After another pause, Faust raises his hand to give an inviting gesture.

Though he didn't get the answer that he wanted, that didn't mean that he had to lose all face with Lin Fan right now.

Lin Fan could naturally tell what Faust was thinking and knew what kind of game this was.

The goal of this game was to get as much information from the other side without revealing too much about yourself.

The first few questions had been asked to wade the waters, to test the limits of what the other side was willing to say, while also establishing some base rules.

Next, it was time for them to start playing for real.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes as he looked at Faust for a bit before asking, "What is your relationship with Huang Di?"

It was the exact same question that Faust had just asked, but it held a completely different context.

Faust looked right at Lin Fan for a bit before giving a shrug and saying, "There is no relationship at all."

Lin Fan waited for a response from his sleeve and when he received it, while he felt surprised deep down, he didn't show it on his face.

Brainy had been using its spiritual sense to monitor every single movement that Faust made. The moment that he made a single movement that he wasn't supposed to, Bring would see it and tell Lin Fan.

However, even with all of this, Brainy hadn't been able to find a thing.

Lin Fan was then confused as he thought, "Could it be that this really wasn't related to him?"

But based on what he had seen in the memories that he had been shown back in the school, that didn't seem like that case. After all, he knew that all of this was related to the plans of Huang Di…

As for how this was all related, he didn't know, but he knew that the ones guarding the four locations should be those that were related to him.

Yet, the boss of this location was saying that he wasn't related at all…

While Lin Fan was lost in thought over this matter, Faust had already moved on and asked his question, however Lin Fan didn't hear it at all.

The moment this question was asked, Lin Fan only heard the words being said, but he didn't hear the exact content of these words. However, they were enough to pull Lin Fan out of his thoughts as he asked, "Huh? What did you just say?"

Faust didn't seem disturbed at all as he calmly repeated his question, "What year is it right now?"

Lin Fan was surprised when he heard this question since he didn't expect this kind of awareness from someone who was trapped in these ruins. There was no reason for him to answer this question with a false answer or a vague answer, so Lin Fan just replied honestly.

Faust fell into thought when he heard this answer and he muttered under his voice, "It's already been over ten thousand years, I wonder if the prophecy has come true yet…"

Lin Fan clearly knew that this had something to do with the reason why these ruins were built, but he didn't rush into it because he knew that he wouldn't be able to gain any information.

Instead of getting information right now, he needed information that would allow him to get this information.

So Lin Fan didn't waste any time as he asked, "Aren't you supposed to be a patient in this hospital? Why do you seem normal?"

This sounded like a provocation because that was exactly what it was.

When people lost themselves to anger, it was very easy for them to make a mistake and that was what Lin Fan was trying to use.

However, it didn't have any effect at all as Faust answered in a calm voice, "Why do you think that I shouldn't be here?"

Lin Fan said, "Compared to the others, you don't seem like you belong here."

Faust revealed a faint smile at this as he said, "That is awfully kind of you to say…" Then his expression immediately changed as he said, "But sometimes you shouldn't judge a book by its cover."

Lin Fan would have felt a chill from this, but his body had already adapted to the aura of death that was around Faust which made it a bit easier for him.

Faust didn't bother waiting for Lin Fan to answer as he directly asked, "What is your name?"

Lin Fan had been lost in thought as he heard this question, so he answered right away, "Lin Fan."

But the moment he did answer this, there was a wide smile that appeared on Faust's face.

After all, the question that Faust had asked hadn't been asked in the common language of this universe, but rather in Chinese. Lin Fan had been too occupied with his own thoughts that he hadn't realized this fact, he had just answered normally.

But right after he answered, Lin Fan realized that something was wrong and realized what he had done.

The moment he realized this, he looked at Faust with a shocked expression since he never expected Faust to also speak Chinese…

Though before he could ask Faust if he was also from earth, Faust suddenly said, "So you can speak the language too. You must be the saviour that we've all been waiting for."

Lin Fan could understand the meaning inferenced from these words, but that would be strange since how could Faust speak Chinese?

He had just denied that he had a relationship with Huang Di, so it was impossible for him to learn from him, but how else would he have learned Chinese?

But then again, Brainy was certain that he wasn't lying. So could it be that Brainy had made a mistake?

There were all kinds of questions that filled Lin Fan's mind, but Faust naturally didn't give Lin Fan any time to recover as he said, "Isn't it time for you to ask your question? Or are you already out and I've won this game?"

This wasn't a rule that they had established, but both sides silently accepted this as one of the rules because they knew that whichever side stopped asking questions first would be the side that had lost their momentum. Once their momentum was gone, there was no way for them to stop the other side.

But of course, Lin Fan didn't panic since he had someone else helping him think of these questions as well while he analyzed the answers that Faust gave.

Brainy had also been analyzing the situation and thinking what the best questions to ask were. Since Faust had already been able to throw off Lin Fan like this, unless they had something good to throw him off as well, it would almost be certain that Lin Fan wouldn't be able to keep up with him.

However, they didn't know anything about Faust other than the information from the files that they had found on him, so there really was nothing for them to ask.

That was, there wasn't anything particular that they could ask about.

However, there was one thing that they could gamble on since it was something that hadn't let them down the entire time. It was the thing that was supposed to be their goal for this round and the thing that only Lin Fan could see.

It was the Chinese letter that had said doll that had been carved on the pedestal.

As far as they knew, this was the only thing that they held in their hands, so they might as well ask about it. After all, there was nothing to lose from asking.

However, they didn't know just how wrong they were.

Lin Fan didn't wait any longer as he asked, "Do you know anything about a doll?"

The moment the word doll was said, the expression on Faust's face had completely changed.

Before this, the only expressions that he had shown before were a look of calm and a cold look. Other than this, it was like there was nothing that could faze him and he was completely unmovable.

However, the moment the doll was mentioned, there was a look of rage that completely took over Faust's face.

He immediately stood up and said, "What do you know about this doll!"

Lin Fan couldn't help flinching back slightly when he saw this, after all, this was just too much of a difference.

​ Before this, it was like Faust had been controlling everything in the palm of his hands, but now it seemed like he was completely losing control of everything.

It had changed so quickly that it almost didn't seem real.

Lin Fan didn't get a chance to say anything as Faust suddenly began to change.

His entire body changed until he looked like all the other ghosts with empty eyes and rotten skin, but the only difference was that there were purple flames in those empty eyes. Those purple flames seemed to burn with an intensity that normal flames didn't burn with, they were like flames that burned from the very depths of his soul.

Faust didn't waste any time after changing as he just waved his hand.

The moment he waved his hand, there was a dark energy that came out of him and entered the ground.

The moment that energy touched the ground, there were skeletal hands that poked out of the hand.

To Lin Fan, this almost seemed like the beginning of a horror movie...

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