The room that they came into was a very small room that didn't have much in it.

Compared to the hall from before, this room was completely different because this room was so small that no more than ten people could fit in here and that was on the basis that they stood side by side. If they forced it, they might have been able to put another person in, but that definitely would have been the limit.

However, the group that had come here before was definitely bigger than that, there were at least twenty of them and they definitely wouldn't have fit in this room. But then there was the strange part because there wasn't a single person here and this was a dead end.

There was nowhere else that they could have gone but this room and Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen didn't meet them along the way, so where had they gone?

p They couldn't have just disappeared from this place like that, right?

Unless there was something that they had missed along the way because they had been distracted by the lights in the ceiling…

Still for now, Lin Fan put those thoughts in the back of his mind and began walking around this room, looking for any clues at all.

To say that this room was completely empty would be a lie since there was indeed still one thing that was in it. On the exact opposite side of the room, there was a wooden sign that was stuck in the ground.

Looking closely, Lin Fan could see that there was something written on it, but there wasn't anything special about these words since they weren't covered in a golden glow.

But after looking around the entire room, Lin Fan wasn't able to find a single thing in the end, so he had no choice but to look at the wooden sign.

What was written on the wooden sign was very simple, but it also didn't make any sense to Lin Fan since it was talking about something that Lin Fan couldn't see.

The wooden sign said, "Make it to the end of the labyrinth to find what you seek."

However, the moment that Lin Fan finished reading the wooden sign, there was a flash of golden light that appeared in front of him. As if it was triggered by him reading it, the words on the wooden sign were now covered in a golden glow.

That golden glow became stronger and stronger until it blinded him.

Then before he could even react, the floor under him seemed to collapse and he began falling.

During this entire time, Mo Ze Chen had been looking around the room and when the words on the wooden sign started glowing, he hadn't been able to see a single thing. Even when Lin Fan had suddenly fallen down that hole, Mo Ze Chen hadn't heard a single thing.

When Mo Ze Chen finally turned around, he saw that Lin Fan had disappeared from the room they had just been in.

Mo Ze Chen immediately looked around himself, but he couldn't find Lin Fan at all, so he couldn't help asking, "Boss, where are you?"

However, all that he was met with was silence since Lin Fan had long disappeared from this room. Lin Fan had fallen down into the tunnel underneath him and had been brought to a different place.

Seeing that there was nothing else he could do, Mo Ze Chen also came over to the wooden sign as well and started reading it. Once he finished, the same thing happened where the words were suddenly covered in a golden glow and he fell down as well.

Once he was gone, the room fell silent and it was once again emptied.


After falling down, Lin Fan continued to fall for a few minutes before he finally landed on solid ground.

Looking around himself, he could see that he was surrounded by walls that reached high up above him, going all the way to the ceiling, blocking off certain directions around him. In front of him was a passage and all around him in the other directions were walls that had cut him off.

It seemed like there was only one way for him to go, but Lin Fan didn't move forward just yet.

The first thing he did was search around his surroundings to see if there were any signs of people.

Since he had been dragged into this labyrinth after reading the wooden sign, he could only assume that the others who had gone in before him had experienced the same thing. If that was the case, he should be able to find a trace of people passing by in this area.

Lin Fan looked around the area around him with a few puppets that he released, but even after searching the smallest corners, he wasn't able to find a single thing. It was as if there wasn't a single trace of human interaction in this place.

Then could it be that they were all sent to different starting points?

That would seem like the only logical explanation that was left.

If that was the case, that would make sense since Mo Ze Chen wasn't sent to the same place as him even though they had been together.

This was actually a good guess on Lin Fan's part because in another part of the labyrinth, Mo Ze Chen was actually panicking since he had been separated from Lin Fan.

He knew how strong he was and he knew how dangerous it was for him to go through this labyrinth without Lin Fan, so the first goal that Mo Ze Chen had set for himself was to find Lin Fan. It was just too bad that it was too hard for him to take that first step.

Just like Lin Fan, he had been put into a place where there were three walls around him and only a single corridor in front of him, so he had no choice but to move.

After a while, Mo Ze Chen still decided to head forward because he figured that it would be more dangerous to stay in this location because he didn't know what was lurking inside of the labyrinth. At the very least, if he continued forward, he wouldn't be trapped in a dead end and would have a chance to escape if he needed it.

Back on Lin Fan's side, he still didn't move after searching the area around him because this time he sent out the puppets to search out the area in front of him.

The puppets continued forward down the only path until they came to a split in that path. Once they arrived at this split, they separated into even groups and both groups headed down a separate path.

As the puppets continued further and further,they were met with more and more splits in this path until they were all separated and went alone. Like this, as the puppets met more splits, Brainy had no choice but to let them go down only one of the paths and ignore the other.

It didn't take long before Brainy found that there was something strange in this labyrinth.

First, no matter which direction Brainy sent the puppets down, they never seemed to have met a dead end. It was as if there were infinite directions to go in and there didn't seem to be an end in sight.

To test this, Brainy had sent one of the puppets down only the left path so that it would continue in a circle until it reached its starting point. However, even after five left turns, the puppet still wasn't able to reach its starting point.

Brainy was certain of this because it had pulled back one of the puppets to where this puppet was so that it could act as a landmark, but Brainy could tell that these two puppets were in different corridors.

Brainy didn't give up right away on this and continued to send that puppet down the left path, but there wasn't an end in sight.

The only thing that Brainy knew was that somehow, even after all the distance that it had traveled, it was still able to remain in its spiritual sense range even though it should have been out of it based on how far it had walked.

Seeing that there was no end, Brainy decided to try and bring back one of the puppets to see if that would work, but that failed in the end as well.

It had worked for the other puppet because they were closer together, but when Brainy tried to pull one of the puppets back to the starting location where Lin Fan was, no matter how it tried, it could never reach it. Even though it followed the exact same path as it went, it couldn't reach where Lin Fan was.

It even seemed like the puppet was getting further and further away from Brainy because Brainy could feel that the spiritual sense link was getting weaker.

Finally, Lin Fan decided to end the scouting there because it seemed like they wouldn't be able to get any useful information from it.

Brainy looked depressed because this was the one thing that it was good at and now that it had failed, it seemed to take it personally.

Lin Fan saw this and patted Brainy on the head to indicate that it shouldn't worry about this before putting Brainy back in his sleeve.

Then after that, he faced the path in front of him and started moving forward.

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