Crimson Overlord

Chapter 249 You Should Have Desired More

She should have considered this as soon as she discovered it was the Camus family. There was that scumbag she wretched, she had not felt her presence until now, so naturally it was simply because he had become the host to the black light.

"So, it's you..."

Nemesis's low volume entered everyone's ears. The monster also slowly reined in its dark origin.

'He knows who I am?'

Klaus said nothing although his scaly face twitched in nervousness.

"Y-you know who that thing is?"

Klaus felt a strange sense of unease when Nemesis said that.

Elliot's curiosity got the better of him.

''Nemesis, who is that?"


Nemesis turned around with a surprised look. She then dropped the bomb on Elliot and everyone else. It was quite shocking what she dropped as none of them seemed to have been expecting this.

"You can't recognize your own younger brother after he turned into a monster?"

"My brother?"

Elliot balled his palms into fists, and his unease intensified.

"You're saying... that thing's Klaus Camus my brother?"


Nemesis shrugged.

"Go ask that thing."

Klaus didn't take kindly to Nemesis's dismissive attitude. His dark origin exploded once more.


Klaus lashed out with his claws.


The space shook as Klaus unleashed claw beams filled to the brim with corruption and corrosive powers. The claw beams expanded rapidly like an expanding field of dark lightning.

As the claw beams gouged the ground, everyone watched as the claw beams got close to Nemesis.

Those claw beams were highly-packed dense energy attacks. Elliot and the other level 6 origin masters around him could feel a power that could split the sea and cut mountains in two.

Klaus, utterly unrepentant, wiped the blood away from his mouth as he snickered.

"Well, it's okay. I should be fine after eating a few more humans. With this kind of power, I can do whatever I want..."

Then, somebody replied.


A nonchalant voice came from within the storm of dark claw beams and dust.

"This level of power, and you're already satisfied? You should have desired more, boy."

The others looked at the spot where it was raining claw beams just a moment ago. Strangely enough, the claw beams stopped as if they were met with an indomitable wall.

Slowly but surely, the beams were pushed back as Nemesis revealed herself. Her heterochromia eyes were still as a lake's surface. She looked at the petrified Klaus and she sneered.

"If this is the power you are gloating over, boy, have I got news for you..."

She clenched down on the claw beam she was holding off.


The claw beams around her burst under his sheer strength.

She extinguished the beams and dispersed them in bits of dark light.

Aside from her slightly disheveled robe, she came out without a scratch.

"I hope you're ready to get whooped..."


Klaus watched as his proud attacks failed to do anything. His opponent thwarted him easily. He was at a complete loss.

"Yo-you've got to be kidding me, that was my full-power attack."


Elliot clenched his fists tighter.

"Is this her current power?"

The other origin masters around him dared to say nothing.

They exchanged a look with each other and they looked down with bitter smiles. They knew they could defend against Klaus's all-out attack, however, they were also humble enough to know they wouldn't have been able to come out on top looking so suave even if they worked together.

If they were by themselves.

The eight origin masters shook their heads with even bitter smiles. The youngest among them is 40 years old.

Meanwhile, that guy looked like she was still in her 20s.

She is so young, yet, she's this strong?

Could it be? Is Nemesis a level 4 origin master?

Nobody wanted to imagine that scenario. However, their instincts told them that was the only explanation.

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