Chapter 375: 6.3

The fact that Horikita won this special exam, defeating Sakayanagi, would soon be the talk of the town. Although it wasn't purely an academic contest, there was also an element of rivalry involving OAA. However, the fact remained that Horikita won this direct confrontation.

The gap between Sakayanagi's and Horikita's classes had narrowed by 100

points before the final examinations. On the other hand, Ryuuen's class had a tough time. They had tried to disrupt the competition with strategies based on external pressure, but Ichinose calmly accepted them and picked up a solid victory.

She may have been considered mentally unstable due to her resignation from the student council, but Ryuuen wasn't able to break her down.

Still, it can't be said that Ryuuen's decision was a mistake.

There may be opinions that Ryuuen should have ordered his classmates to study as Horikita did, but unlike Horikita, who had laid the groundwork extensively, Ryuuen's class didn't have much room to grow in this respect. It would have been difficult for them to catch up in a short period of time.

By achieving a narrow victory, Ichinose still had a small chance of making it to Class A, and the battle between the four classes would be carried over to the third semester, and beyond.

When I put on my shoes at the entrance and went out of the school building, there was someone already waiting for me.

"I apologize for calling you all on the last day of school."

Immediately after the results were announced, a certain person contacted me, asking to meet with me.

"I didn't know Ichinose was coming too."

It was a coincidence that the two people who sent me the messages ended up at the same place.

"What's going on, Sakayanagi-san?"

It seemed that Ichinose hadn't heard about my involvement either, and she looked at me strangely.

"Let's walk, we'll be conspicuous here."

It was inevitable that the front of the school entrance would be filled with students who were about to leave after class.

"First of all, Ayanokouji-kun, congratulations on your victory in this special examination."

"This time it was a victory that I was allowed to pick up. However, if it had been a normal written exam, I would have lost." fɾēewebnσveℓ.com

"Are you talking about the percentage of correct answers? It doesn't change the fact that I lost."

Rather than being humble, it's more like she's accepting the result after doing everything she could. You can also sense the composure of the Class A due to their lead in class points.

"And Ichinose-san, who beat Ryuuen-kun, was also brilliant."

"We just did what we should have done. We didn't do anything special."

"It's also admirable that you didn't give in to Ryuuen-kun and his team's obstruction. To be honest, in my initial estimation, I thought the result would be 50-50. However, Ichinose-san's class won the exam narrowly. This was probably the result of the leader's calm and precise instructions."

Sakayanagi also seemed to have read that Ichinose had been fighting from the hip.

I appreciate her victory, not only because of their difference in academic ability, but also because of the cool and calm manner in which she stood up to Ryuuen.

"Is that so? But I don't feel bad when Sakayanagi-san praises me."

"I can only assume that something happened recently."

Sakayanagi wasn't able to gather information on her own, so she was always trying to gather information using many students as if she were laying out a spider web.

Holidays spent at the gym. Time spent in cafes. On the way to and from.

The day she waited outside my room. I wouldn't be surprised if she saw some of it.

"I told you a similar story on the boat, remember?"

Sakayanagi said these words to Ichinose, not to me.

"Too much idolisation may result in painful repercussions. Wasn't it something like that?"

"That is right. I have called you both here today to tell you that I am here to give an ultimatum to Ichinose-san, who has a faint crush on Ayanokouji-kun."

She already seemed to understand that Ichinose has feelings for me, which in itself is not surprising.

"You should distance yourself from Ayanokouji-kun now."

"Is that your ultimatum?"

Even though you have already told him again, you were told by a third party about your feelings for him right here and now.

Normally, I'd expect Ichinose to show at least a hint of unease, but she didn't seem to be upset at all.


"I don't understand. Why should I distance myself from Ayanokouji-kun?

Whatever feelings I have for Ayanokouji-kun, there is nothing wrong with treating him as a friend."

"I see that the erosion has already advanced considerably. If you can really be friends, it would be a different story. But from what I see, I don't think Ichinose-san would be satisfied with that. But unless Ayanokouji-kun refuses to accept it, I have no intention of changing my mind. You are being controlled by him. Do you realize that if you continue like this, you will eventually be destroyed?"

"Ha-ha-ha. You say the funniest things."

"I'm seriously concerned. I can't watch you go off the deep end and be satisfied."

"No need to worry, Sakayanagi-san. I am not controlled by Ayanokouji-kun."

She sure has such a cold look in her eyes.

As those thoughts crossed me, Ichinose was standing next to me, with a look on her face I had never seen before.

"Sakayanagi-san. You want to control me and use me for your own convenience, don't you? That's why you're trying to stall me like this."

"I see. That's one possible interpretation."

"Actually, one more thing, Sakayanagi-san is very conscious of Ayanokouji-kun as a special person, and my presence has become an eyesore..."

Sakayanagi's movement stopped for a moment as Ichinose smiled at her.

This was a rare upset shown by Sakayanagi, who'd always been standing one position above Ichinose at all times.

"I certainly look at him in a special way, but it's not the same as yours."

"I don't know. I think it is, even if you don't realize it."

Ichinose confronted Sakayanagi's denial head-on.

"That's fine. If you insist to that extent, I have nothing more to say. I'll only tell you that I can't help you if you have any regrets in the future."

Sakayanagi concluded, but her caution may have been raised in stages after hearing her intentions. Perhaps it was because she believed that being blindly devoted to love and going on a rampage after falling under that illness was something cute.

But things have begun to change more than I imagined.

The good that is directed inward is the same as before, and the good that is directed outward is completely transformed into evil.

Ichinose's class, which had been sinking, was now strong enough to strike back.

Sakayanagi must have felt it firsthand.

Why do I think so? Because that's exactly what I'm being reminded of right now.

"We're having a victory party at the Keyaki Mall afterward. Can I go back to the dorms now?" Ichinose replied.

"Yes. It would be unwise to keep you any longer, wouldn't it?"

Ichinose waved to me and headed toward the dormitory.

Sakayanagi and I were the only two left behind.

"I never thought I would be re-evaluating Ichinose-san in this way."

Sakayanagi had not seemed to be able to read the changes so far either.

A side effect, or rather a byproduct, of the powerful changes.

"It's a pity, because Ichinose-san, who has earned my trust, would have been an excellent limb for me."

"I'm afraid you've missed the point."

I have been broadening my perspective and making calculations on the big picture in moving human beings, but there are still areas that even I don't understand.

The concept of love has the potential to influence our reason and nature.

This means that unexpected developments could easily occur. It is hard to believe, but it's certainly one of the most mysterious and transcendent feelings.

Is Ichinose Honami a good or bad leader; a good or bad strategist?

This is a different story from those perspectives.

Originally, Ichinose's abilities weren't low.

I remember that her performance in the zodiac test was also excellent.

With her individual ability, she had the potential to resist Horikita, Ryuuen, and Sakayanagi. fгeewёbnoѵel.cσm

Or, depending on the situation, unexpectedly surpass them.

"I had no idea that she had such a hidden ability. But it's the same thing if you let yourself get carried away by that power. The consequences will be disastrous."

"Did you think you could stop it?"

"No. I have no intention of stopping it. The only difference is who destroys her."

Sakayanagi didn't consider Ichinose as an ally.

She would have just used her as a useful pawn and disposed of her when she was finished being a consumable.

"I will visit your room again in the near future."

Sakayanagi, who was also in possession of information on Ichinose, deliberately showed her hand and gave her reply.

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