Cultivate, Sign In, And Be Rewarded Handsomely

Chapter 769 - 769: Rift Ravine Natural Danger (2)

Chapter 769: Rift Ravine Natural Danger (2)

Translator: 549690339

Li Yuanqing ignored him. Instead, he closed his eyes and slowly sensed the situation in front of him. After a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes. This place was indeed as he had sensed earlier.

This was the opening in the opponent’s array formation.

It was unknown where the people of the Divine Fire Sect had gotten their hands on a powerful protective array that divided the entire sect into seven sections, each of which relied on each other.

If any area was attacked or invaded by enemies, the power from other places would flow over and form a certain protective effect.

The advantage of this formation was that it could form the strongest protective effect with the smallest amount of power. It was also a very clever method.

Generally speaking, only people with some ability could design such an exquisite array.

However, if their array formation was completely spread out, Li Yuanqing would probably really have to retreat a little.

But now, they did not have that much time to spread out. Instead, they left a huge gap.

The main entrance in front of them was naturally well decorated.

However, the two pieces behind his butt had very obvious energy holes.

They had probably spent a lot of effort to set up this array formation in a hurry. It would be a luxury if they wanted to complete it.

Li Yuanqing nodded in satisfaction. The only obstacle he had now was the ravine in front of him.

Although this natural barrier looked a little scary, in Li Yuanqing’s opinion, it was not impossible to cross.

This place was very attractive to Li Yuanqing. The Divine Fire Sect’s large-scale collection of materials was defeated outside. It was so sudden that they definitely did not have time to move.

On the other hand, he had to find Master Wuyan to help him find these materials. Otherwise, it would be difficult to collect them all in a short period of time.

With these two conditions, Li Yuanqing’s motive was sufficient.

Li Yuanqing suddenly opened his arms, and a pair of wings suddenly stretched out from his back. It slowly grew until it was more than a hundred feet long before it slowly stopped.

Li Yuanqing flapped his wings, and a gust of wind came out of nowhere, almost blowing the titmouse away.

“Venerable!” The titmouse struggled to steady herself on the ground and shouted. Li Yuanqing said,” Venerable One, you can go on your own. I still have some matters to attend to, so I’ll take my leave first. Farewell!””

Just as the titmouse was about to escape, Li Yuanqing suddenly turned around and glared at him coldly, scaring him half to death.

He hurriedly looked left and right, but he could not see a single person in the sky.

After Li Yuanqing came over, he immediately summoned the source image back.

The moment the huge Dharma Idol disappeared, the wind below was completely unrestrained. Without any explanation, it let out a powerful roar and swept upwards.

In front of the two of them, the black wind turned into a chaotic demon king. Its pitch-black body waved a huge black axe and continuously roared.

However, no matter how much he roared, his axe could only reach the edge of the canyon. If he wanted to go out, he would be blown away by the wind, leaving nothing behind.

This black devil king was so powerful that it scared the titmouse quite a bit.

Fortunately, that seemingly destructive attack did not hit the two of them in the end, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

He looked at Li Yuanqing with reverence. Just a moment ago, he thought that Li Yunqing was just an ordinary guy.

But now, Li Yuanqing’s image in his heart had risen to a whole new level.

This was simply a god-like existence. Why would such a mighty figure be so low-key? It was really puzzling.

“Supremacy Zhao!” The titmouse’s legs suddenly gave way and she knelt down in front of Li Yuanqing.

“What are you doing?”

“Supremacy, please calm down. 1 was confused for a moment. 1 didn’t expect a Supremacy to have such powerful strength. If 1 had said it earlier, I wouldn’t have been so frightened.”

“I already told you not to panic. How can you blame me for pretending like that?”

Li Yunqing’s words really did not have the intention of blaming him, which frightened the titmouse quite a bit.

The titmouse hurriedly explained,” Venerable One, please calm down. 1 was blind and did not see the Venerable One’s powerful strength. I was short-sighted.””

“Enough.” Li Yunqing waved his hand and interrupted all his polite words.” Cut the crap. We still have things to do later. Follow closely later. Don’t lose it. If you take a wrong step, you’ll be consigned to eternal damnation, understand?”

“Venerable One, don’t worry. Little Sister will definitely follow Venerable One closely and won’t move even half a step!”

Li Yunqing glanced at him and finally said,””You better be.”

After he finished speaking, he flashed and entered a dense bush in the dense forest ahead.

“Venerable, be careful! There were many arrays here. If one was not careful, they would probably step into a trap!”

The titmouse was still warning him from behind and hurriedly followed..

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