Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 443 Fishing Docks (1)

Once the skeleton disappeared, Lin Fan turned to where the golden glowing doll was lying and he slowly walked over to it.

The moment he touched it, the golden glow around it suddenly disappeared and flowed through his hand to the golden diamond that was on his forehead.

During this process the golden glow flowed over his eyes and he was able to see a few memories that were trapped in them, just like what happened when he had picked up that golden pen back in the school.

There were scenes that were similar to the ones he had seen when he had picked up the pen, but there were also a few scenes that were different.

These scenes definitely weren't a part of what was supposed to be shown to him since they displayed some facts that were rather incriminating…

If Lin Fan had to guess where they came from, they should have been scenes that came from the doll that he was holding in his hand. After all, among those scenes, there was one that was of Faust and a beautiful woman, happily holding themselves in each other's hands. As for the appearance of the woman, it was almost identical to the doll that Lin Fan was holding in his hand.

After the golden glow had completely flowed into the golden diamond in his head, Lin Fan looked down to find that there was a smile on the face of the doll in his hand.

Then as if there was a breeze that suddenly blew past him, the doll in his hand began scattering on the wind into ashes.

By the time that Lin Fan could react, the doll had completely disappeared…

This wasn't what had happened with the golden pen which Lin Fan still had, but Lin Fan was fine with this since he felt gratitude towards these two who had risked their lives to give him the information that he now had.

At the very least, he hoped that they were happy together in the afterlife…

After taking a minute to gather himself, he moved over to the entrance of the room where he saw Mo Ze Chen crumpled on the ground in a deep sleep. It was like he didn't have a single thing that he was worried about even though he was inside these dangerous ruins. Mo Ze Chen was even drooling as he muttered, "Um, give me some more please."

Lin Fan held back the urge to kick Mo Ze Chen.

It was a good thing that he had sent out the puppets to lure out the ghosts in the surrounding area, otherwise with how much noise they had been making, they definitely would have attracted a horde over that would have killed Mo Ze Chen.

What Lin Fan didn't know was that Faust had actually put up a sound proof barrier, so no matter how much noise they had made earlier, none of the ghosts had heard a thing.

There wasn't even any damage that went outside of the room because of the barrier keeping everything inside.

But Lin Fan didn't hold back when waking up Mo Ze Chen, so while he didn't kick him hard, he still kicked him awake in the end.

Mo Ze Chen slowly woke up and looked around himself for a bit before suddenly coming back to his senses. When he saw Lin Fan, he jumped up and grabbed Lin Fan by the shoulders before saying, "Boss, where's that guy?"

Lin Fan held back the urge to slap him and put his head in his palm as he said, "It's already over. You've been sleeping the entire time."

Mo Ze Chen revealed a stunned look as he looked at Lin Fan in a daze for a few seconds before asking, "It's all over?"

Lin Fan didn't hold back this time because he actually had an excuse as he brought his hand up and gave a crisp slap across Mo Ze Chen's face.

It rang out true and Mo Ze Chen's face turned to the side as he revealed a stunned look.

Lin Fan just asked with a smile, "Does it hurt? Guess that means that this isn't a dream then."

Mo Ze Chen reached his hand up to touch his cheek and indeed it did hurt since Lin Fan hadn't held back. With Lin Fan's physique also breaking through, the amount of strength that he could use was much greater compared to before. Even before, it was at a level that Mo Ze Chen couldn't resist and now, it was at a level that Mo Ze Chen couldn't resist even more.

But Mo Ze Chen couldn't say a thing as he just revealed a bitter smile since this was technically his fault. He was the one who had lost consciousness in the end and had been a burden for Lin Fan.

Still there was nothing they could do now except move on.

They had already taken care of two of these locations and now there were only two more locations left for them.

As for what would happen after they took care of these last two locations, that was not something that they knew. However, they had no other clues right now, so they just had to do it.

At least there was no need for them to face all the ghosts that should have been in the hospital on their way out. Just like with the school, the waves of ghosts had all disappeared the moment that Lin Fan had touched the dolls.

This was what Lin Fan had learned from Brainy's puppets after Brainy checked in with all the puppets that were around them.

They made their way out to the front of the hospital and just like with the school, the hospital also crumbled behind them the moment that they came out. It happened the second that they took their final step out of the building.

As soon as they did, the bricks began falling behind them and they had to run out of the way to avoid being crushed.

But neither of them looked back since they already knew where they were heading.

They made their way through the town to the third location and when they arrived, they found that it was completely different from the last two locations that they had been. Instead of being in a building this time, the location that they arrived in was an open harbour that was beside an endless ocean.

But that didn't make sense either since they were inside of a tree. How could there be an ocean here?

When they looked closely, they found that the sea on the horizon was actually just painted onto the trunk of the tree and it was painted in such a life-like manner that they thought that it was real. However, no matter how they looked at it, it was still only just a small lake that was here that went all the way to the trunk.

Still, that was strange because where did this lake come from?

But then again, where did this entire town inside of the tree come from? That seemed like the more important question.

They didn't have time to think about this since there were still other things they had to do first.

Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen made their way down to the docks and they found the same old podium that was right at the entrance to the docks, but of course there was a different message for them this time.

The podium in front of the docks read, "In the darkest times, there will be a light that comes from the depths."

At the bottom of the podium read the golden word "heart".

As per usual, they didn't know what this was referring to since they didn't know anything about these docks, so they didn't stay here for long as they began heading down to the docks.

When they arrived, they saw that there were a bunch of ships that were docked there and all of them seemed to be fishing vessels based on the nets that were on the side of them. However, it wasn't just these boats that were there, there were also ghosts that were wandering around the deck of the fishing vessels.

With how open this harbour was, it was easy for them to spot the ghosts that were wandering around, but it was also easy for the ghosts to spot them.

Or it would have been if Lin Fan didn't have a law that helped him with this.

Since this was an open area, there were plenty of places that were put under shade to keep cool from the sun, so there were plenty of shadows for Lin Fan to use.

Wrapping them up with the shadow law, Lin Fan was able to keep the ghosts from noticing them.

But using the shadow law to keep them hidden wasn't something that they wanted to do either since staying put here meant not doing anything.

There weren't many buildings that were a part of this harbour, other than a few that looked like restaurants and one that looked like a building.

After looking around to see the layout of the ghosts, Lin Fan released his puppets to begin leading them around.

Once the ghosts around them were being led around by the rats and the path was clear, Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen decided to head to the office.

When they arrived, Lin Fan also threw a few rats inside to draw out the ghosts that could be hiding in there, but he was surprised by what he found.

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