After they said this, the children and the teachers all began to change.

Their flesh began to rot and their eyeballs all disappeared until there were only holes in their faces where their eyes should have been. Looking right into these holes where their eyes should have been, it was almost as if one was looking into the dark abyss, almost as if they were looking into dark souls.

These kids continued to change until they all looked like the ghosts that had wandered around the city outside.

After that, they suddenly jumped out of the window, running right at Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen.

At first Mo Ze Chen had been shocked, but then he remembered that they were nothing more than illusions, so there shouldn't be anything to worry about. However, that wasn't the case.

Lin Fan had immediately released his spiritual sense when the kids charged at them and when it hit the kids, he found that these were no longer illusions, these were actual ghosts that were running at them.

Without even thinking, Lin Fan immediately grabbed Mo Ze Chen by the collar and ran off in the opposite direction they were looking in, but when he did, he realized that there were kids running from that direction as well.

They had been right in the center of the courtyard with classrooms all around them, that meant there were little kid ghosts pouring out of the building all around them, trapping them in the center.

As they were running away, the little kid ghosts threw their writing utensils right at them.

Mo Ze Chen pulled out a dagger and brought it up to block the pencil that was aimed right at his face out of habit, but the moment the pencil made contact with his dagger, he could feel the weight behind the thrown pencil. Mo Ze Chen had to quickly bring strength into his hand to block this and he was barely able to knock it away.

As for the rest of the writing utensils, Lin Fan had released his force law in a barrier around him which had pushed them all the projectiles aimed at them away.

Mo Ze Chen looked down at his dagger and it took him a while to react to what had just happened. The moment he did react though, he suddenly shouted, "Weren't they supposed to be illusions? Why could I feel that just now?"

Lin Fan didn't bother explaining to Mo Ze Chen since he didn't know what was going on either. He just pulled him along as he rang towards the wave of little kid ghosts in front of him.

As he ran, he also raised his free hand and gathered three different coloured glows around it. Once he had finished gathering strength in his hand, he suddenly punched out at the wave of kids in front of him.

The power contained within his punch flew forth and knocked aside all the little kid ghosts in front of him, creating a hole in the wave of ghosts.

It was just a good thing that these little kid ghosts weren't as strong as the adult ghosts, only being in the Fragmented Soul Realm. A Fragmented Soul Realm Expert in front of Lin Fan was no different from a sheet of paper, so it was easy for him to knock them away.

If it was a wave of Embryo Soul Realm Experts, that would have been a different story because Lin Fan wouldn't have been able to knock them away with just three laws combining. But then again, Lin Fan also didn't use his full strength…

As soon as the hole was created, Lin Fan immediately dashed forward as fast as he could, charging right through the hole that he had made. As he ran through the wave of little kid ghosts, he could hear that they were singing some kind of nursery rhyme, but they seemed to be singing in a language that he had never heard before.

But no matter what kind of language it was, being surrounded by kid ghosts like this while listening to them sing a nursery rhyme was definitely unsettling.

Lin Fan didn't pause for a second, but Mo Ze Chen had much more time to look around since he was being pulled along by Lin Fan.

As he was being pulled along, he could see that all the ghosts all had the same feather somewhere on their bodies. It was a feather that looked like a eagle feather, but there seemed to be some kind of energy that was surrounding it that he couldn't understand.

After making it through the wave of little kid ghosts, Lin Fan didn't stop as he ran right into the building in front of him.

He didn't know what his goal was, but he knew that there was no way they could stay out in the open like that. If they did, it wouldn't take long before they would be swarmed. He had even seen some of the little kid ghosts that he had knocked out slowly getting back up, which meant that they must have some kind of array here that was healing them.

While Lin Fan wasn't scared of fighting these kid ghosts, that didn't mean that he wasn't scared of running out of stamina, especially since he used the combination of laws which drained his life energy much faster than normal.

As they were about to enter the building, there was another ghost that suddenly came out, but this one wasn't a child like the rest of them, this one was an adult ghost that was in the Embryo Soul Realm.

,m Lin Fan knew that this one would be much harder to deal with compared to the kids, so this time he didn't only gather three laws around his fist. There was a fusion of five laws that suddenly appeared and once he gathered his energy, he punched out at that adult ghost.

The adult ghost used all of its strength as well, but it was still blown right into the wall by the door from the force of Lin Fan's punch.

After that punch, Lin Fan let out a long breath, but he still didn't stop moving.

Lin Fan quickly headed to the door and found that there were still ghosts that were moving along the halls. Before those ghosts could even react to him, he suddenly used his spatial law to teleport to the end of the hall where there was a set of stairs.

Before any of them even knew what happened, Lin Fan flew up those stairs and arrived on the second floor which was surprisingly empty.

As he had been jumping with the spatial laws, he had also released the live rat puppets that Brainy controlled behind him.

Since the ghosts outside seeked out life force, perhaps these would be the same.

As he had expected, Brainy told him that the ghosts were chasing the puppets and not a single one of them had come up to the second floor.

Lin Fan immediately headed into one of the rooms and blockaded it off with the desks that were inside. Unlike the other buildings, the desks in this place could be moved, so he created a large pile of them right in front of the door.

Once that was done, Lin Fan sat down in one of the chairs and let out a long breath since he had used quite a bit of life energy just now. He had been dashing with all his strength the entire time and he had punched out with his full force with the five laws, as well as using the spatial law to teleport that long distance. He would have been fine if he used them separately, but using them in succession was a large drain on his life energy.

While Lin Fan was recovering from this, Mo Ze Chen had already moved over to the window. He took out a pair of binoculars and began looking down at the courtyard outside.

In the courtyard, there were waves of little kid ghosts that were being led around by the rats, but there were also stragglers that moved on their own. For now, it seemed that none of them were coming up to the second floor, so it seemed like they would be safe.

After seeing this, Mo Ze Chen quickly came over to Lin Fan and asked, "Boss, what do we do now?"

Lin Fan didn't reply right away since he was still catching his breath, but once he did, he said, "I don't know either."

Mo Ze Chen had been waiting patiently with a hopeful look on his face since it always seemed like his boss knew what to do, but this time his boss had told him that he didn't know either.

Mo Ze Chen had an awkward look on his face after hearing this, but he didn't let it bring him down since there was a special someone on his mind.

After hearing this, Mo Ze Chen didn't wait any longer as he began moving around the room looking for a clue.

The room that they were hiding in was clearly a classroom and based on the piano in the corner, it should have been a music room.

At the very front of the room was a blackboard and the teacher's desk which was what Mo Ze Chen started going through. At first it didn't seem like there was anything, but then he pulled out a piece of paper which he looked at for a bit before suddenly knitting his brows.

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