Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 1021 Azure Dragon Tribe (5)

The Azure Dragon Tribe was abuzz today as everyone gathered in the meeting square.

Everyone was confused why there had been a sudden meeting called, but they still all came since it was a meeting called by the head.

Even his eldest son who the head had been avoiding the entire time was called.

When everyone heard this, they knew that something big was happening.

So now they were currently waiting for the head to arrive.

Qing Ao's older brother, Qing Qiang had arrived early and was currently scouting out the crowd. It was as if he was searching for someone, but he wasn't able to find what he was looking for.

He knew that since his father had summoned him, there had to be a reason.

The problem was that he didn't know…why!

So he couldn't help feeling nervous as he stood there.

He had no idea what his father knew, but there were many things that he had done in secret that would have been considered traitorous to their Azure Dragon Tribe. If any of them were exposed, it was certain that he would be in trouble.

He needed to figure out what it was before it was revealed so he could think of a way to counter it.

But there were just no clues here.

In the back of his mind, he had thought that this was related to his younger brother who had mysteriously disappeared from their tribe.

His father had said that his little brother had been ambushed by an enemy and had gone missing, but he didn't believe it. He knew that it was some kind of trick that his father had set up with his little brother so that his little brother could escape his grasps.

He knew that as long as his little brother was taken out of the picture, there would be nothing stopping him from taking over as the head of the Azure Dragon Tribe.

Once that happened, it would only be a matter of time before their Dragon Race reclaimed their place as the supreme race. They would no longer have to care about those disgusting humans and take their place as rulers.

All those old fogies at the top were afraid of nothing and holding back the Dragon Race.

Peace between the races was nothing more than an insult to their pride as dragons, but he couldn't do anything if he didn't take over the Azure Dragon Tribe first.

So he had done everything that he had done for the glory of the Dragon Race.

That included sending the fake envoys to the Lin Astral Empire.

As soon as he had found a trace of his little brother, he had sent his people to track him down. Even though that meant going against the rules of their Dragon Race.

The excuse that he gave himself was that he was doing it for the glory of the Dragon Race.

But if it was found out he did this, there was no doubt that he would be persecuted.

The funny thing was that he didn't think for a single second that it was because of this that this meeting had been called. He was certain that he had hidden every aspect of his involvement in this, so there was no way that they would be able to prove that it was him.

It was strange but no matter how long they waited, no one came to start the meeting.

As time passed Qing Qiang couldn't help feeling more and more anxious since he didn't have any ideas what was going to happen. It was a feeling of not being in control, which was something that he found hard to accept as someone who would normally be in charge.

But still there was nothing that he could do.

What he didn't know was that there were people that were watching over him as he sat there anxiously.

Finally, after close to an hour, there was someone that finally arrived.

But it wasn't the person that everyone was waiting for.

Instead, it was a person that everyone was shocked to see since they never expected someone like this to appear.

It was a representative from the Red Dragon Tribe.

Out of the eight tribes, they were the tribe that was closest to the Azure Dragon Tribe, so it wasn't strange to see members of the Red Dragon Tribe here.

But this representative was the current heir of the Red Dragon Tribe, the one that would become the future head.

For someone like him to appear here, it was naturally a big matter.

Qing Qiang was caught off guard when he saw this person, but then he quickly stood up and made his way over to greet him. With the way that he walked over, one would think that he was the one that had called this meeting instead of being called to attend.

When he came over, he said, "Brother Hong, it's been a long time."

When Hong Jun heard this, he looked over with narrowed eyes. As soon as he heard who it was, he couldn't help revealing a slightly disgusted look, but he also quickly hid that expression.

The Red Dragon Tribe was one of the tribes that was in the peace faction and this Hong Jun was also a firm believer of peace, so he didn't like this Qing Qiang who was a firm advocate of war. However, since they were from the Azure Dragon Tribe and the Red Dragon Tribe respectively, Hong Jun had no choice but to be respectful to Qing Qiang out of respect for the Azure Dragon Tribe's head.

Personally, he preferred Qing Ao who had mysteriously disappeared a while back.

But there was no time to think about that.

Qing Qiang was about to say something else, but before he could, there was a group that came forward to greet Hong Jun.

This was a group of subordinates who were under the current head of the Azure Dragon Tribe, Qing Qiang's father.

But Qing Qiang immediately said, "There's no place for you servants, I'll take it from here."

As he said this, he released his full prestige as the young master of the Azure Dragon Tribe. Even though he hadn't been named the heir, he still acted that way around the others which actually hurt his reputation.

The subordinates didn't back down as they said, "Young master Qiang, we have orders from your father to take care of young master Hong. Please step aside."

Qing Qiang was taken aback when he heard this.

Usually, these servants didn't say anything to him when he threw his weight like this because he did have some powerful backers among the Azure Dragon Tribe. But today, it was unknown where they had found the courage to speak back to him.

As he heard this, his pride had actually been hurt, so he was about to argue back.

Before he could though, the subordinates pulled out a token that they placed in front of him.

Seeing this token, Qing Qiang had no choice but to swallow his words.

This token was his father's token, the one that represented the greatest power within the Azure Dragon Tribe.

In front of this token, there wasn't anything that Qing Qiang would say or it would be deemed that he was going against the authority of the head.

Once this token appeared, Qing Qiang had no choice but to back down.

But the look on his face made it very clear that he wasn't doing it willingly.

After Qing Qiang backed down, the subordinates went over to greet Hong Jun before leading him away from Qing Qiang.

Hong Jun acted differently from how he acted with Qing Qiang. Since these were subordinates of his Uncle Qing, he wouldn't be rude to them.

He politely accepted their greetings before following them away.

As he walked off, he couldn't help glaring at Qing Qiang as he passed by him.

Qing Qiang however was too busy fuming over this matter to notice this.

He couldn't help himself since he was the young master of the Azure Dragon Tribe who had been respected by all since he was young. Now that someone had actually dared to go against him like this, it naturally hurt his pride.

Still, he didn't let it bother him for too long.

He quickly swallowed this anger and fell into a state of deep thought.

Even the Red Dragon Tribe had been called to this meeting…this was clearly not something normal.

It seemed like it was even bigger than he thought…

Qing Qiang couldn't help becoming more and more anxious as these things passed through his mind.

| And of course, the worst part was that he had no idea what was even happening…

Since he couldn't do anything, Qing Qiang decided to go and talk to the others that were here. He didn't know if he could get anything out of them, but just sitting here without doing a thing was not something that he wanted to do.

However, before he could talk to anyone, he heard some more sound coming from the side.

When he turned to look in that direction, he was once again shocked by what he saw.

That was because standing there were people that he recognized once again.

These were not members of the Azure Dragon Tribe, but rather they were people from the Yellow Dragon and Black Dragon Tribes.

Before he knew what was even happening, representatives from three out of the seven remaining tribes had shown up at this meeting.

It was clear that something big was about to happen…

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