteor' continued to descend towards the ground together with its unstoppable force.

When the audiences who were watching this fight, saw that. They couldn't help but shake their heads and smiled bitterly. – "It is over." –

Or so they thought. Because the next moment shook them to the core.

Right after throwing the sword wave, Shin quickly put the [Yamato] back on its sheath before unsheathing it once again and throwing another sword wave at the falling 'meteor'.


But this time, it was noticeable that the sword wave that he sent was much stronger than the previous one. And when it collided with the 'meteor', the explosion that caused it was also much stronger than the previous one which made the descent slowed down even more.

Regardless, the 'meteor' continued to fall. But that Shin did another quick draw and sent a huge sword wave one more time, further decreasing the speed of the descending 'meteor'.

Shing! Boom!

Shing! Boom!

Shin kept on repeating the same process which made the hearts of the audience shook. Each of the sword waves that he was releasing was much stronger than the previous one. And from the looks of it, he didn't have any plan of stopping just yet; it seemed that he was going to continue sending those scary sword waves until he completely crashed the 'meteor'.

It didn't take long until the 'meteor' finally collapsed on the bombardment of the sword waves. The aura surrounding Owen was destroyed after getting hit by the seventh sword wave.


Swoosh! Thud!

And right after that, he fell on the ground in a very powerless manner. He didn't die despite receiving all those attacks. But he also didn't stand up after falling on the ground; he stayed lying in the ground while staring at the sky.

"Heh! So, I still lost, huh?" chuckled Owen, still refusing to stand up.

Seeing that Owen had no plan of continuing, Shin sheathed back his sword before walking towards him. And after arriving beside his new rival, he slightly leaned his body forward while offering a hand to Owen. "You really are a tough nut to crack. To think that you can still survive after receiving all those attacks, you really are strong."

Owen started chuckling once again before taking Shin's help to stand while saying. "You've got to be kidding me. I know that you can still send a few more attacks after the last one. And both of us know that I will not survive the preceding ones after that."

Shin smiled behind his mask and said. "Regardless, I still learned a lot this time. Thanks."

Owen was suddenly taken aback after hearing that. He didn't expect that this supposedly a cold and boring guy had this side on him. He then started smiling too and said. "Then let's have another match some other time."

Shin nodded his head and replied without any signs of hesitation. "Absolutely!"

After that, he sent a friend request to Owen. But this time, he used his real In-game name to send the request because he really acknowledged and respected this guy's talent and strength.

Owen nodded his head and about to accept the friend request. But he suddenly froze midway the moment he saw the name. He then turned his head back and forth on the system notification and Shin.

Seeing his reaction, Shin chucklingly said. "I just hope that you are much stronger at that time."

Realizing that it was actually true, Owen started smiling bitterly and thought to himself. 'What a monster.'

After that, he jokingly said. "Are you not afraid that I am going to leak this on the public."

Shin suddenly chuckled after hearing that and said. "You can do it if you want. But I have some confidence at identifying who are the people I can trust. So, I know that you will not actually do it."

Owen just shrugged his shoulders and said. "Then let's meet again next time."

After saying that, he immediately raised his right and said at the system. "I am conceding on this match."

When the system received that, it immediately concluded the battle and announced Shin's victory. And immediately after that, it sent both Shin and Owen out of the battle arena.

The audiences were already expecting that since the outcome was already obvious. But they still couldn't recover themselves from being stunned after seeing those consecutive sword waves that Shin had sent earlier.

They only recovered their senses a few seconds after Shin and Owen were sent out of the arena. And even if they couldn't see the contenders anymore, they still burst out in an uproar for how amazing that fight that they had seen.

Even on different online platforms, all of the live chats were being bombarded by a lot of messages full of praises.

There were even some amazing photos taken by the different entertainment companies that covered the entire match. All the crazy moments in the match were taken very beautifully. Even the scene at the end of the match where Shin was helping Owen to stand up was captured perfectly.

That very photo showed how much respect Shin had for his opponent. At the same time, it also showed Owen's sportsmanship for accepting the help and not feeling bitter after his loss.

With this, the fans became even more crazy to the point that they started voting for the official title for Shin and Owen. The fans still gave Owen his current title since it really suited him. On the other hand, Shin got another one; though, it was not much different from the previous one that the 'True Sights Industries' had given him.

The players were now calling him the 'Angel of Death'. Even if it sounded a little simple, it at least had some meaning behind it.

– "An Angel who is kind to his friends but ruthless to his foes." –

And just like before, this voting poll reached another unimaginable degree of popularity. And due to that, the 'Nameless Swordsman' was finally named. Even though it was still not a real name yet, at least he was now being addressed as the 'Angel of Death'.

Since the top players of the Shadow Ranking Cup were going to become official Rankers anyway, the system complied with it and now gave Shin his official title.

Given this, the players started talking for another thing; especially the players based on the Saint Heaven Kingdom.

It was not related to the Shadow Ranking Cup or anything. But the moment the 'Nameless Swordsman' got his official ranking title, a certain battle video started to resurface once again.

It was one of the famous battles running around the Saint Heaven Kingdom's Forum previously, and it was actually the battle between the two rising stars of the said kingdom: the Nameless Swordsman and 'Sickarius'.

The sudden rise of this certain battle video rivaled all of the recent trending topics in the online forums.

Even if the title that 'Sickarius' had was not an official one and just a Maverick Title, which was said to be slightly lower than the official ones, the players online still didn't care about that. All that they knew was the rivalry present between these two previously.

And since they now had a title of their own, the player couldn't help but anticipate another showdown between these two rising stars.

Due to that, different articles regarding this topic started to pop up here and there while having the title of.

– "The Angel of Death and the Emperor of the Night." –


After the same time, Shin suddenly received a system notification a few moments later after the title poll reached a certain point. What was written on the notification was his new title.

After taking a quick look at it, Shin started smiling bitterly and chucklingly said to himself. "I really f*cking did it."

Then he paused for a moment as he remembered about something before starting to chuckle. "I wonder what Arthur's reaction will be after learning about this."

After that, he opened his status window and looked at the new title written on it before smirking. "Angel of Death, huh? I like it."

And just like the 'Emperor of the Night' title, there was also a phrase written right below that title.

– "Wherever the Angel of Death goes, death will always follow." –


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