Chapter 258 - Wife is Pregnant!

"It’s a slippery pulse." Tang Li said out of the blue while his fingers pressed upon Xiu Mei’s wrist.

Instantly, the room fell into a silence that only the sound of the humidifier could be heard within.

Xiu Mei stiffened at Tang Li’s sudden diagnosis, while Lu Chen’s knitted eyebrows loosened as he froze, stupified at the words he heard.

Xiu Mei was the first to get over her shock as she quickly retracted her hand and held it to her c.h.e.s.t.

"That’s impossible!" Her brain was malfunctioning from shock and before she could even understand her words, it already escaped from her mouth.

Tang Li’s eyebrows raised as if he couldn’t understand why she thought it was impossible for her to get pregnant.

Xiu Mei immediately rephrased her words, "I mean, isn’t that too early to say?"

She bit on her inner cheek while waiting for the doctor’s response. In her mind, she was stupefied beyond belief.

Fudge! Did they really belong to that 2% ah!? That 98% effectiveness of using a c.o.n.d.o.m, were they really so unlucky to fall within the 2% possibility of getting pregnant?!

Xiu Mei was furious as her eyes fell to where they kept those colorful boxes.

Bad review! One star!!

She resolutely decided to add that brand to her blacklist and switch to a different brand next time.

Tang Li put a hand on his chin while looking like he was pondering about it too, "Indeed. Your slippery pulse is still light and it was a bit difficult to read. Most probably you’re still in the earliest stage of your pregnancy. I guess that would be around 3 to 4 weeks?"

Then he turned to the frozen giant ice cube who was still in disbelief, "I don’t have any pregnancy test kit prepared so you’d have to go buy one if you want immediate results. Still, just to make sure, I’d take your blood for testing to confirm if you’re really pregnant."

Xiu Mei understood his words. "So that means there’s a possibility that I’m not pregnant?"

"There’s a very small possibility. But based on reading your pulse and your symptoms, I’m more than 80% positive that you’re pregnant."



As soon as Tang Li finished drawing her blood, he prescribed her some fever medicine that’s recommended to use for pregnant women. Then he added the nutritional supplements and other stuff that they need to be careful with because she’s still in her early stages of pregnancy.

Even when their doctor already left the room, Lu Chen was still standing like a statue beside her bed. However, Xiu Mei was focused on her stomach instead of worrying about his stunned husband.

She lowered her head, staring at her stomach in wonder and amazement as she couldn’t believe that there was now a life growing inside her stomach. She carefully and slowly placed her trembling hand on her stomach, scared to put any pressure on it at all.

Xiu Mei felt marvelous after touching her stomach. She couldn’t find any signs of any life growing in there, and if it weren’t for Tang Li’s diagnosis, she wouldn’t believe that her symptoms were actually pointing towards pregnancy.

But now that Tang Li said that it’s almost positive that she’s pregnant then....

While she looked dazed while touching her stomach, a big and warm hand suddenly covered hers. Like her, he gently touched her hand without putting any pressure on it and only lightly stroked her fingers.

She raised her head and instantly met Lu Chen’s gaze. There was no trace of worry and anger that she saw an hour ago. Instead, it was replaced by the small smile on his lips, and his gentle gaze on her as if he was prepared to dote and pamper her for the rest of her life.

"Scared?" His voice has never sounded so soft and gentle until now.

"A bit."

’A bit’ was actually cutting it too lightly but she didn’t want Lu Chen to put too much pressure on Lu Chen.

If it were others, they would have surely jumped in joy after learning the fact that they’re pregnant with their lover’s child. However, Xiu Mei felt nervous and worried at first.

Their current situation is too dangerous, considering that her life had been put in danger multiple times. Before she only has herself to worry about if something happens but now, she has to be even more careful because of the little one she was carrying.

Being pregnant puts her in even more danger than it already was, so Xiu Mei didn’t have time to celebrate at all. All she wanted to do was to protect this little seedling so their enemies wouldn’t take advantage of her current situation.

Xiu Mei was confused about what to feel exactly in this situation.

It wasn’t in her plan to get pregnant this early, and now she had another life to protect again.

Lu Chen didn’t need to ask her what she was thinking about because just looking at her face alone, it was already crystal clear for him what her thoughts were at the moment.

He pulled her into his embrace and buried her head in his c.h.e.s.t while stroking her hair.

"I’m sorry, I know you’re not prepared for this yet." He whispered in her ears. In an instant, he took all the blame so that Xiu Mei wouldn’t blame herself for putting herself in this situation while they are in the middle of uncovering something dangerous.

"It’s not your fault." Xiu Mei retorted. "No one’s at fault at all. And don’t apologize, because it’s making me feel as if we did something wrong by having this child when it’s not."

Lu Chen chuckled inside while dropping a kiss on his wife’s cheek.

"Okay. I won’t say anything anymore."


The two parted again while Lu Chen’s hand now laid directly on her stomach.

His wife’s stomach was so small and flat that Lu Chen could hardly believe that he and Xiu Mei were now having their own little one. That in the next few months, there would be another addition in their small family of three.

"I hope it’s a girl..." Lu Chen randomly mumbled softly but Xiu Mei heard him.

"You don’t want a boy?"

Was it because they already have Lu Qiang?

Lu Chen nodded. "We already have a stinky brat that always steals you away from me. And boys are typically naughty so a daughter would be better."

Xiu Mei raised her eyebrow. Doesn’t he know that daughters are what they call their father’s little lover?

"I don’t mind if it’s a daughter or a son. I’m just worried if there’s two of them instead of just one ah."

Lu Chen looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"My older brothers are twins. So you know, there might be a possibility that you’ll have to feed two more mouths instead of just one."

Finally understanding it, the two of them laughed.

"Well, my wife. You won’t have to worry about that because we have enough money to feed an entire basketball team, pay for college, and even betrothal gifts ah."


Who’s going to have that many children with you ah? Does he think it’s that easy to carry and give birth ah?

Xiu Mei wanted to smack his head.

"Oh, let’s keep it first from the kid."

"Hm? From little Qiang? Why?"

Xiu Mei was pretty sure that Lu Qiang would definitely be delighted to know that he’s going to have siblings. After all, he once told her that he wanted to have a little sibling before.

Is he probably worried that Lu Qiang would sulk and be jealous?

After all, Lu Qiang knows that Lu Chen is actually his biological uncle and not his father. So was he worried that the child was going to think that now the two of them are going to have their own biological children, he’s worried that Lu Qiang might feel sad and jealous?

But Xiu Mei proved to be overthinking Lu Chen’s intentions when she heard his answer.

"Just to get back at him for messing up with me the other night when he tried to hack my laptop."



"Anyways, don’t tell him yet. Let him be surprised and discover it on his own."

"Chenchen, are you seriously being mean to your son?" Her voice slightly raised this time.

Gosh, what kind of father he is ah. Is he seriously asking her to keep him from knowing something this important because of some childish revenge?

Lu Chen immediately sensed his wife’s mood immediately removed his hand on her stomach and quickly tried to run away.

"I’ll go buy the pregnancy test now." He pecked her on the lips then he reminded her again.

"Don’t tell him for me, okay? Just this once."

He was hell-bent on messing with Lu Qiang that he completely forgot who assisted him last night during his romantic dinner surprise.

Then he was gone.


Tsk, fine.

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