Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 454 The Final Location

The thing that came out of the water was something giant, so big that it could completely cover up the ship.

What came out of the water was the tail fin of the whale.

It came up above the surface of the water, but it didn't touch the boat at all. The tail fin was just a little bit away from the boat and if it was just a tiny bit closer, it definitely would have tipped the boat over.

The tail fin came high up into the sky, way up above the boat. It continued all the way up until it couldn't go up any further.

The tail fin of the whale stayed up in the air for a few seconds before it suddenly changed directions and started falling down.

Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen had been confused why the tail fin of the whale had suddenly come out of the water, but the moment they saw it reach its peak, they immediately understood what the whale was planning to do.

Both of them immediately turned to the little girl looking at them from the back of the whale and shouted, "Stop..."

But before they could say the rest of what they wanted to say, the tail fin of the whale had already hit the water.

There was a big splash, but from the point of view of Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen on the boat, it was more like a tidal wave from a tsunami. This giant wave of water washed over the boat and completely swept it away, moving at high speeds in the direction of where the harbour would have been.

In just a few seconds, the wave that carried the boat and the passengers of that boat had completely disappeared along the horizon.

Even after the boat was gone, the little girl continued looking in that direction with eyes that were glazed over.

The whale seemed like it was worried about the little girl and it was about to call out again, but the little girl suddenly revealed a smile as she said, "Xiao Jing, it's fine. We'll meet again when the time is right. For now, let's go back to catching our dinner, alright?"

The whale didn't seem like it fully believed her, but without saying a word, it still sank into the water with the little girl.

The little girl had been staring in the direction that the boat had disappeared up to the last second when the whale sank down into the water.

When only her head was above the water, her lips mouthed without making a sound, "See you soon, big brother."

With that, the two of them disappeared into the sea.

The wave continued traveling at high speeds until it came right up to the shore.

Only when it was near the shore did the wave finally weaken and slow down. Eventually it slowed down enough where it just washed up on the beach of the shore like a normal wave coming in from the sea.

However, this wave definitely wasn't a normal wave because of what it was carrying.

When the wave hit the beach, it gently deposited the boat that Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen had been on onto the beach. Then after the wave receded, it was like nothing had happened at all.

There was a few seconds of calm before Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen suddenly stood up from the deck, gasping for air. After all, they had been completely submerged underwater while the ship had been pushed along by the wave.

Even if the wave had traveled at high speeds, this was a distance that wasn't easily traversed. Before the wave had reached the shore, it had traveled for over five minutes, which meant that they had been underwater the entire time for five whole minutes.

A normal person might have been able to hold their breath for a minute and while cultivating made their bodies stronger than the bodies of average people, it still didn't mean that they could avoid breathing.

Both Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen had similar levels of cultivation and even if Lin Fan's body was stronger, that didn't mean that he was much better than Mo Ze Chen. Still, in terms of breath, he could have held his a bit longer and Mo Ze Chen was close to passing out.

But that wasn't that strange thing.

The strange thing was that the moment the wave had hit the ship, the ship was suddenly covered in a very thin layer of golden energy that had blocked the impact of the wave. This golden energy had appeared out of nowhere, but it was the exact same energy that all the important objects that Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen collected had.

Then when the ship landed on the beach, the golden glow had suddenly disappeared like it hadn't existed at all.

Of course, Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen didn't have time to see this since they were busy holding onto the boat to make sure that they weren't swept away by the water.

After they landed on the shore, Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen got off the ship to look around the beach around them. This was the beach that the harbour had been on, but the harbour had already disappeared.

Just like with the other two locations, after they had gotten the item that they were looking for, the locations had collapsed the moment that they had walked out. Since they weren't here when they collected the item, these harbours had collapsed on their own.

But that was a good sign since it meant that what the little girl said was true. It seemed like even without getting the object, as long as they collected the energy that should have been in the object, it would consider it a pass. With it being whatever person or system that was running these ruins.

That also raised another issue which was that someone was watching and listening to their every move…

Still, they would deal with one problem at a time.

After getting off the boat, the boat also collapsed just like the rest of the harbour, turning into rubble behind them. However, after going through it all these times, Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen were used to it and didn't even look back.

Lin Fan couldn't help thinking that for whoever was watching them, would it be like an action movie scene for them with how they didn't look back after the explosion? Would it have been even cooler if they both had sunglasses on?

Still, continuing on like this, they moved through the rubbles of the collapsed harbour until they reached the entrance, or in this case, the exit that led back to the main city.

They didn't stop once they came out of the rubbles of the harbour because there was only one place that was left for them to go.

They had gone in a clockwise direction, that meant that the only location left was the location in the west.

As they headed through the town, Mo Ze Chen couldn't help asking, "Boss, do you think it's even possible to save Lulu?"

Lin Fan was surprised to hear this from Mo Ze Chen since he knew that the main reason Mo Ze Chen was doing this now was to save her. He had always firmly believed that he would be able to do it, but now he was actually expressing his doubt. Just what had happened during this time?

What Lin Fan didn't know was that while they had been separated, when Mo Ze Chen had been used to attack the Child Soul Realm ghosts by Xiao Huo, he had seen some things.

It had been the fifth glowing item that he had touched, when the golden glow from that item crawled up his arm to the golden diamond on his forehead, it had done something that it had never done before. As the golden glow passed by his eyes, it showed him a scene just like it had done for Lin Fan.

When Mo Ze Chen saw this scene, he learned a little about what the history of these ruins were, while also learning that he was out of his league. This was something that was definitely on a whole other scale for him and even if he was confident in Lin Fan, he wasn't certain that he would be able to do this. Perhaps in another few years when Lin Fan matured and reached his full potential, he would be able to solve the problem of these ruins, but before that…

But this was also the only chance that they would get since these ruins belonged to the Hunters Organization and even if Lin Fan became stronger, it would be hard to say that he would have another chance to come here again.

After all, once the Hunters Organization learned of what was down here, they would definitely send in peak experts. Those people definitely wouldn't care if Lulu was saved or not.

It seemed like they weren't destined to be together.

Lin Fan didn't know why Mo Ze Chen asked this, but he still had his pride, so he said, "I'll do what I promised you."

Mo Ze Chen heard this and didn't feel confident, but he still gave a nod.

After that, the two of them continued walking in silence until they finally reached the final location.

What appeared in front of them was a place that seemed natural for ghosts to wander around. What appeared in front of them was a giant cemetery.

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