Chapter 108: 108

I saw the PVC being moved and I grabbed a few into the workshop while Charlotte and my uncle went with me.

I checked the length of the PVC first and the greenhouse and 20 feet is perfect. I decided to make a rail system that hugs the walls of the greenhouse. It would wrap like a snake so I started on marking the spots on the PVC to cut a hole into.

“What are the holes for?” Charlotte asked.

“This is where we would put the cups where the plants will then be placed also. You could transfer some of the seedlings here that are ready.”

My uncle fastened the PVCs first and I grabbed the hole saws and we started on cutting in them with him. We placed it over the PVC and then the circular saw that is angled down started to remove the part where the PVC is marked with.


Chris also came and he helped us to smooth the edges that are cut with Charlotte using a smooth sand paper. We’re cutting three and quarter inches diameter on the PVC so that our four-inch cups could snug in just above the tip. We moved mechanically and we finished the 20 PVCs. We made a simple frame in which we could place them snugly by using thin metal strips fastened on the frame of the greenhouse before the roof starts. We connected them with elbows going at the pattern that I envisioned and I connected a pump in it that would draw the solution from where the existing ones are already in.

“Why is this container black?” Charlotte asked.

“It needs to be UV protected so it doesn’t form algae. It could mess the solution up if that happens but if we ran out of this stuff, we’ll have to use organic fertilizer instead of the chemical ones that I cooked up.” I explained.

I then told her the formula for the solution and I didn’t even get to the half of it and her eyebrows are getting scrunched up more and more.

“Umm, I-I think I’ll stick to the organic solution… I think that is college level…” she replied embarrassingly.

“Oh, don’t worry about that part. I’m just explaining in how it works. What you only need to do is to mix them with exact amounts step by step. You’ll just need to check the PH level of the water by using a Litmos Paper. Also, if we start to use the organic ones, it would need more attention but easily manageable. We just start on using the stuff that we have for now until we ran out then we start on using the organic ones.” I explained the rest of the while my uncle hooked it up and the pump started on drawing water from the tank then through the PVCs that we made.

“So, I’ll just place the plants here after cleaning them?” Charlotte said.

“Yeah, and that’s it. Pretty cool huh?” I said.

“I’m learning something new today, this was just discovered recently right?” she asked.

“Actually no, the Egyptians was discovered to use this system years before. And also, there’s also another way to grow them called aeroponics. It’s more complex though…” I gave another brief lesson.

The two just listened to me and I happily gave them information on how it differs from our current setup and different advantages and disadvantages of using each type. The two had pensive expressions after the lesson while my uncle is busy on cleaning up the place that we worked at.

“You’re like a walking encyclopedia you know that?” Chris chimed in while my uncle laughed.

“Did you guys know that one time he got in trouble for correcting a new student teacher when he was in preschool? This guy here actually memorized the whole book and started correcting every mistake the new student teacher made.” My uncle said.

“Wait, what?!” the two exclaimed as I rubbed my nose.

“Well, he was clearly wrong! What do I do then?” I tried to defend myself.

“His mom was not there at the time so I came in the guidance office and the student teacher was furious telling me that my nephew won’t shut up when he’s teaching the class…” he added.

“What happened then?” the two asked.

“The new teacher said that he kept on interrupting the lesson and he won’t stop speaking so he sent my nephew to the guidance office. The principal there told me the story and I nodded to what they were saying to me but this guy still has a disgruntled expression and he keeps on scratching his head. This guy just recited the whole chapter the student teacher was teaching and the look on that guy’s face is priceless. Long story short, it was a wasted but worth it trip. The principal apologized to me for wasting my time and the student teacher clammed and never spoke a word after.” my uncle said.

The two were helplessly smiling as my uncle concluded the short story.

“You really remember everything?” Charlotte asked.

“Test him, you’ll see.” my uncle said.

“Okay! What do you still remember from the supermarket where you found us?” Charlotte asked.

“Hah! About you? You’re wearing thick make-up that would make a small mushroom cloud if I slapped you that time. You definitely have been crying the whole time since I saw marks on your hands and the side of your eyes that I think is eye-liner. You’re wearing Hi Kitty socks that has ruffles on the top and the tie you wear that time matches the small bracelet you’re wearing now. The shoes that you’re wearing is a few inches high so you could match Chris’ height and you have fake lashes that time too.” I said in a single breath.

“…” Charlotte.

“Damn.” Chris.

“How about me!” Chris was excited.

“You? Hmm, you’re wearing the standard uniform that time and I believe you changed your watch your wearing back then when Allan started on clearing the aisles. I remember you holding a machete with a plastic handle and you’re sitting with her in a mattress eating biscuits. You two went lovey dovey when I probed if Charlotte is really bad-mannered.” I replied.

“Holy shit.” Chris said.

“What do you mean lovey dovey!” Charlotte exclaimed.

“Really? Let me remind you.” I cleared my throat as I try to imitate Charlotte’s and Chris’ voice.

“Take her please~ I’ll go to the camp by myself~ No~ Take him instead~ Please~ I beg of you~” I said while my uncle is hysterically laughing.

“If that isn’t lovey dovey, I don’t know what is. Tell me, you guys done it yet?” my uncle said.

“…!” Charlotte was red in the cheeks.

“…!” Chris as well as he started to look down.

“C’mon unc! What kinda question was that?!” I interjected.

“Hah! Just asking, I hear that the two are in the same room. Use protection alright! They’re at that age now, right?” he instructed the two.

“P-please let’s drop this subject!” Chris exclaimed.

“Hah! Just saying, I had kids when I was young. Never finished highschool and it’s very hard to find a proper job that time.” my uncle said.

The two gave pensive expression when they heard a small reminder.

“Well unc, when Kaley and I tried to wake them up one time, there’s pillows bisecting their beds. No worries there.” I said.

“Oh~ Is that so~ Let’s just say that it’s not bad to be fooling around when you’re young. Just make sure to take responsibility when it happens okay? But for now, just enjoy the little things. You’re young, ask the a.d.u.l.ts some questions you don’t understand and we’ll answer them. Don’t be afraid to ask questions eh?” he concluded.

“T-thanks… I guess?” Chris trailed.

“Hah! Just don’t take some of the words of my uncle to heart. I inherited all of the crazy from this guy.” I said with a smile.

“And that is the best thing to inherit from me, right?!” he exclaimed.

“Of course, of course.” I replied.

I took one more look at our work and I smiled brightly since it’s symmetrical. They headed back to the pool area while I sat down on my spot at the catwalk where Allan, Jenny and Aubrey are. They gave me an upwards nod and Allan spoke.

“Hey man, I’m slowly getting good.” he said.

“He really is.” Jenny said.

“Well that’s good. We can finally start to save on ammo.” I replied.

“HAHAHA!!! That was just mandatory expenses so that I could learn.” he replied.

“Excuse me.” Aubrey said.

“Where are you going?” Jenny asked.

“Bathroom.” she replied as she went towards the houses.

“What was she like?” I asked when she was far from hearing distance.

“Her? She just keeps quiet all the time but she definitely listens to us when we talk and would sometimes start the conversation on her own.” Jenny said as I nodded.

“Anyway, good job as always and continue doing it!” I said as I saw figures coming in towards the fence.

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