When the day finally came, Lin Fan packed up everything he needed before heading off to the Seekers Guild to meet Qiao Yi Fei.

That was where they had decided to meet up and that was where Qiao Yi Fei said she would be sending him to the Hunters Exam location from.

While Lin Fan was skeptical over how Qiao Yi Fei would do what she had promised, he still headed to the Seekers Guild early that morning.

Lin Fan had come alone because there was only a single token, which meant that there was only a single spot in the Hunters Exam for him. Even if he brought along Momonga and Angela, they would have still gone back since there was nothing for them here.

When Lin Fan came into the Seekers Guild, for once, Xiao Ling wasn't there.

Instead of Xiao Ling, there was another receptionist who seemed to have been waiting for him the entire time. She looked like a very professional secretary and when she saw Lin Fan come in, she immediately gave Lin Fan a respectful bow before saying, "Young master Lin, please come with me."

Lin Fan was surprised by this kind of welcome because it went against this normal view of the Seekers Guild, but he still followed her.

Along the way, he heard quite a few interesting things from the people in the hall who even though it was morning were still drinking alcohol.

"Do you see that? That's the president's personal secretary leading the new kid?"

"Is the new kid in trouble? He hasn't been here for a few weeks now, so I'm sure that he must be in trouble for something, right?"

"No, don't you see how respectful she's acting towards him? It's clear that she's treating him like a special guest. But why would the secretary of the president treat the new kid like this? Could it beā€¦"

There were all kinds of speculations that filled the room, but Lin Fan didn't care about any of them.

The only thing that Lin Fan did pay attention to was what they said about the girl in front of him.

This was the private secretary of the president, but Lin Fan could tell it wasn't just as simple as that. To put it simply, he could tell that the girl in front of him was an expert and not just a normal one.

That aura that she released, it was almost like the aura of the Child Soul Realm Experts that he had felt before.

This must be someone that was placed by Qiao Yi Fei's side by the Qiao Family to watch over her. After all, Qiao Yi Fei was the only successor to the Qiao Family, so naturally they would want to keep her safe.

Unlike all the previous times, the girl didn't bring Lin Fan to the second floor.

They went behind the counter where the girl led him to another door. After going through that door, Lin Fan found a set of stairs in front of him, but instead of leading up, they led down.

After going down those stairs, what appeared in front of Lin Fan was a room with a round arc in the center.

Based on the fluctuations of life energy coming from it, it was clear that this was a teleportation portal. Lin Fan had taken one of these before back in the Sacred Rock Realm, but this was much more simple compared to that one.

Lin Fan could tell from the fluctuations of the spatial laws coming from it that it wasn't as deep as the ones from the portal that was on the Sacred Rock Realm.

Lin Fan was right, this was nothing more than a crude device.

The one from the Sacred Rock Realm had laws that were at a much higher level, which allowed it to have much more flexibility. That portal was able to connect to many different places to bring people all over.

As for the one that was in front of him right now, this was nothing more than a simple application of the spatial laws.

Instead of allowing free transport, it only allowed one to be transported to a set target location. To put it simply, it was like creating a tunnel to one specific location that couldn't be changed, so it just required energy to maintain that connection.

Qiao Yi Fei was waiting in front of the portal and once Lin Fan appeared, she waved her hand at the girl who had brought Lin Fan here. After seeing this, the girl immediately bowed to both Qiao Yi Fei and Lin Fan before leaving.

Qiao Yi Fei looked at Lin Fan before looking around and asking, "Where are the other two?"

Lin Fan was surprised when he heard this, but then he asked, "They aren't taking the exam, so why would they come with me?"

Qiao Yi Fei was also surprised, but then she realized that Lin Fan was right.

It was just that during these three weeks, whenever she went to check on Lin Fan or called him to the Seekers Guild, he always had the other two with him. After all this time, she was just used to seeing all three of them together, so it was strange seeing Lin Fan come alone.

Qiao Yi Fei gave a disappointed sigh before moving to the portal. As she was moving, she waved her hand behind her and said, "Well, come on, let's go. You should already know what this is."

Lin Fan gave a nod even though she couldn't see it and followed Qiao Yi Fei through the portal.

There was a flash of white light, but when it disappeared, they appeared inside of another place. It was similar to the place that they had just left and if Lin Fan hadn't felt the space around them warp to transport them, he would have thought that they were still in the same place.

But after leaving that room, he was certain that they were in another place since the outside of this room was completely different.

They came out into a long hallway with no one there, but after following Qiao Yi Fei for a bit, they came to a receptionist desk at the end of the hallway.

The person at the desk looked up at the two of them before asking, "Identification?"

Qiao Yi Fei took out a token that she flashed to that person before saying, "He's with me."

Then after this, she walked past this person and headed towards the stairs that were behind them.

That person was surprised to see this token, but then they went back to what they had been doing before. It was like nothing had happened just now.

Lin Fan saw this and knew that this must be a normal procedure, so he continued following Qiao Yi Fei up the stairs.

As for that person at the reception desk, although they seemed normal, they were panicking inside. That was all because of the token that Qiao Yi Fei had flashed at them.

The token of the Qiao Family was one that was considered very prestigious since they were a dominant force in the Hunters Organization. Even though the head of the Qiao Family was only a Two Star Hunter, he was someone who had relationships with all the top Hunters since he was the one who raised most of them. Of the current Three Star Hunters, he was the one that had guided half of them.

The number of Hunters that owed him favours couldn't be easily counted.

Not to mention that he was a Food Hunter, someone that everyone wanted to get close to because food was one of the most basic needs of being a human.

This gave him great influence not just in the Hunters Organizationā€¦

He went through his mind, trying to think if he had done anything to offend that person. Only after making sure that he had done nothing did he finally let out a sigh of relief.

What this person didn't know was that Qiao Yi Fei and Lin Fan didn't pay any attention to him. They even forgot about him the moment they left the underground area.

After coming up the stairs, what appeared in front of Lin Fan was a giant atrium of a giant building.

If Lin Fan had to make a guess, he would say that this was the main headquarters of the Hunters Organization.

Qiao Yi Fei saw how he was looking around and couldn't help revealing a smile before saying, "You've probably guessed that we're in the Hunters Organization main headquarters. From here, you'll be sent directly to the location of the second round. They've already set up a portal there and we'll be taking the one in the Hunters Organization to head there."

Lin Fan thought about it and he found that it made sense.

After the examinees failed the round, how would they be brought back?

They were here for the Hunters Exam, so to a certain extent, the Hunters Organization was responsible for them. While they could die in the exam, that didn't matter since that was part of the exam. As for after they failed, the least the Hunters Organization could do was send them back, which was the main reason for this portal.

Qiao Yi Fei brought Lin Fan to the second floor of this building and they came to a special room prepared.

When they came in, there was no portal in the room, but rather there were several other people waiting there.

One of them turned to Lin Fan and narrowed his eyes before saying, "Oi, even a kid like this can participate in this exam? What kind of a place is this?"

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