Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 180: The Red-blooded Dreamer (6)

Chapter 180: The Red-blooded Dreamer (6)

I have to be dreaming.

I was so startled that the thought crossed my mind. My hand instinctively twitched to pinch my cheek, but I refrained because there were eyes on me.

However, the man before me interpreted my hand movement in his own way and flinched, bowing his head even more.

‘What’s going on?’

Normally, I would have reassured him that it was okay to lift his head and that there was no need to be so submissive. My inner sense of mercy stirred at such actions, especially when the person who was showing undue timidity was someone older than me.

Of course, this dignified compassion was reserved only for the good-hearted elders and not for the unkind ones.

"Red Wave, you say?"

Yes, the dissident before me was an exception.

"Yes, yes. I am Robin, a mid-level officer of the Red Wave."

His head bowed even further as if he was showing off how submissive he could be.

I almost let out a laugh at the sight. Hearing it again felt absurd.

‘A mid-level officer, huh?’

An officer, and a mid-level one at that, implied a high-ranking position within the Red Wave. This was second only to the leader, the single person at the very top, and the few senior officers who assisted the leader closely.

In other words, a true republican rebel was surrendering voluntarily...?

‘Is this some kind of ruse?’

The thought crossed my mind. Combining the unexpected visit from a stranger and his sudden confession of his affiliation—it all seemed too abrupt and thus suspicious.

I knew my luck all too well. Good fortune like this never came my way. It would be different if a known spy had escaped, but for an undetected one to present himself?

‘This is such a sloppy trick.’

But calling it a ruse felt odd. These were the people who, driven by their beliefs, wouldn't hesitate to undertake suicide attacks. They had also never surrendered before.

And now a mid-level officer was surrendering? Since I was on the receiving end, I felt fully skeptical and doubtful about the truthfulness of his surrender.

"So you, a rebel, have surrendered."

After organizing my thoughts, I spoke.

If his intentions were unclear, then I just had to make him spill them. It didn’t matter whether it was all a trick or a genuine surrender; the fact that this rebel came to my quarters of his own accord remained unchanged.

"Is there a place to return to for those who defy heaven’s mandate?"

Interrogation wasn’t my specialty, but pressuring him might reveal something.

The title of Executive Manager did exert a great deal of pressure, after all.


"Is there a place to return to for those who defy heaven’s mandate?"

The words of the Executive Manager made my blood run cold.

His words were simple, and yet also deadly. It meant a declaration of refusal to accept the surrender of a traitor.

‘Damn it.’

The Empire was known for its leniency towards those who surrendered. Admitting one’s errors and seeking the Emperor’s mercy would grant forgiveness. That was the Empire’s principle.

But did that principle work in this situation?

‘It depends on the will of the Executive Manager.’

The current person in charge at the scene was the Executive Manager. Thus, the Empire had no choice but to rely on the Executive Manager’s report. Whether the Executive Manager decides to accept the surrender or execute the individual ultimately depends on how the situation was reported.

Even if I was killed here, a report containing ‘the rebel resisted and was executed’ would be readily accepted by the Empire. Unfortunately, it was all too common for members of the Red Wave to refuse to surrender and meet their end.

Moreover, it was the Prosecutors’ Office, which had always been cracking down and dealing severe blows to the Red Wave. Although the current Executive Manager hadn’t participated in suppressing the Red Wave, he was still part of the Prosecutors’ Office and was likely harboring animosity towards us.

‘This is still the best option.’

In this mad situation where surrendering with a high chance of death was the best option available, I felt like biting my tongue.

Still, this was better than being caught and killed while trying to flee or staying still and being beheaded.

At least there was time to speak and time to lay out all the cards I held.

‘It’s my karma.’

If only I hadn't joined this group of lunatics in the first place.

"I sincerely regret my choices and wish to pledge loyalty to His Majesty."

"Well, everyone can claim to be loyal in words."

He gave a nonchalant response, but it was expected. Nothing had been proven yet, so why would he be convinced?

"Of course, I have no intention of escaping my sins with mere words."

That was a lie. I fully intended to escape my sins with words, using everything I knew and anything that could garner me sympathy all for the sake of survival.

Fortunately, I’ve never killed anyone. I mostly worked in the rear or in surveillance roles.

"I was naive and misled by the rebels' words, but I have since realized the right path."

I then spoke desperately as if my life depended on each word.

I confessed that I was a sinner and a fool misled for a moment. However, I had never harmed a good citizen of the Empire, and as a mid-level officer, I possessed considerable information, among other things.

"I am prouder of my life as a guard at the Academy than as an officer of the Red Wave."

