With the movement of this aura, there was a powerful roar that suddenly cut through the air, creating shockwaves all around it.

The shockwaves traveled through the beast wave, even hurting the ones that were caught by the full force of it, knocking them all aside. It continued traveling through this beast wave until it reached the human barricades.

When the shockwave was about to hit the human experts, there was a leaf shield and a white sword beam that suddenly appeared. The white sword beam shattered the roar to pieces while the leaf shield blocked off those pieces, stopping them from hurting the human experts.

The two who had been sitting still the entire time had finally made their move.

One that was skilled in offense and one that was skilled in defense, they made the perfect combination, that was if they could cooperate with one another.

But as a sword cultivator, the Lin Family ancestor didn't hesitate for even a second as he charged out in front of their forces to face his enemy. He released countless swords made of light that cleared a path in front of him.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help thinking that everything they had done before was a waste.

As for Lin Fan, his face was also dark, but he was thinking something else.

After the ancestor had told him to stay calm, it seemed like he couldn't follow his own advice…

Mu Bo Hai gave a sigh when he saw this, but he also came out with the Lin Family ancestor.

Both of them had their weapons raised as they looked in the direction of the King Beast aura.

In that direction, the beast wave parted like the sea did for Moses, creating a path right for the King Beast to walk through.

Following the direction the aura came from, everyone saw a single beast walking through. However, the moment they saw the beast, they couldn't help being surprised by it.

This wasn't a powerful predator like all the previous peak Platinum Realm beasts. This was a little bunny that was hopping along through the crowd of beasts that was cowering in front of it.

The beasts that were right by it all bowed down, like it was a royal procession.

The only thing of note was that this bunny was quite chubby. It wasn't a normal kind of chubby, it was almost like a ball that was rolling along and its feet almost sunk right into its body.

With how chubby it was, one would think it was more cute than dangerous, but there was no mistaking the aura that it released.

Well, to say that was the only thing to note was a lie since there was another defining feature of the rabbit that caught people's eyes right away.

On the ears of the bunny, there were speakers attached.

This bunny continued hopping along until it was at the defense line of the humans.

Everyone had their weapons raised, but seeing the appearance of the bunny, they couldn't help doubting themselves.

Was this really a King Beast?

One of the human experts couldn't take it anymore and charged forward with his spear, stabbing right at the bunny.

The bunny tilted its head to look at this human charging at it before taking a breath, raising its head back. Once it finished taking in that breath, it suddenly swung its head back and released a powerful roar from the speakers in its ears.

Since it was much closer now, the power of the roar couldn't compare to before when it was still far away.

Even when it was far away, the power of its roar was more than enough to take care of this human expert, but now that it was close, there was no comparison. The only path that was waiting for this human if it was hit by this roar at such close range was death.

Just as the roar was about to hit the human expert, there were roots that sprouted out of the ground, quickly growing upwards. The roots continued to grow until they formed trunks which created branches which then formed leaves. These leaves had gathered in the form of a shield that blocked off the roar from the little bunny, but quite a few of the leaves of the shield had been blown away by that roar.

It was clear that Mu Bo Hai's shield was weaker than the attack of the bunny.

That human expert didn't have death on his mind, so the moment he saw that he had survived, he immediately turned tail to run. All of the other human experts nearby also turned to run away, clearing out a patch around the little bunny.

The two Legendary Realm Experts fell out of the sky and landed right in front of the bunny.

It really was a strange scene, two old men holding weapons facing a fat little bunny that looked completely harmless.

But these looks were definitely deceiving.

The bunny took another deep breath and reared back again, like it was preparing to fire another sound blast.

The two Legendary Realm Experts didn't pause for a second once they saw this.

Mu Bo Hai smashed the staff in his hand into the ground, sending tremors that eventually turned into roots that dug through the ground. The roots continued forward, moving towards the little bunny before springing out of the ground to hold it in place.

As for the Lin Family ancestor, he immediately brought out his sword and charged forward, preparing a slash to end the little bunny's life.

However, things didn't go as he planned.

When the Lin Family ancestor was about to slash down at the little bunny, there was a wolf that suddenly charged out from behind the little bunny, jumping right in between it and the Lin Family ancestor.

This wolf was only in the peak Platinum Realm, so it didn't pose any threat to the Lin Family ancestor, but it did play another role. It made a perfect human…beast shield for the little bunny.

The Lin Family ancestor was already in mid swing and didn't have time to adjust for this wolf suddenly appearing. If he slashed down now, he would cut this wolf in half, but then he would have to take the full brunt of the attack of the King Beast.

At this range, even he wasn't confident in taking such a hit.

But when the Lin Family ancestor was debating what to do, there was a tri coloured sword beam that suddenly came from behind him.

Standing by Mu Bo Hai was Lin Fan who had swung his sword to send out this sword beam.

This sword beam went right past the Lin Family ancestor and cut the wolf beast in half, clearing the way for him.

In this war that would determine the fate of humanity, Lin Fan definitely wouldn't hold anything back. He used his full strength to send out this slash.

Of course, while he didn't hold anything back, there was still the right timing for him to show his hand.

The Lin Fan ancestor saw this and didn't hesitate either as he continued slashing down through the halves of the wolf beast, slashing down with all his strength at the little bunny.

The little bunny saw this and knew that just like how it would be bad for the Lin Family ancestor to take its hit, it would also be bad for it to take the Lin Family ancestor's hit.

Sword cultivators were known for their destructive might and the Lin Family ancestor was without a doubt the best sword cultivator on this Blue Star Planet.

The bunny stopped charging up its attack and sent out the roar to meet the Lin Family ancestor's slash.

The sound wave clashed with the sword, but it was clearly much weaker since the little bunny hadn't been able to gather all of its strength. After being equal for a few seconds, the slash fell down onto the little bunny.

The little bunny turned in the nick of time and avoided a fatal injury, but the injury it did receive wasn't light.

When the Lin Family ancestor was about to continue chasing, there were several more peak Platinum Realm beasts that suddenly came forward to meet him, pushing him back a few steps and making him unable to push forward.

The little bunny moved back behind its line of troops again.

,m Once the peak Platinum Realm beasts were taken care of and the Lin Family ancestor was about to chase, there was a voice that suddenly came from the beast wave.

"Che, you damn humans, you really are annoying!"

Everyone was surprised to hear this voice since it was the voice of a little loli girl.

They looked around to find the source of this voice, but then they realized that it was the voice of the little bunny.

Its appearance and its voice, it really didn't match the tone of the voice it had…

It was like a little girl who always swore…

The fact that this King Beast could speak meant that it possessed intelligence. If it possessed intelligence, there was a chance to talk to it and talking to it meant the possibility of getting information.

Right now, the most important thing for the Blue Star Planet's side was information since they didn't even know how this beast horde had started and what it was for.

But before either of the Legendary Realm Experts could say a word, the little bunny spoke first.

"You lazy bum, come out already. It's tough enough taking on two of them at once!"

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