Cosmic Peak

Chapter 56 - Last Three Challenges-2, Testing.


-Type: Demonic Being

-Rank: Supreme-4 (Weakened)

-Health: [56,500/56,000]

-Defense: Physical [1000] Soul [300] Energy [600].

-Attack: Physical [1100] Fire [2500].

-Speed: 80 meters per second normally.

-Skills: <Underworld Claws>, <Demonic Charge>, <Underworld Whips>.

-Abilities: <Yakun's Blessing>, <Unseen Hellfire>

-Note 1: Strong against negative, flame-type energies. Weak against positive, ice-related, nature-related energies.

-Note 2: Highly offensive being but not much to his defense.

Seeing such details, Aren nodded, 'It looks like my eyes are giving more details now that they upgraded.'

He then activated Ivy Aura buff and attacked Aranguala with <Wind Slash>.

'Its speed is high, but I am faster if I fly on my sword. However, its offense is a bit of trouble. If I got hit by any of his skills, I'm dead meat,' Aren thought as he stood his sword while his two <Wind Slash> enhanced with Icy Aura hit [Aranguala] before two numbers floated.



Right after the <Wind Slash> hit Aranguala, green roots produced Aranguala's body, where the wind slash hit and bound him to the ground. But only for one second.

'So this Ivy Aura buff can create vines to bind the target, and his defense is indeed weak if even <Wind Slash> can do this much damage. Hmm...I just need to be careful not to get hit by his skills or ability, and I can kill him slowly, ' Aren thought as he dodged another charge of Auranguala while flying on his sword.

He wished he could get details of those skills, but that would be asking for too much.

'Ouch...' Aren felt pain as his skin started to burn.


[You have received a debuff: Heal Reduction. Your health recovery from various factors will decrease by a certain amount]

Aren looked at his health and was shocked.

Health: [1450/1500]

'But I was not hit by anything...Wait, that [Unseen Hellfire] ability could be the culprit behind this damage,' Aren thought with a dark face as he continued attacking Aranguala with his chakram.

While flying on the sword, he controlled the chakram to attack Aranguala physically.



His Articule gears dealt more damage than his skills for obvious reasons.


[ Heal Reduction II ]

Every five seconds, Aren felt a burning sensation on his skin that irritated him and caused him burning pain.

But in those five seconds, he was fully focused on battling and didn't let himself get hit by any of Aranguala's skills.

Both of them battled for a while as both of their health continued to decrease.

'I have to finish him off as soon as possible since it's gradually decreasing my health recovery from potions.' Aren thought as he drank a [Health Potion] that recovered 150 of his health.


-Health: [23,750/56,000]

Aranguala had two flame whips on his hand, and he also sometimes conjured flamy claws and attacked Aren.

Aren narrowly dodged all attacks, but the invisible Hellfire still damaged him.

'FASTER!' Aren internally screamed as he dodged various attacks of Aranguala while feeling burning on his skin.



Both chakrams flew towards the Aranguala, who was floating in the sky while activating something, but Aren was determined to kill him before that happened as

<Hyper charge>

Aren activated <Hyper charge> on both chakrams, consuming 50 Armalist Force.



But right after attacking with his chakrams, he had jumped from his sword and sent it to attack Aranguala as well, with <Heavy Strike> skill. Because he noticed that his sword dealt more damage with <Heavy Strike> skill.

The heavy broad sword arrived in front of Aranguala's head before slashing down vertically with great power.


This damage can be considered high since Ikaros was not as strong as Oberon and Novas.

[Demonic Envoy, Aranguala killed. 4000 EXP gained. ]

[You have leveled up.]

[Five stat points gained.]

Aren drank one more [Heath potion] and healed himself fully, 'Phew...It's good that I already experience hellish pain thrice which made this burning pain pale in comparison and I could focus on battle.'

First time when he used his cursed ability one time [Painful Glory], the second time when he implemented Astral-X eyes, and the third when he upgraded his eyes.

He then distributed all stat points to his constitution and agility because he realized that putting them in his strength was useless right now. He tried adding stat points to his soul but it didn't work and he didn't know why, for now. But he planned to find out about it after going out.

As for why strength was useless right now...Well, those stats reflected the status of his body.

