When he came to the podium, he found that it was the same as the one that he had seen at the school.

On it was a cryptic message and there was a word that was written underneath in a golden glowing Chinese letter.

The message read, "The madness reigns supreme, but in the darkness there is a clear light."

Then right underneath it, the Chinese letter read, "Doll."

But that was the least of Lin Fan's concerns since everything started to change once he read this.

Instead of getting newer like with the school, the hospital actually became more and more dilapidated. There was graffiti that suddenly appeared along the walls and there were pieces of broken furniture that seemed to have formed out of nothing.

There was one good thing that happened though, the lights in the hospital suddenly lit up. It was a bit dim here since there were few windows in the main lobby, so it became much brighter the moment the lights came on.

What Lin Fan didn't know was that there was also only a single window in all the rooms of the hospital, as well as bars that were on them, so the entire hospital was very dim.

Mo Ze Chen was surprised the moment the lights turned on, but he also knew what to expect after going through the school the first time.

Without a word from either of them, they immediately went deeper into the hospital.

Since they were after information on the patients, the first place they headed was the records room.

But it was by no means a smooth journey.

Lin Fan was as cautious as always as he released Brainy's puppets all around him to scout the area.

After all, as soon as the hospital's appearance had changed, he had also heard all kinds of sounds from around him. There were moans, screams, and all kinds of other sounds echoing all around them. It was clear that there were things that were all around them.

It was just a good thing that when he sent Brainy to check, he only found ghosts wandering alone.

Even if the ghosts were much stronger compared to the kid ghosts, there weren't as many of them, which made it much easier for Brainy's puppets to lead them around.

It was also a good thing that there were signs that were all along the hospital that showed where to go, but it was too bad that there wasn't a single sign that led them to exactly what they needed. Of course, that made sense since the room of records was a place that only people who worked there could access, so there was no need for them to create a sign for people wandering the halls since they normally wouldn't be going there. The signs that hung up on the walls were mainly for different departments of the hospital and special rooms.

However, since there were these signs, it wasn't hard for Lin Fan to figure out which ways he shouldn't go since there was only so much space in this hospital.

With Brainy mapping out the various parts of the hospital based on the signs that it could see, soon Lin Fan had a working map of the various parts of the hospital.

There was only one place that was blank on the map that Lin Fan drew with Brainy's instructions, this meant that this was the only place where the room of records and the administration office could be.

It was in the left wing of the hospital, but there wasn't much in between them and that place.

The strange thing about the distribution of the ghosts was that most of them were found in the right wing of the hospital, but that was also where the psych clinic was found. That was most likely where most of them had been held, so it made sense that they would be there.

Lin Fan didn't bother fighting any of the ghosts that were in his way because there was no reason for him to fight them.

There wasn't a single ghost that was in the peak Embryo Soul Realm, which meant that there wasn't a single ghost that could catch Brainy's puppet. It was quite easy for Brainy's puppets to lure the ghosts away from the path they took before losing them.

Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen smoothly made their way to the administration office with the files that they were looking for, but they didn't find what they wanted, rather they received quite the surprise.

The moment they arrived, they saw the office and they were caught off guard by what they had seen.

There were no ghosts around since Brainy's puppets had led them all away, but that didn't matter since the office was already trashed.

There was furniture smashed all over the ground and there was a small pile of paper that was burning in the center of the office. It was clear that someone had destroyed this place and they had done so without holding back.

It wasn't hard to figure out who had done this with the situation that was happening in this hospital.

After they were freed, the mental patients must have come here first looking for the people that had locked them away, or at least the ones with clear enough minds led the ones that didn't to this place to take revenge.

Lin Fan didn't know what kind of things the doctors did to treat them, but it was clearly bad enough for them to do all this…

Still, it wasn't Lin Fan's place to judge since this was something that happened in the past.

The hospital was clearly under the influence of time laws just like the school, which was why it had changed like this.

Lin Fan waved his hand and put out the flames, but he found that the documents that had been burned couldn't be read at all, so he gave up and headed into the records room.

The records room was a mess, but most of the records were still intact. They had only taken a few of the records to create the burning pile outside, most of the other records were still kept safe inside the room, though they were scattered all over the place since most of the shelves that were holding them had been tipped over.

Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen wasted no time going through the records that were there, looking for the one that they wanted, the one on the patient named Faust.

While they were searching, they did find records on some of the other mental patients, the people whose documents Lin Fan had found at the front desk. Lin Fan placed them on the side for Mo Ze Chen to read through while he continued searching through the records.

After what seemed like a long time, Lin Fan finally found the file that he was looking for.

According to the information on the file, this Faust was someone who wasn't actually a member of this tribe, he was someone who had wandered into their community.

He had lived among them for some time as a normal person, but then that all suddenly changed one day.

One day, they found that there were some kids missing and there were clues that led them to believe that Faust was the one who did it.

After raiding his house, they found that the kids were half dead as they were placed inside an array that Faust had made in his basement. Faust had been on the side, looking like he was conducting some ritual, but they immediately stopped him and were able to save the kids.

Though the kids were also sent to this psych ward because of the trauma, that was a different story.

During the trial, Faust made it clear that he was mentally unstable, so the decision was made to send him to this psych ward. As for the rest, it was clear to Lin Fan since he had already read the notes at the front desk.

After reading that Faust was someone who didn't come from this village and was an outsider, Lin Fan began to think if he was his transmigration senior, but the notes on the file disproved this.

The notes in the file had included a newspaper article on how Faust had been caught.

After defeating several experts of this village, finally their saviour was the one who had stopped him.

This saviour was someone that Lin Fan was familiar with since he had seen plenty of stories about him, so he knew that this saviour was actually his transmigration senior.

Since they were two different people, Lin Fan knew that Faust wasn't a transmigrator at all. But still, where had this Faust come from?

Lin Fan only thought about this for a bit before he continued looking through Faust's records, but he still couldn't find anything related to the clue that he got.

That was until he saw a list of items that had been confiscated and brought in with Faust, ones that were considered not dangerous by the council that had tried him. Among these items, there was one that had caught Lin Fan's eye.

It was a doll.

As for why Faust had a doll in his possessions, that was something that Lin Fan wasn't clear on, but he knew that this doll must be what he had to get.

After all, the clue that he had received had clearly stated the word "doll".

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