Chapter 282 - Vet Visit


The war between the father and son didn’t cease even after the night passed. The wife was still ignoring her husband as punishment, the husband is busy chasing after his wife, and the son stuck like a gum to his mother while looking smug.

Luckily it was a weekend, so Xiu Mei didn’t need to wake up too early to start preparing breakfast. She only prepared a basic western breakfast for today, making do with what available ingredients they have in the fridge.​​

No work during weekends doesn’t exist in Lu Chen’s calendar, so after eating his breakfast and trying to get touchy with his wife, he left to head to the headquarters again. Lu Qiang was also quite busy for the weekend.

After getting assured by her son that he was fine and he could attend his training for the day, Lu Qiang left the villa and headed towards the training center leaving Xiu Mei all alone again.

She sat on the sofa, lifted her eyes and ran it across the open space before glancing back at the wide flat screen television.

After contemplating for a short while, she stood up to unpack the other stuff left in the boxes that Lu Chen and Lu Qiang left yesterday morning.

She put them away carefully after wiping them with cloth, then pressed the boxes before storing them for future reuse. She was still putting away the unused boxes inside the storage room when she heard a whimper behind her.

"Lucia?" Xiu Mei almost jumped in surprise seeing the tiger inside the mansion. Before she could even wonder how the tiger got inside the mansion, Lucia bit onto the hem of her shorts, trying to drag her to a specific direction while whimpering.

She followed her outside, then they walked at the back of the garden and stopped before the sleeping King, Lu Qiang’s pet lion.

Lucia pulled her hem for the second time towards the said lion and immediately understood that there must be something wrong with King.

She knelt and patted King’s face lightly. He didn’t open his eyes but he g.r.o.a.n.e.d softly. Xiu Mei still couldn’t understand what was wrong when Lucia walked over and licked King’s hind leg.

She stretched her hand and carefully moved the leg the tiger licked. This time, the lion’s entire body shuddered and King cried out a bit louder than normal.

Xiu Mei suddenly had a dilemma. She needs to bring King to the vet... but I wonder if they do check-ups for lion there? And would they even let her inside the clinic if she brings this big lion in there? Wait, no. Rather than that, how would she even lift this big lion and bring him to the car?

King hurt his feet, meaning he can’t walk. It’s not like Lucia can carry him, even more so her. It would be too impossible for a tigress and a pregnant woman to move the immobilized lion to her car.

Xiu Mei thought for a moment.

....Does she call Tang Li? But he’s a human doctor ah, not a veterinarian.

.....then she would contact Lu Chen.

She dialed his number quickly. Luckily, she was able to contact him quickly as the call connected immediately.

"Hello, wife. Did you miss me?" He said brazenly as soon as he received the call.

Xiu Mei almost choked at his remark, then remembered that she was still angry at him so she directly ignored his comment and went straight to the point.

"King seems to be injured, but I can’t carry him to the car. I don’t even know if I should call Dr.Tang or a different person. What do I do?" It’s not like she even knows their current address to call for a home call service for veterinarian.

"I’ll send someone. What happened to King?" Lu Chen wrote down a few words on a sticky pad and passed it to Lu Shao who was coincidentally within his office at the moment.

Xiu Mei got even more worried seeing King being uncomfortable."I don’t know. Lucia suddenly popped out of nowhere then dragged me here. I found King already like this."

"How does he look like at the moment? Is his situation so bad?"

"No, I don’t think he’s bleeding." Xiu Mei touched his painful hind leg. "Maybe he sprained his foot or something."

"Okay, don’t move him. Lu Shao will send someone there to take a look."


An hour later, Lu Shao came with a veterinarian. It was an older man that she didn’t know at all before, but Xiu Mei felt strange when the man smiled while they shook hands.

She guided them towards the garden, then the older man started his check up on King while she and Lu Shao stood on the sidelines, waiting for his diagnosis.

Xiu Mei’s focus was on the lion, while Lucia laid beside her feet and was also watching closely at the human beside her lion companion. After looking at then for a little longer, Xiu Mei still couldn’t shrug off that weird feeling.

She was very sure that she didn’t know this man ah. But why does she seem familiar?

Maybe she saw him in the so-called forest ’zoo’ they went to back then?

Xiu Mei tried to recall that memory but she really couldn’t remember seeing him there. She couldn’t even ask Lu Shao right now since the older man could hear them. So she silently kept her thoughts for herself while seriously contemplating and trying to understand why she was feeling strange around this man.


Half an hour later, after making sure that King is properly bandaged up and after advising her on what they need to do afterward, the veterinian started packing up. She guided them back to the gate, and she thanked him once again for suddenly calling him out.

The man smiled again, and this time, Xiu Mei saw that gold teeth almost hidden at the edge of his lips. Her eyes lowered her eyes and watched that older man walk back to the car, noticing his strange style of walking.

Instantly, it clicked in her mind where she saw the man.

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