Strength reflected his physical body's strength, and he was not using his physical body to attack during battle.

Agility was beneficial since it increased his senses and reaction speed as well as his physical body's speed.

All damage came from his skills that required spirit energy, and the damage of those skills was scaled off from the potency of his spirit energy and how well he used it. At least, this was the case with energy-based long-range skills like <Wind Slash>.

All damage from his gears came from the gears' stats, not his body. Increasing his body strength didn't increase the damage of those weapons, especially because he was not wielding them with his hands but controlling them mentally.

Still, he felt that even if he wielded those weapons with his hands, their damage wouldn't increase that much unless he used a skill that scaled off from his body's physical strength.

'I need to check...,' Aren thought as he arrived in front of a wall in this temple.

He focused on the wall and got its information.

[Temple Wall]

-Defense: Physical [200].

-Durability: [5000/5000].

He first grabbed his Ikaros and hit the wall while exerting his physical strength to full.


The wall was destroyed as a hole appeared in it. He then went to another wall part.

[Temple Wall]

-Defense: Physical [200].

-Durability: [5000/5000].

He again swung the sword with his hand towards the wall, but he also used <Heavy Strike> skill this time.



<Heavy Strike>

-Skill Level: 2 (Max: 5)

-Skill Rank: B

-Cost: 20 Spirit Energy.

-Effect: Superimpose spirit energy and condense it to release a powerful strike from either your body part or a weapon.

Aren had noticed some time ago that this skill would increase in strength when released through his body, according to his STR stat.

'An increase of 940 damage. Hmmm...,' Aren thought before he went to another wall part.

[Temple Wall]

-Defense: Physical [200].

-Durability: [5000/5000].

This time, he controlled the sword mentally and kept it one meter away from the wall before hitting the wall.


Afterward, he once again attacked the wall by controlling his sword, and this time, he used <Heavy Strike> skill.


'An increase of only 460 damage if I use <Heavy Strike> while controlling the sword. Anyway, this makes it clear that my STR stat only works if I attack with my body and wield weapons with my hand,' Aren thought before he went to another wall since he wanted to try one more thing.

'The speed of my gears is very fast at max, and hitting the wall with the sword at fast speed might surpass the damage of my physical strength due to the kinetic energy.'

As for chakrams? They were not ideal for this kinetic transfer method. The chakrams would deal more damage since Aren would let them fly around the target while spinning their blady edges for greater damage. With chakrams, he could deal continuous damage to the target.

The sword was also not an ideal weapon for this method either, but he still wanted to try.

Thinking of that, Aren controlled his sword and let it go three hundred meters outside of the temple through the hole he had just created in the first wall.

'Hmmm, so my current control range is three hundred meters. Once the gears go out of three hundred meters from me, I can't control them. Anyway, it should reach Mach 1 and break the sound barrier after traveling for two hundred meters.'

Thinking of that, Aren controlled his sword to come towards the temple and hit the wall in front of the destroyed wall inside the temple.

'Since it's a sword and flying with its point head, It will not gather the ideal kinetic that its mass should possess with that speed. Still, its damage might surpass my physical strength.'

The sword started flying, and after flying for two hundred meters, it indeed broke the sound barrier with a boom.

The sword flew into the hole of the wall before entering the temple and hitting the wall on the front side.



After testing, Aren narrowed his eyes and thought, 'It dealt this much damage even though it was a sword, and I didn't even use <Heavy Strike>...huuu, If I can get a very heavy and blunt weapon, then it's damage...I can't let this benefit go to waste. I need a weapon that can transfer maximum kinetic energy.'

Aren couldn't help but get slightly excited over this prospect that will prove to be very useful in his journey.

'However, I can't find such a weapon right now. I also need to work on that Idea I got while roaming the city and custom-order a piece of equipment after going out since that equipment will let me fly better after making it into my Articule Gear,' Aren thought as he left the temple.

After leaving the temple, a blood path appeared over the pond that led to the other side of his dark place.

He walked on it without hesitation and saw a misty gate before entering through it.

At the side, He directly arrived in a huge garden with bloody flowers everywhere and a statue of Yakun at the end.

[ Defeat the Yakun's disciple, Unrakka.]

"A human? hehe, it looks like I'll get to eat something delicious after a long time."

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