I spoke of my past as if it were trash, which, frankly, it was.

At those words, a flicker of interest sparked in the Executive Manager’s eyes.


This officer, what was his name again? Robin? Anyway, I just listened as he spilled everything. I didn’t even need to prod him further.

As expected, the title of Executive Manager worked wonders, but it also felt bittersweet to see how effective it was. My reputation was indeed formidable...

"I am prouder of my life as a guard at the Academy than as an officer of the Red Wave."

That unexpected statement clarified my thoughts.

‘It was this guy.’

He must’ve been the one who had colluded with the Red Wave during their attempt to undermine the Academy in the original story. The real threat wasn’t that Eriko guy or whatever his name was, but this one.

The rank of a mid-level officer, the guise of a security guard—it was perfect for creating a crisis for the protagonist.

‘That was close.’

With that realization came a mix of relief and thrill. Things could have gone disastrously wrong.

This guy had been lying low, undetected even by the 2nd Manager. If we had assumed that only Eriko was the spy and let our guard down, then we would have been critically betrayed at the worst possible moment.

‘What about the original story?’

At this point, the Academy’s situation in the original story felt concerning. Being targeted by five organizations was distressing enough, but then to have a guard who was a republican spy as well? What kind of place was this?

It seemed that quite a few characters would have been sacrificed as the story progressed. Perhaps even the principal met a grim fate. What a regrettable situation.


I cut off Robin's attempt to say more and shook my head. I had heard enough.

But my words must have seemed like a death sentence to him because his face turned pale. I had many thoughts about how to deal with him, that was, until I heard about his guard duty.

‘It's a real surrender.’

I became convinced. This wasn’t a trick or a ruse but a desperate escape by a cornered officer.

If they wanted to fool us, staying silent and then backstabbing us would have been more effective. His decision to come forward like this affirmed his surrender.

Why would someone, who seemed destined to play a significant role in the original story, suddenly surrender? But then again, the Five Pillars crumbled under the Hawks’ spectacular self-destruction. Maybe this was a similar case.

"Realizing one’s mistake late is better than never."

Robin’s complexion brightened at the words which acknowledged both his guilt and repentance.

While it would have been better if he hadn’t joined the Red Wave in the first place, deserting midway was also something else, especially when all others died shouting their republicanism to the end.

"If your loyalty to His Majesty is genuine, then follow me."

"Ah, yes!"

However, a final confirmation was necessary.

Like I said earlier, interrogation wasn’t my forte. While Robin's surrender seemed genuine, it was better to be sure.

So, I handed it over to an expert in the field.

"There's no sign of the Red Wave's typical madness. His surrender seems genuine."

The 2nd Manager sprang into action upon hearing of another spy, seemingly frustrated that he hadn't found it himself.

This reaction led him to thoroughly scrutinize Robin before confirming that it was indeed a sincere surrender.

That was when I finally felt at ease. After all, the job wasn't done until cross-verification was complete.

"Wow, I didn't expect there to be another one."

The 1st Manager muttered in amazement as she observed from the sidelines.

I was surprised as well. It was shocking enough that the academy had two Red Wave members implanted, but what was even more shocking was that the 2nd Manager had missed it. He wasn’t exactly known for being sloppy.

"Are there any more of them?"

I asked casually, to which the 2nd Manager shook his head firmly.

"There are none. I'm sure of it this time."

He then turned his gaze to Robin, who nodded vigorously under his glare.

"Yes! There really isn't! The only ones in the Academy are me and Eriko!"

I almost turned away at his desperate behavior. Why did he look so desolate when not a drop of his blood was shed? It was truly astonishing...

"Unlike Eriko, this one is a big fish directly connected to the leadership."

Regardless, the 2nd Manager continued while eyeing Robin sharply.

He was indeed a big shot. We might have killed officers before, but capturing one alive was a first.

"It’ll be enough to spread false intelligence."

Capturing a mid-level officer was indeed encouraging. After all, he wasn’t just receiving unilateral instructions from those above him but was also at a level that allowed him to relay or give orders to those below him.

In that case, there was no need to wait aimlessly for the Red Wave. According to the 2nd Manager, we could just have him deliberately release intelligence and lure them in.

"Now we can wrap this up."

The Masked Unit was on standby and ready to strike. Finally, this tedious task was coming to an end.

"This would've been quicker if you found him first."

"Damn it."

Watching the 2nd Manager fume warmed a corner of my heart.

Well, at least we gained something to tease the 2nd Manager about for a while.

This will be good material for at least three months. I should also tell the Senior /genesisforsaken

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