Lin Fan didn't move immediately as he stood there looking over the trap.

Seeing that Lin Fan wasn't doing a thing, the girl inside the barrier became even more anxious as she shouted, "What are you doing just standing there? Can you not hear me? Help me, I'm about to die!"

But even then, Lin Fan still didn't make a move as he continued the watch.

The girl's screams became more and more panicked as the trap began encroaching on the barrier that was around her, compressing it more and more around her. If this continued on, there was no doubt that she would be squashed into a pancake or if the barrier broke, she would be cut into a thousand pieces.

There was a hateful look in the girl's eyes since she already had an idea of what Lin Fan was doing.

If it was her, she would probably do the same thing since they were competitors, but she still couldn't help hating him for doing it.

As the girl's barrier became smaller and smaller and her voice became softer and softer as she began to lose hope.

She knew what kind of a place this upper realm was, it was a place where the strong ate the weak. She could only blame herself for not being strong enough.

When she was about to lose all hope and when the barrier was about to break, Lin Fan suddenly flicked his hand, sending out a white blur.

That white blur flew through the air and landed right on the blade that was about to pierce through the barrier around the girl. After hitting that blade, it knocked the blade back into another blade behind it while ricocheting in another direction to hit another blade that was about to pierce the barrier.

Just like this, this white blur continued to ricochet around inside that trap, knocking the various blades that approached into each other. All the various blades continued hitting each other until they started to break.

It was one at first, but then there were two, three, and more and more that broke until the trap had completely shattered.

The girl had resigned herself to death, but then she suddenly heard the loud clanging that was around her. She looked up with a curious gaze to see all the blades exploding around her until they were all gone.

Even after they were all gone, she just stood there in a daze looking up at the sprinkles of iron sand that fell down all around her. She couldn't believe what had just happened.

As for that white blur, after hitting the last blade, it ricocheted right back into Lin Fan's hand where it revealed its true form. It was the Iron Eater Bone Artifact transformed into the shape of a dagger.

It was actually the Iron Eater Bone Artifact that did most of the work in shattering the blades of the trap.

Whoever had set these traps had really cared about the quality of their traps, so the blades they had used were all top quality items. Since that was the case, all of them were made from a rare metal and since the Iron Eater Bone Artifact fed on rare metals, it was easy to see how it had destroyed them.

The Iron Eater Bone Artifact had swallowed bits of the rare metal whenever it had made contact with the blades, weakening all the blades that it had touched. While ricocheting, it had been sure to touch every single one of the blades once and had swallowed quite a bit of the rare metal.

But that wasn't the important part. The important part was that the rare metal was what gave the blades their sharpness and durability and since it had been drained out of the blades, they became very dull and fragile. When they clashed with each other, there was no doubt over how easily they would shatter.

After taking care of these traps, Lin Fan ignored the fragments of the blades on the ground because he knew that they were worthless now and came up to the girl.

She was still standing there in a daze as she looked up, but there was already nothing left for her to see since the iron sand had all fallen to the ground already. It took her a while before she was able to react.

It was only when Lin Fan spoke that she finally came back to her senses. Lin Fan asked, "Are you alright?"

As he asked this, he reached his hand out to her.

The girl turned to look at Lin Fan and this time, she was finally able to take a closer look at him.

With how close Lin Fan was, there was nothing to guard her against his face at all. As soon as his face entered her line of sight, her heart skipped several beats before beating much faster than before.

As this happened, there was a blush that came over her face as she shyly turned her head and said, "I'm alright."

She let Lin Fan take her hand and help her up before walking away from the trap with Lin Fan.

Even if Lin Fan had already destroyed the main components of the trap, there was still the chance that there was some backup trap, so it was best not to remain in this area.

Lin Fan immediately brought the girl away from this room and went down another corridor, only finally stopping after walking for several minutes.

They were still in the corridor when they stopped, but they had stopped by one of the torches on the wall.

Lin Fan knew that this girl must have suffered a shock from the trap just now, so he gave her some time to rest. While he was doing so, he walked around the corridor, looking for anything new.

In the end, Lin Fan didn't find anything, so he went back to the girl who had recovered to ask her, "What happened back there?"

The girl looked up at Lin Fan and another blush came over her face before she said, "I was trying to go deeper into the ruins to find some good things, but then I was suddenly caught in that trap. I thought that I was dead, but I never expected you to come along and save me."

Lin Fan nodded before he asked, "So how far did you go? What did you find out?"

Even though this girl was also a beauty, Lin Fan wasn't affected by her beauty at all since compared to the beauty of some girls that he had seen before, she couldn't compare.

She couldn't even compare to what Lin Fan considered second class beauties like Qiao Yi Fei and Fu Ling, so there was no chance that anything she did was able to ensnare Lin Fan, even though she tried her best.

The girl lowered her head and said, "Before that, shouldn't you introduce yourself first?"

Lin Fan looked at her before saying, "It's common courtesy to give your name before asking for another's."

The girl looked up with a shy look before saying, "But it's embarrassing, don't you know."

Even though she did all this, all that she got was a cold stare from Lin Fan.

After a while, she finally said in a small voice, "My name is Li Fei Fei, what is your name, big brother?"

Lin Fan just casually said, "Lin Fan."

The girl was taken aback by how cold he was, but then she said, "Big brother Lin Fan, can you come a bit closer, I have something I want to share with you."

She was confident in this move because all guys loved weak girls and she was the perfect example of that right now.

As she had expected, Lin Fan did move in, but what happened next was not what she had expected.

As soon as Lin Fan came in, she immediately stabbed out with a dagger that she had hidden in her sleeve.

In this upper realm, it was the law of the jungle where the strong ate the weak, so before Lin Fan could do that to her, she would do that to Lin Fan.

She didn't know what Lin Fan's plans were, but before he could do anything, it was better to take him out.

That was the kind of life that she had lived before and this was the kind of life that she would continue living.

It was just too bad that she had chosen the wrong target for this.

The moment the dagger came out, Lin Fan's hand was already right in front of his throat where the dagger was aimed, catching it without any effort at all.

When Li Fei Fei looked down at her dagger in Lin Fan's hand, she suddenly felt a pain in her own neck. Looking slightly to the side, she saw the white dagger that was stabbing into her own throat.

It seemed that Lin Fan was already prepared for her next move and had already made his own move. She couldn't help looking at him with an unwilling look as her eyes dimmed since if she died here, who would look after…

But there was no one to hear these final words that she had as she started to choke on the blood that filled her throat.

Finally, her eyes completely dimmed and she fell down to the ground without a trace of life.

As for Lin Fan, he didn't feel bothered at all.

He was no longer the same Lin Fan that was controlled by that impulse to save everyone that needed help. He was now someone who could think calmly and rationally to deal with every situation, even if he needed to be cold in that situation.

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