Class Villainess

Chapter 177 - Cobra With Ruby Eyes

Chapter 177 – Cobra With Ruby Eyes

"Um… can you feed me instead? Both of my hands would be wrapped in a bandage, and I'm utterly powerless. You should spoon-feed me instead. Sounds fair?"

I really wanted to slap his face right now. What a scoundrel! 

But I knew that Logan wasn't going to change his mind, so I grumbled and started bandaging his left hand as wells felt like an idiot for taking an idiotic request, but I couldn't do much as this guy serious wanted me to spoon-feed him like some sort of teen romance drama or what? If he kept doing things like this, I would certainly start to suspect that he was actually into me.

Which was… ick, ew, hell no.

After I bandaged his left hand, he looked at me with begging eyes, something that was almost impossible coming from him before, "Please…" he begged. 

I sighed deeply, then took the bowl of asparagus soup and started feeding him. He was surprisingly obedient and quiet when I was feeding him. This guy was seriously full of shock value. 

"Where's that hostile gaze before, huh?" I taunted him, thinking he would retort at me with some insulting words like usual.

"What hostility?" Logan asked.

I seriously wanted to bowl this bowl to his face. I reluctantly fed him the soup and then moved to the main courses. 

He started to get even pickier here. He kept complaining, "Please less rice, and more meat…."

"I'm still chewing. Please wait…"

"I'm thirsty, the drink please…."

He acted so spoiled, like a kid who wanted to be pampered. It was so gross if you saw him like this, then remembered that he was Logan Walker, the ultra skilful fighter and schemer. You've got two contrasting images that you couldn't remove from your head. 

Yeah, that was what I had right now. 

Then last, it was the dessert, I quietly fed him with creamy cheesecake, and he ate it in silence as well.

He kept staring at me while eating the dessert and then mumbled, "Good cake."

"Well, of course! It's me who cooks it for you. Remember that I never work for free," I said, trying to knock some sense in his head.

"I know."

After eating the cake, Logan pinched something from his pocket and put it on the table because he couldn't hold it. 

It was a small gift box, "What is this?"

"Your Christmas and New Year gift," Logan said. "I told you before that I will give you something for Christmas and New Year, right? Since you've given me the best care a world could have, I think you should have that as well. It's my payback."

I still couldn't believe that cooking him and tending his injury would make me the 'best care a world could have,' but oh well, I wouldn't mind the compliment, I guess.

I stared at the small gift box in front of him. From the looks of it, it looked like a case for a ring. But why would Logan give me a ring? Something like a ring was only given to your spouse, not some random girl that you happened to partner with. 

I unwrapped the gift and found that my suspicion was actually correct, as outlandish as it looked. 

Logan's gift was a small velvet box, but when I opened it, it wasn't a ring actually… it was a necklace. 

From just one glance, I knew it wasn't a cheap one, probably something that I could never afford in my entire life. The pendant was a cobra shaped silver with two rubies as the pair of eyes. 

The ruby glistened beautifully under the light as if the rubies were a pair of shining red eyes of the cobra, ready to strike anyone who dared to approach.


"A necklace with cobra shaped pendant, of course," Logan said. "The red eyes of the cobra are made with ruby, so it should be really beautiful under the light," Logan explained. 

"This is real ruby, right?"

"Does that even matter?"

"It does, you idiot. I know you spent so much on this! I don't even think my house is worth that much!" I protested, trying to deny the gift. "You're giving too much!"

"It's not too much. It's just a necklace," Logan said. "Besides, there is no use in talking about the price. Money is worthless in front of me because I was born with it. What I want to convey with this necklace is… you're a snake, a very dangerous snake, you know that, right?"

"Tch, of course, I am," I replied smugly. I took that at heart because I also wanted to look strong. I didn't want to be that scared little bunny that got beaten and bullied to my death. 

"… and I happen to like snakes," Logan said.

"Huh? So, you have a pet snake or what?" I asked.

"… I don't have one, but that's not what I meant. I—I—ugh, never mind. Just accept it, and let me put on the necklace for you," Logan said, much to my confusion.

I didn't know why he would suddenly mention his liking towards snakes. 

He used his fingers that hadn't been bandaged and tried to put the necklace on me. I frowned because I still hadn't accepted the expensive gift. 

"Do you think this is a fair exchange? All I did was cook for you," I said, trying to reject the gift.

"I can buy you 10 of these necklaces, and it still wouldn't be worth as much as your care," Logan insisted. "Just let me put it for you."

Now, it got me wondering how rich Logan actually was. 

Was he as rich as the red rose man? Because that guy could give me a box of high-quality crystal meth instantly. 

I still felt it was a bit unnecessary to give me something so expensive that it'd only burden my heart. But with Logan's stubbornness, I finally yielded and turned around. I grabbed my long hair up to expose my neck, waiting for him to put it on my neck.

But after a minute of nothing happening, I looked over my shoulder and saw Logan staring at my neck with flushed cheeks, "What are you looking at? You said that you want to put it on my neck."

"I—I'm not looking at anything, idiot!" 

Logan hurriedly put the necklace on my neck and then mumbled, 'Don't expose your neck like that. It really took me off guard.'

"What did you say?"

"I said, don't expose your neck like that. It really took me off guard," Logan repeated with a louder voice now. 

"It's just a neck, bro…." 

"What if another man will see your neck like this? Ugh, you really don't understand my worry right now," Logan complained again, but in the end, put on the necklace and clip the hook behind. 

"All done," Logan said.

I released my hair and covered my nape and neck again, then turned in his direction. I raised my eyebrows and asked, "What? What's with your face?"

"My face? What's wrong with my face?"

"Your face is really red right now," Logan said. 

"I—Idiot, that's just because the temperature is so hot right now."

"It's still winter."

Logan looked away so suddenly and said, "That doesn't matter. I'm here to give you that gift anyway."

"Uh-huh, thank you so much, Logan. I'll keep this gift at heart. I won't lose it, I swear," I said, trying my best to appreciate such an expensive gift. I knew the money he spent for this wasn't little, though. For someone like Logan, it might've been just pocket money for him.

But the thought that he put inside this necklace was the most important. He could've just bought me random things on the street, and I'd still say thank you, but the fact that he gave me a specific type of pendant that fit my character the most was really a flattering move.

"I'll cook something later to make up for this. That's the only thing that I can give you, Logan. I feel like I'm in a long debt with you," I said, trying to find a way to compensate for such an expensive gift.

"Then I'll make sure to gift you more and more later on," Logan added.

Oh well, I never truly understood his line of thought. 

"Anyway, who did you invite to our club room?" Logan asked.


"Don't huh me, Em. I saw shoe prints outside, and they are definitely not your shoes," Logan asked. But he didn't seem to be hostile at me. 

I sighed and nodded, "Sorry that I hadn't told you about it. I just don't want you to get mad at me because of this.

"Who did you invite?"

"It's Noah and Elise, but it's mostly Noah because he was hiding against the bullies that hunted him," I replied truthfully.. "Don't worry, he's not doing anything here, just hiding while we planned our move to take the three stooges down."

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