Chapter 250 - Cooperation

Lu Chen took that one chance by turning over the blood sample to Xiu Min. It didn’t even take long for them to find out the blood match, which was as he suspected, a person with his information categorized as classified.

Surprisingly, the General took notice of their investigation this time. Especially when they confirmed that someone was using the blood of an ex-soldier for illegal means. It was simply like slapping the faces of everyone in the military.

"Who was the man that was sent to confirm about Sgt. Fang’s death?" The General spoke with his deep commanding voice.

Xiu Min pressed another key showing another profile.

"It was Sgt. Fang’s teammate in the same battalion, Sgt. Zhao."

Yu Shi Huang read out loud the status in his profile, "Deceased?"

"Sgt. Zhao died a few months after Sgt.Fang’s. He was killed in a car accident, as concluded by the police back then."

Lu Chen already realized that there must be something behind their deaths. Suicide and a car accident, their deaths may not look suspicious but with the addition of Albert Chen in the picture, it seems like they’ll have to reopen the case for reinvestigation.

"Were there any records of them being assigned in the borders before?" He asked.

Xiu Min hummed in affirmation as he continued, "Sgt. Fang was stationed before in the borders within his first three years of duty. However, there were no records for Sgt. Zhao getting assigned to the border control at all."

"Then Sgt. Zhao must have been bribed to cover up the truth behind Sgt. Fang’s death." Lu Chen stated.

"Bribing lower military officials such as him is often easily overlooked by the military police. Alpha Battalion Capt. Xiu, do a thorough investigation of Sgt. Zhao’s activities within and outside the military. It’s highly possible that if he did receive bribes, it won’t definitely be on his bank records. Check anyone in his relatives who received suspicious money transfers or any assets that could be used as an exchange."

"Lt. Gen.Yu, I assign you to oversee the entire investigation about Sgt.Fang and Sgt. Zhao’s deaths."

General Qu glanced at Lu Chen, who introduced himself as the leader of the most notorious place on earth. He didn’t want to cooperate with this kind of man, and it is true that they should be arresting this person immediately however, he also has his own beliefs.

Beliefs that there is a certain balance between the authority of the military and the authority in the underground world and black market. He knew very well how words that place is, but he couldn’t deny the fact that it’s been already almost five decades ever since those dangerous people wreaked havoc outside. And meeting the man who is currently suppressing those dangerous organizations from going out of control, he definitely has hidden respect for him.

And also knowing how famous his name is in the business world, General Qu knew that he was someone that couldn’t be trifled with.

For this man to confidently walk inside the military, that alone is something to be amazed in.

Oh, but he’s still an enemy in his eyes. But knowing that this guy was now related to the Yu and Xiu family, he wasn’t exactly sure to feel about that matter.

Well, it’s the last thing that he needs to be concerned about given that they need to cooperate with this man for their investigation in this matter. They don’t need exactly need the assistance, but if it’s going to be easier to finish the case with their cooperation.

After all, he couldn’t overlook the fact that someone was trying to use their authority as a soldier for illegal means. The prestige, moral, and name of the military is the most important thing he upholds above anything.

That same night, a man was caught within the grounds of the Legion. He attempted to sneak in and mix in with the other members of Lu Chen’s organization, but what he didn’t know was that all the people within that place were trained to remember the faces of each member as their protocol, and all new recruits have a protocol they’ll need to follow so the other old members could identify them as new recruits.

So as soon as the man passed through the doors, he was instantly caught. They immediately put something in his mouth, to prevent him from biting the poison hidden under his tongue and immediately brought him for questioning.

Compared to Ying Wan Wan’s style of questioning, they were definitely more vicious and merciless.

"You’re a tough lad." One of the legion members commented as he stabbed deep on the man’s t.h.i.g.hs. The man immediately g.r.o.a.n.e.d in pain, his cloth stained with blood and pooling underneath his feet.

"I wonder if you’re internal organs could be reused and resold in the market? Isn’t that what the civilians say, you know, save mother earth by recycling? Since we’re cleaning up this trash, we can recycle his organs and give it to those who need them better." Another one chimed in who was holding some kind of dental pliers. Beside him was a tray with three bloody teeth taken from the man they tied up.

"Then what about the blood? Should we take a bag or two? Hey!" They kicked the leg of the man who whimpered in pain. "Speak up! Tell us your blood type! We’ll make sure to save every drop of your blood."

The man tied up with the chains, being beaten and tortured mercilessly to death by these people was almost hysterical. His mind was collapsing in fear after being tormented in different ways. He was whipped, stabbed, his tooth pulled out one by one, stabbed with needles, drowned with water, even the chains that they used have sharp needles that would tighten every time he tries to pull on it a little bit. He was currently standing on hot coal, his feet almost numb from the heat and burn he felt hours ago.

"I...I....." The man could barely make coherent words with his muddled mind.

"Aw... going to speak up now? When we haven’t had enough fun yet?"

"Stupid. Just go torture the next idiot that would try to trespass again. You! Continue what you’re saying!"

"K-Kill...I--to kill W-Wan.... Wan Wan..." The man said with difficulty.

"Wan Wan? Do we have a newbie with that name?"

"Idiot. That’s the name of one of our prisoners in the dungeon. The one Si Tu Yi was complaining to Ming Xuan the other day."

"....Really? Then can I play with that person instead?"

"Do you wanna get killed by Si Tu Yi? Besides, I heard that the head was the one who ordered them to keep that person alive. And I think that was the same person that the female soldier brought in if I’m not mistaken."

"F.u.c.k! I was only gone for one month and now I don’t understand what you’re all saying. It seems like I’m missing a lot of things?!"

"Let’s talk about that later. Since you love playing so much, I’ll hand that person to you to finish up." The man put down his pliers and walked out of the torture room without waiting for his other colleague to speak.

The man with the dagger shrugged and looked at the chained-up trespasser with a fierce and cold gaze.

"Let’s move on to the next question. Who sent you?" He slid the blunt side of the dagger on the man’s neck as he continued questioning him.

"X-Xiu S-Su Yi..." The man’s voice trembled. "P-Please spa..spare me..." The man continued to plead as he felt another needle stab on his skin.

The other man just simply scoffed. Just a lousy trespasser dared to beg for his life in front of him?

"Well, since you answered all our questions. I’ll set you free." The man said as he put down the needle in his hand.

The chained man’s eyes brightened a little, but before he could open his mouth, the other man swiftly swung his dagger on the man’s neck killing the man instantly. He ignored the splattered blood on his clothes, threw away the dagger, and walked away with nonchalance.

He walked over to one of his superiors, Ming Xuan, and reported the information that the dead man said to them.

Ming Xuan didn’t seem surprised. "Good work." He simply stated before walking away.

He immediately informed Lu Chen about the investigation progress on their side and that Xiu Su Yi sent someone to dispose of Ying Wan Wan.

"Tighten the guards around the woman. The military wants us to hand her over to them." Lu Chen replied.

"...Are you sure?"

Ming Xuan recalled the poor state of the woman they left her in. Won’t their leader be arrested for beating a civilian?

"Just hand her over." Lu Chen repeated before hanging up the call.

Ming Xuan stared bewilderedly at his phone.

So... are they going to war against the military next ah?

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