The white dagger flew straight through the air, aimed right at the head of the ghost, or rather right where the ghost's head would be when the dagger approached.

Lin Fan hadn't killed one before because he never thought that he would need to, but this sudden appearance of this boss ghost made him want to analyze them closer, so he chose to attack this. Since he hadn't killed one before, he wasn't sure how to kill it, so he followed the rule of every zombie movie and aimed right at the head.

The ghost didn't seem to notice the dagger that had suddenly appeared until it was too late and it was already about to pierce the ghost's temple.

This told Lin Fan that these ghosts must have had weak spiritual senses since they were only able to detect the attacks that were aimed at them at the very last second. This was the case with the attack of the dead rat before and this was the case now with the white dagger that Lin Fan threw out.

It was already too late by the time the ghost had noticed the dagger, so the only thing it could do was raise its hand to try and block it. The law that covered the hand seemed strange at first, but when Lin Fan closely looked at it, he realized that it was like the laws that were inside the walls of the buildings.

It wasn't just a single law, but rather it was a mix of laws that gathered around the hand of the ghost.

This hand that was covered in laws came up to meet Lin Fan's white dagger that was also covered in a mixture of laws.

Compared to before, Lin Fan was much more skilled in using combinations of laws, so there were currently five different laws that were combined in the white dagger.

The white dagger met the hand that was outstretched and without any resistance, it cut right through the hand and hit the ghost right in the head.

If this had been before, perhaps Lin Fan would have struggled a bit, but it was different now since the Iron Eater Bone Artifact had made a breakthrough.

Earlier when it had devoured the blades in the trap, the Iron Eater Bone Artifact was already close to making a breakthrough. It just needed a little bite more and it would have been able to do this.

This had been on the back of Lin Fan's mind the entire time since he knew that it would be a large boost to his power if he were to increase the realm of the Iron Eater Bone Artifact. After all, it wasn't a small increase in cultivation, it was a giant leap going from the peak Embryo Soul Realm to the Child Soul Realm.

He had found this chance when they had been walking through this city.

Lin Fan had remembered how hard the buildings were even without the laws that flowed through them, which meant that they must have been made from some special material. Since that was the case, wouldn't it make sense that the Iron Eater Bone Artifact would be able to swallow it.

As it turned out, it was indeed able to absorb the essence of these buildings and it had made a breakthrough to the Child Soul Realm.

Without this breakthrough, Lin Fan's attack wouldn't have been able to break through the defenses of the ghost so easily.

The laws that the ghost combined were actually a mix of three laws, so while it wasn't multiplied as much as the combination of five laws, the ghost had a higher cultivation realm with stronger laws. So that meant that the combination of these laws would have been able to match Lin Fan's laws.

The only problem was that Lin Fan's artifact had been upgraded to the Child Soul Realm, so its sharpness wasn't a joke and had easily cut through the body of the ghost that was only in the peak Embryo Soul Realm.

The dagger went right through the hand of the ghost and stabbed right through the temple of the ghost's head, piercing through its skull to land on the ground on the other side of the ghost.

The ghost didn't even have time to process what happened before it fell to the ground.

p If the ghost had been able to feel emotions, it definitely would have had a feeling of confusion and regret since it wasn't even able to tell why it had lost.

But that wasn't that strange thing with this situation.

The strange thing was that as soon as the peak Embryo Soul Realm ghost had been killed, all the other ghosts that had been in the area suddenly stopped moving.

They turned to look in the direction of the ghost that had just fallen before giving screams and running off in fear.

Lin Fan was confused when he saw this at first, but putting the pieces together based on what he had seen before, he guessed that this peak Embryo Soul Realm ghost was actually the commander of the ghosts in this surrounding area.

Once they had lost their commander, of course the other ghosts would scatter.

As for why they screamed, that was still a mystery to Lin Fan, but he didn't have time to worry about it now.

After all, this commander ghost had only appeared after they had approached the tree of light, which meant that they must be scattered around the tree of light guarding it. It wouldn't just be a single commander ghost that was here because this area was too big for a single one to guard, so there must be other commander ghosts as well.

The one thing that they had to do now was get away from this area before the other commander ghosts showed up.

Lin Fan jumped down and put the ghost's corpse into his Storage Ring before quickly running off.

While they were running away, Brainy also had sent out the puppets to ensure that there was a buffer zone around them, but it also made it much smaller to ensure that they didn't draw attention.

Instead of running towards the tree of light, Lin Fan moved further away from the tree of light just in case there were other strong creatures that were waiting around the base of the tree, guarding it from intruders.

It was a good thing since after he left the area, there were two large ghosts just like the one that he had taken care of that had come to this area.

They couldn't find the corpse of the ghost that had been killed, but they moved around the area where the corpse had just been, screaming at each other like they were communicating something.

After screaming for a bit, both of them turned in separate directions and jumped off.

After moving away from the area that he had just been in, Lin Fan took out the corpse of the ghost commander again and began looking over it.

There wasn't much special about this corpse, except that it was in the peak Embryo Soul Realm, so the life energy that was slowly radiating from it was definitely powerful.

But that wasn't what Lin Fan cared about.

What he cared about was what he found inside the head, or rather what he found a lack of.

This corpse was missing a soul…

The soul was the most important thing for any living being, it was what defined what was considered a living being.

A body without a soul was nothing more than a pile of flesh without any essence, which meant that such a body shouldn't have been capable of more than just simple movements.

However, this ghost commander had shown the ability to command the surrounding ghosts and had the ability to think independently, being able to find the puppets that Brainy had been using to lure away the ghosts. These weren't the signs of a puppet that had lost its soul, this was the sign of something that was still in full control of itself.

As Lin Fan looked closer, he couldn't tell why the soul was missing, but he had found an array that was carved into the back of this corpse's head.

Lin Fan could sense a faint connection that was coming from the array that seemed to be connecting to something. If Lin Fan had to guess, it should be the soul that was originally in this body…

But how could someone even remove it and still connect it to the body like this?

Also, what would happen to the soul after it returned to the body that Lin Fan had just destroyed?

There were many questions in Lin Fan's mind over what this was, but he couldn't find the answer to these at all.

All Lin Fan knew was that whoever did this was definitely an expert that was far beyond his comprehension because souls were another one of the fundamental things in this world that was ruled by the heavens. For someone to play with souls like this, on top of life force, they must be someone who was far beyond his comprehension…

The only reason Lin Fan knew about all of this was because he had asked Momonga about souls before when he was dealing with the soul fragments of the Beast King on the Blue Star Planet. He had learned plenty of things about souls after this.

But while he did learn many different things here, one thing that he did know was that everything should be connected to the giant glowing tree in the middle.

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