On the other side of this operation, there was the attack group that was being led by the Xu Family Head which had Xu Lin and Lin Fan among them.

This attack group had all the elites of the Xu Family, bringing along several elders and their elite squad. This attack group consisted of 80% of the Xu Family's experts.

It could be said that the Xu Family was going all out against the One Shadow Organization this time.

However, even though they had brought all their experts, it wouldn't mean a single thing if there was a supreme expert on the other side, which was why Lin Fan was there.

The Xu Family Head was unable to see through Lin Fan at all, that was what gave him the confidence that they would be able to deal with anything that came.

The Xu Family group made their way through the streets of Harmony City until they arrived at the entrance to the One Shadow Organization's headquarters. What was right in front of them was a hotel.

It wasn't the hotel per say that interested them, but rather what was under the hotel.

The One Shadow Organization hadn't spared any expense with their headquarters, building an entire base in the ground under the hotel.

Of course, this city was a place that was run by the twelve great factions and nothing could be done here without their approval, especially a giant underground base like this. So before building this giant underground base, the One Shadow Organization had gotten permission from the great faction that was in charge of this area, which was the Hunters Organization.

Those large organizations didn't care about these small factions, so with just a few simple bribes, the Xu Family was able to easily find the entrance to the One Shadow Organization's base.

In the end, reporting it to the great faction was actually their downfall, but the consequences would have been much worse if the great faction had ever found out about something that hadn't been reported.

The Xu Family group split up into three different teams since there were three different entrances to this underground base. They were going to split into three teams to make sure that no one escaped through the side entrances, but the main forces would still be concentrated on the main entrance.

After going into the inn, they released a sleeping incense that made sure that none of the customers would interrupt before moving right to the counter.

Before the receptionist at the counter could even react, he was knocked out with a single punch from the Xu Family Head.

They moved behind the counter and right under it, there was a hatch door that was hidden away by the counter. However, the first thing they did was not open the hatch door, but rather the Xu Family Head used his spiritual sense to check it. As they had expected, there was a trap that was hidden underneath the hatch door.

If this hatch door was opened without using the proper method, the trap under the door would have activated and released a signal that would have told everyone in the base that intruders were coming.

Normally, this would be a bad thing to find since they wouldn't be able to disarm this and go in undetected, but that was if there weren't spies.

Discovering this was actually a good sign for the Xu Family since it showed that the information that their spies had given them were reliable, since the report that they had received had mentioned this trap. Of course, since the trap was mentioned, the method of disarming this trap was also included in the report.

After quickly disarming the trap, the Xu Family group moved straight down into the depths of the One Shadow Organization's base.

This was a place that was rather dark, but since they were all experts, it wasn't a problem for them if this place was a bit dim. Cultivation wasn't just a way to improve your body, it also helped build up the other parts like your eyesight.

Making their way through the dark halls of the One Shadow Organization's base, they made sure to comb through the various rooms that they passed to see if any people were there.

Of course, since it was the night before the One Shadow Organization's attack, most of them weren't actually in the base since gathering then would seem suspicious. Most of them would be gathering in the morning before the attack to ensure that no one would notice them. At the same time, they had been given the night off to relax, so they could prepare themselves for the fight tomorrow.

So there were only a few people in the rooms that they had passed who they easily took care of.

Along the way, Xu Lin couldn't help feeling a bit strange and a bit nervous. Even though he had grown up in a family with an expert, he was someone who hadn't really killed other people before since he was still too young and weak to be involved in this. Most of the killing that he had done before were killing beasts to help with his cultivation, so this was all new to him.

That was also one of the reasons why the Xu Family Head had brought Xu Lin along, it was to give him experience in this field for the future.

Everyone had already agreed to give Xu Lin the artifact and to send him to the True Spirit Sect, but the sect was an even more dangerous place than the Xu Family. The True Spirit Sect would be filled with plotting and Xu Lin would see even more of that if he became the disciple of a Nascent Soul Realm elder. If he wasn't able to finish what he started, that would leave many hidden dangers for him.

So that was why he needed to learn quickly.

As they were moving through, Xu Lin saw that Lin Fan wasn't fazed at all by all the killings around him and he couldn't help asking, "How are you dealing with this?"

Lin Fan looked back at him and said, "It's all a part of life, you just have to accept it."

Xu Lin couldn't help being surprised by Lin Fan's calm response. He never thought that this person he called "senior" who was actually younger than him would be this calm in the face of killing people.

What Xu Lin didn't know was that Lin Fan had killed his fair share of people already.

It wasn't just back on the Blue Star Planet, it was even back on earth when Lin Fan was that rampant young master. As a young master from the richest family, naturally he had his ways of disposing of the evidence, so he had long become used to killing people.

Of course, when he had done it for the first time back on earth, Lin Fan had certainly puked and fell into a daze like what people normally felt. But after a while, he just became numb to all of it.

The Xu Family group moved slowly through this base, clearing out the various rooms that they found as they made their way deeper and deeper.

Eventually, they had cleared out all the various rooms that were present and there was only the inner sanctum of this base that was left.

Once they arrived in the inner sanctum, they met up with the two other groups that came from the two other entrances.

Both of those entrances had also had traps, but those were also mentioned in the report along with the method of disarming them, so the other two groups didn't have a problem with them at all.

Of course, there were a few members of all three groups that were missing and they were the members that had been left at the three different entrances to prevent anyone coming in and anyone coming out.

Since they were all gathered, the large Xu Family group slowly made their way into the inner sanctum.

This inner sanctum was the same as the previous halls, but there were definitely more people here.

All of these people were the trusted members of the One Shadow Organization, so they had remained behind to plan for the attack tomorrow. Since they were all trusted members, naturally their cultivations were also much higher than the ones outside, but they had been caught off guard and they were outnumbered, so there wasn't much resistance in the end.

It didn't take the Xu Family group long to clear out most of these groups since they had so many people in comparison, but since they were stronger, there were a few people who had been injured.

After clearing out all of these inner rooms, there was only a single door left for them to enter.

It was a large double door that was luxuriously decorated, clearly being at a different level than the others.

It made one thing clear, this was definitely the residence of the leader of the One Shadow Organization, the One Shadow.

Lin Fan used his sound laws to isolate the sound of the door opening, but when they did, there was a conversation that came from inside.

"Big brother, what are your plans after this?" This first voice was one that most people here could recognize since it was the voice of their sworn enemy, the One Shadow.

The next voice was one that they didn't recognize which said, "I have the Hunters Exam after this and once I'm done, I'll come see if I can help you at the True Spirit Sect."

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