Several days passed and the scene in Rock Mountain City had completely changed.

Just as Jiang Wan Li said he would do, the walls that separated the noble district and the common district in Rock Mountain City were torn down and everyone was free to move between them.

Of course, the nobles and royals didn't take too kindly to this, so they used their own guards to keep out most of the commoners.

But they couldn't keep them all out since the Jiang Family set up special access areas where the guards of these families were kept out.

Even with those areas set up, naturally there were people in the Jiang Family who opposed this new system and secretly went against it, keeping the common folk outside of the noble area of town. Of course, those that were caught by those assigned with watching over them by Jiang Wan Li were punished, but currently there were more who supported the side of segregation compared to those that supported unification. It was very easy for these people to escape punishment.

But this was a system that was still quite early in its development, having only been implemented for a few days, so it was far from being perfect.

Aside from all of this, Lin Fan's shop had been functioning normally during these days.

Rather than operating as normal, Lin Fan's shop had been much more popular during these days.

There were many nobles and royals among those that had attended the Jiang Family's wedding, among them were a few of Lin Fan's customers.

With the performance that Lin Fan had put on at the wedding, naturally there were plenty of people who were curious about him. Curiosity was a powerful force and it quickly spread through all the royals and nobles in the city.

There was nothing that could truly be kept secret in this world, so they easily found Lin Fan's store.

As soon as they realized what kind of training Lin Fan's store offered, they all began sending their subordinates to line up outside Lin Fan's store trying to get one of the few training spots.

Other than this, there were also families that had pill businesses where they hired alchemists. After bringing the alchemists from their families to the store, they found out just how special Lin Fan's pet food was. It only took ten minutes for all of it to be sold out that day.

Just like this, even without help from the Jiang Family, Lin Fan's business slowly grew. It turned the street it was on from a street that no one passed through to a street that was almost as popular as the main shopping street.

It wouldn't be long before Lin Fan would be able to finish his mission.

But that was a story for another day.

After several days had passed since the incident, Jiang Qi Tai finally came to the store to look for Jiang Zhi Shu.

Since there was no longer a need for Jiang Zhi Shu to hide from the Jiang Family, he began working in Lin Fan's store full time along with Yuan Xiang Qin.

If it had been the old Lin Fan, he definitely would have chased them out and cursed them as normies, but now he just felt happy seeing this young couple. He completely forgot that they were technically both older than him.

The only times he wished they would tune it down is when Song Shu was around and they were still flirting. He still firmly believed that she was too young for all of this, even though she secretly peeked at them from time to time.

But back to Jiang Qi Tai, it had taken him several days to finally recover from the wedding.

Not only did his soul suffer from having the Beast King's soul fragment being ripped out from it, it had been his body that had suffered from fighting Lin Fan and Jiang Wan Li combined. Even if he had the law of murder protecting him, his body had still suffered quite heavy injuries.

It was only today that he had been able to get out of bed and come visit.

The timing that Jiang Qi Tai chose was in the afternoon, when there was the least amount of business.

There were still a few people who were still walking around the store, but there wasn't anyone that currently needed service, so all the staff were lazing around.

But the moment Jiang Qi Tai came in, they all turned to look at him.

Jiang Qi Tai looked around the store before his eyes fell onto Jiang Zhi Shu who was looking right at him. Without any hesitation, he headed right towards Jiang Zhi Shu.

But surprisingly, there was someone who was following him.

It was someone that Lin Fan actually recognized, it was Liu Mei from the Seekers Union.

Based on the way she was following him, it didn't seem like they had a normal relationship.

When the two of them came over, Jiang Zhi Shu and Yuan Xiang Qin had stopped flirting with each other and were standing there facing him.

Neither side said a thing as they stood there, but there was a slight bit of hostility in the air.

The hostility didn't come from the two Jiang brothers, rather it only came from a certain person. It came from Liu Mei and was completely directed at Yuan Xiang Qin.

It seemed like the story between the four of them wasn't simple.

Jiang Qi Tai was finally the one who broke the silence by saying, "Can we talk?"

Jiang Zhi Shu looked at him for a few seconds before giving a nod, "Talk then."

Jiang Qi Tai didn't move at all, he just said, "I'm sorry."

Jiang Zhi Shu kept looking at him as he said, "Is that all you have to say?"

Jiang Qi Tai looked into his eyes and after a few seconds, he turned to Yuan Xiang Qin, "I loved you."

Yuan Xiang Qin was surprised to hear this, but then she gave a nod and nothing else.

It was clear what Jiang Qi Tai had meant by that. He had used the word "loved" instead of "love".

What had happened before was all a part of the past and now they were heading to the future.

Jiang Zhi Shu then turned over to Liu Mei and said, "Xiao Mei, will you ever stop being like this?"

Liu Mei stuck out her tongue at Jiang Zhi Shu, but she didn't say anything.

The way they acted made it seem like they were quite close and that was actually true since Jiang Qi Tai, Jiang Zhi Shu, and Liu Mei were childhood friends.

Back then, the Beast King's soul fragments hadn't seeped too deeply into the Jiang Family. They still showed signs of changing, but at least they hadn't started trading in slaves just yet.

The Seekers Union and the Jiang Family had been quite close during that time and Liu Mei's dad as a high level member of the Seekers Union was also quite close with the Jiang Family. Whenever he went to the Jiang Family, he would bring Liu Mei along and as time passed they became close friends.

Liu Mei didn't fall for the dazzling Jiang Zhi Shu who was always the center of attention, she had fallen for Jiang Qi Tai who always followed behind Jiang Zhi Shu. That was because she knew that under his silent appearance, he had a kind heart that showed more kindness than anyone else.

She had experienced all of this during her youth and that was how she fell in love with him.

While it had broken her heart to see the change he had undergone in the past few years, she still chose to believe in him since she couldn't change her love for him.

But what broke her heart the most was the moment she found out that Jiang Qi Tai was also in love with Yuan Xiang Qin.

Before he even knew that he was in love, she had already known since she was the one who paid the most attention to him. She could naturally easily see the slight changes with the way he acted around Yuan Xiang Qin.

That was why she hated Yuan Xiang Qin, always acting hostile towards her since after all, she was her love rival.

Even though Yuan Xiang Qin had only ever shown love for Jiang Zhi Shu, she was still worried.

The third heartbreak in her life was when she heard about Jiang Qi Tai's wedding with Yuan Xiang Qin. She had begged Qiang You to bring her along, but it took every single bit of will from her to keep herself from breaking down at the wedding.

The one good thing was that the wedding had been interrupted and now Yuan Xiang Qin was even married to Jiang Zhi Shu. Moreover, the Jiang Qi Tai that she knew was back!

So even Liu Mei acted naughty, she was just trying to hide the joy that bursted in her heart when she had heard Jiang Qi Tai say "loved".

During this, Jiang Qi Tai signalled for Jiang Zhi Shu to move to the side while also nodding to Lin Fan.

The three of them left the two girls to stand there awkwardly as they went off to the side for their own private conversation.

Once they were on the side, Jiang Zhi Shu asked, "Did you find out why the soul fragment wanted Xiang Qin?"

Jiang Qi Tai nodded before saying, "Xiang Qin has a special law contained within her apparently, that was why the soul fragment wanted her."

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