Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 446 Fishing Docks (4)

Mo Ze Chen was right to feel worried because what Lin Fan planned for him definitely wasn't a good thing.

Well, it was a good thing since it did make him stronger, but it wasn't a good thing for his mentality.

Lin Fan picked Mo Ze Chen up and brought him over to where the golden glowing rudder was before setting him down.

Mo Ze Chen was confused at first, but then seeing the golden glowing rudder, he was surprised. He could understand why Lin Fan had brought him over to this rudder, but he was surprised that Lin Fan would give this chance to him.

After all the experimenting that they had done, Mo Ze Chen knew that this golden glow was a very important kind of energy. It was the only thing that would allow them to take care of ghosts since there was an array that was present that healed them whenever they were attacked.

Each golden glowing item was the key to making one's golden glow stronger, so each single item was very valuable.

Mo Ze Chen looked at Lin Fan with a gaze filled with emotion as he was touched by the gesture that Lin Fan was showing him, it was just too bad that this gesture wasn't designed to help him, but rather to achieve Lin Fan's goals.

After Mo Ze Chen had finished drawing in the golden glow of the rudder, Lin Fan called out Xiao Huo and had it pick up Mo Ze Chen before heading off in one direction.

Mo Ze Chen didn't even have time to react as he was picked off the ground and was flown away.

The direction that Xiao Huo was taking Mo Ze Chen was in the direction of one of the Child Soul Realm ghosts that Brainy had found while Lin Fan had been reading the book.

Since he couldn't take care of it all by himself, he would just split them up and let Mo Ze Chen handle a few of them. After all, he had absorbed the golden glows of quite a few items now and Lin Fan was sure that it would be able to take down one of the Child Soul Realm ghosts.

But of course, that wasn't the only source of Lin Fan's confidence.

The main source of Lin Fan's confidence was that Mo Ze Chen wouldn't be the one fighting, rather it would be Xiao Huo.

He knew how fast the Child Soul Realm ghosts could fight and he knew how fast Xiao Huo was. As long as Xiao Huo didn't intentionally slow down, it would be almost impossible for the ghosts to catch it.

The only problem was that Lin Fan didn't have a way for Xiao Huo to take down the ghost.

That was where Mo Ze Chen came in.

In the end, Mo Ze Chen would be used as a weapon like a sword for Xiao Huo, being used as a golden glowing sword to cut down the Child Soul Realm ghosts.

After sending them off, Lin Fan didn't worry about them any further and began focusing on finding the other three ghosts.

He had sent out more than enough rats to cover the entire harbour since this harbour was actually quite small compared to the hospital and the school. It didn't even take up a tenth of the space those two places had taken.

The rest of the space for this stage was actually taken up by the sea that stretched all the way to the trunk.

It didn't take Brainy long to find the next Child Soul Realm ghost because there was only so much space here and the buildings were actually quite close together.

After finding the next ghost, Lin Fan didn't waste any time in heading out to the location.

Just like this, the two of them worked through the four Child Soul Realm ghosts quite quickly.

Deep down in the sea, in a hidden cave.

There was a giant whale that was lying on the floor of the sea, but it suddenly opened its eyes as if it had sensed something and looked up at the surface.

When it suddenly moved, the little girl that was sitting on its back noticed this as well and looked down to ask, "Xiao Jing, what is it?"

The whale didn't say anything at first, but then it gave a supersonic cry that shook the area around them.

The little girl heard this cry even though humans shouldn't have been able to, but she didn't say anything either as she waited for the whale to finish.

Once the whale was finished with this sonar, it said in a deep voice, "It seems like we have guests who are coming."

The little girl looked up at the sun through the water and said, "Are they the ones that we've been waiting for?"

The whale paused for a second before saying, "I can't tell, but I can tell that they are at least able to take down those ghosts."

The little girl had a sparkle appear in her eyes, but then they dimmed once again before she gave a sigh.

The whale saw this and said, "You shouldn't give up hope that easily."

The little girl shook her head and said, "It's never a good idea to have hope in humans, you and I both know that."

,m The whale didn't say anything at first, but then it said, "It's been a long time, perhaps they'll be different."

The little girl didn't respond to this at all. Instead, she said, "What do you want for dinner tonight?"

The whale had a sad look that flickered in its eyes, but then it said, "I'll let you choose."

The little girl jumped up on the whale's back and said, "Let's have some tuna, it's been a long time since we've had that!"

Just like that, the two of them completely forgot about what they had just been talking about and began discussing their dinner.

But before the whale moved out of the cave to go find dinner, the little girl suddenly turned into a golden glow that disappeared into the whale. The golden glow went right through the flesh of the whale and reached the heart of the whale which was covered in the same golden glow.

Back on the surface, Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen met up half an hour later after taking care of all the Child Soul Realm ghosts.

Lin Fan looked the same as usual, but Mo Ze Chen looked completely ragged.

There were cuts and bruises all over him, like he had been thrown around by something. Well, instead of being thrown around, it was better to say that he had been swung around like a sword.

When facing their Child Soul Realm ghosts, Xiao Huo had held Mo Ze Chen in its mouth like a sword and had flown down, swinging it at the ghost.

Since Mo Ze Chen couldn't stop this, he could only accept it without releasing any life energy since he knew that it was better this way. If he did release life energy, it would mean that there was something that was protecting him and any hit from the ghost wouldn't be fatal. If it wasn't fatal, it wouldn't activate the protective golden energy and he would have to defend against the attack of a Child Soul Realm ghost with his own energy.

If he had to do that, he would definitely be seriously injured, which was definitely worse than dying in this realm.

Since he had no other choice, he just went limp and let Xiao Huo do what it wanted with his body.

As expected, when Mo Ze Chen used his body against the ghost, there was always the layer of golden protective energy that came up at the last second.

The ghosts never expected it and when they saw the golden energy, they couldn't do anything since it was already too late. The golden energy always cut right through the ghost, so there wasn't a single moment of suspense in these battles as Xiao Huo cut right through the ghost with its Mo Ze Chen sword.

The strange thing was that for every ghost that they defeated, there were always two items that dropped. One was the component for the ship that they needed and the other was the same children's book that they received from the first ghost.

Both of them had a golden glow around them, but only the component was different. Every single one of the books had the same story in them, told in the exact same way, word for word.

Lin Fan held all the books in his hands and looked over them, but he couldn't find a single thing that was different between them.

Since that was the case, he just tossed them into his Spatial Ring and turned his attention back to the boat that was in front of them.

This boat was the one that was missing all the components and based on what he could see, it seemed like they had all collected all the components.

He pulled out all the ones that he had and Mo Ze Chen also pulled out all the ones that he had, but of course, Mo Ze Chen didn't forget to complain about how he was treated first. In response to this, Lin Fan just slapped him in the back of the head and he fell silent.

After the five components were pulled out, all of them magically floated into the air and were pulled right to the ship, fitting into place perfectly.

Just like that, the boat had been finished.

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