Even though the principal's office was on the same floor and it wasn't that far away from them, Lin Fan couldn't help feeling a bit of disappointment.

When he had come up to the second floor, he had noticed that there wasn't anything up here with them at all. There wasn't a single ghost that wandered the hall just like with the first floor.

In fact, he could still see most of them running around in the courtyard, being distracted by the rats or looking around for them, but finding nothing at all.

It seemed like while these ghosts were powerful, their minds weren't fully developed yet, but that also did make sense since all of them were kids. It seemed like before they had fully developed, they had been turned into ghosts…

As for why, that was up to anyone to guess.

But looking at them running around chasing the rats like they were playing a game, Lin Fan felt a bit of pity for them. After all, it wasn't like they had asked to be turned into this…

Still, that was the least of Lin Fan's worries right now.

The main thing was the slight disappointment he felt over how this school had been designed.

The way that it seemed like it was supposed to go was that after activating the little kid ghosts, the people that entered the school would have to find clues until they were able to find what they were looking for. It was almost like the dungeons in the online games that he had played before.

That was, it would have been if he didn't already get a clue that led him in the direction of the item he was supposed to get.

With that clue, it meant that he didn't have to search through all the different rooms which kind of ruined the fun.

At the same time, there would normally be a boss that would be guarding the final item, but that didn't seem like it was the case here since it seemed like the second floor was completely empty. Lin Fan just hoped that there would be a last second boss reveal at the end when he entered the principal's office or he would be completely disappointed with this.

But at the same time, it also made him consider what this trial was.

This was designed like the dungeons from video games back on earth, so did that mean that his transmigration senior had designed all of this? If that was the case, did that also mean that he was responsible for turning all these people into ghosts?

Just why would he do that then?

And the bigger question was, if he did do all of this, would Lin Fan still want to meet him?

Lin Fan had to pause to think about this, but Mo Ze Chen thought that he was thinking for a different reason, so he asked, "Boss, did you find something?"

Lin Fan didn't hear him at first, but then he realized Mo Ze Chen was looking at him, so he asked, "Sorry, did you say something?"

Mo Ze Chen repeated, "Boss, did you find something?"

Lin Fan once again hesitated a bit before saying, "Maybe, but I'm not sure."

Mo Ze Chen could see the strange look on Lin Fan's face, so he had his own guesses as he said, "Did you see something hidden again?"

Lin Fan paused once again before giving a nod and saying, "The clue that I have is telling me that we should go to the principal's office since there's something important there."

Mo Ze Chen stroked his chin in thought for a bit before saying, "Well since we're in a school, it should make sense that we would go to the principal's office since that's the most important place. Let's just hope that we won't find any surprises there."

Lin Fan revealed a faint smile as he said, "I'm actually hoping to find a bit of a surprise there."

Mo Ze Chen looked at Lin Fan with a confused look, but he didn't say anything else after that.

They didn't head off right away since it wouldn't have been a good idea to head off without scouting first.

Lin Fan released the dead rat puppets and had Brainy control them to scout out the second floor.

While Brainy's puppets were running around, Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen went through the rest of the documents. After all, these were documents that were placed here as part of the trial, perhaps they would have been able to find some clues from these pieces of paper.

It was just too bad that there wasn't any information for them here at all since most of these papers talked about mundane things, without mentioning the principal's office once.

But at least Brainy's puppets had finished scouting out the second floor when they were done.

As far as Brainy could see through the puppets, it hadn't been able to find anything on the second floor. It had also searched the principal's office, or rather the area around it and it wasn't able to find anything.

The strange thing was that Brainy had been unable to scout out the principal's office itself since there was something that seemed to be blocking out its puppets. Every time it tried sending puppets into the office, they were repelled and destroyed by some kind of barrier around it.

In the end, Brainy had no choice but to stop trying since it knew that there was no point in wasting more puppets trying to break through into the principal's office.

Lin Fan was very interested when he heard that there was a barrier around the principal's office since this was also a scenario that he had seen many times before. It was a common trope that was used in many video games and fantasy novels, it was that there was a final barrier in front of the boss' den.

To gain access to the boss' den, they would have to destroy either a key item that was powering the barrier or destroy an enemy that was keeping the barrier up.

But before doing any of that, Lin Fan wanted to see the barrier for himself, so he stood up and walked out of the room with Mo Ze Chen following closely behind him.

Lin Fan was quite relaxed as he walked through the halls since he trusted Brainy, but that wasn't the case for Mo Ze Chen. Even though Lin Fan had told him that there was nothing to worry about, Mo Ze Chen still warily looked around him for any signs of enemies.

Of course, there wouldn't be since Brainy was very good at doing its job and if it said there was nothing, there was nothing.

With all the various puppets that it had, Brainy had even checked the various classrooms around them and posted puppets to watch all the stairs. If there was even the slightest bit of movement, Brainy would know about it immediately.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the principal's office since it really was just right by them. It was only a few doors down from the classroom that they had been holding up in.

When they arrived, Lin Fan could easily see the barrier that was surrounding the door, it wasn't even being hidden. They were making it clear that there was something hidden behind this door and that the barrier had to be broken first before they could enter.

Seeing this, Lin Fan felt even more excited because this seemed more like a proper dungeon.

Encountering something that reminded him of his past world, Lin Fan couldn't help getting caught up in it. While he didn't know what the purpose of this was, he was still happy to play along since he didn't feel any sense of danger.

It might have been different if he was threatened, but there was nothing here that could actually hurt him if he used his full power, so Lin Fan felt like he was playing around.

Lin Fan went up to the barrier and reached his hand out to touch it to examine it, but the moment his hand made contact with the barrier, he received a surprise.

He didn't get pushed away like the puppets that Brainy had thrown at it, rather the moment he made contact with the barrier, there was a layer of light that suddenly appeared around Lin Fan.

This light spread across him, but it didn't seem like it was coming from him. It went through him and gathered in his hand before spreading from his hand onto the barrier, going all through the barrier until it shattered to pieces. There were fragments that were blown away in the wind before disappearing into nothing.

Mo Ze Chen looked at Lin Fan with a shocked look, but there was also a trace of admiration in his hand.

He hadn't been able to sense any life energy from Lin Fan just now, which meant that that should have been a special power that Lin Fan had used.

He could tell that he would have been unable to break that barrier on his own since it was much more powerful than him, but Lin Fan had done it with a single touch. It really wasn't a mistake choosing to follow Lin Fan.

As for Lin Fan, he was confused as well when he saw the barrier suddenly shatter apart.

This wasn't how the script was supposed to go?

Wasn't there supposed to be a mini boss or an item that he had to find before the barrier to the final boss shattered apart?

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