Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 514 Setting Up The Shop (2)

After coming back to the residence that the Xu Family gave them, the first thing Lin Fan and Angela did was go into their room.

In there, what happened wasn't what everyone had thought would happen.

It wasn't a scene of hell for Lin Fan, but rather it was something that was quite funny.

It was Angela who had pouted lips laying her head on Lin Fan's lap, turning her head to the side to not listen to him as he tried to explain what the situation was.

In the end, it took an hour of giving her a lap pillow and patting her head that Angela finally let go of her anger and decided to listen to Lin Fan.

Of course, she was still jealous, but she knew that it wasn't Lin Fan's fault. It was the fault of those two foxes trying to snatch her family's man, which was something that she definitely wouldn't allow.

When they were finally done making up, Lin Fan came out to the living room where Brainy and Momonga had been playing chess while waiting for them.

Momonga saw that Angela didn't follow him out and asked, "Did she fall asleep?"

Lin Fan gave a nod in response to this.

She had been worried over the past two days while Lin Fan had been away and when she saw him come out of the Hunters Organization with the two girls, naturally she was filled with rage.

After dealing with that rage and then being pampered by Lin Fan, her exhaustion had finally caught up to her.

In fact, she didn't really need to sleep since experts at the level that she was at didn't need to sleep. It was more mental exhaustion from how much she was worried about Lin Fan that had caused her to be this tired, which was why she needed some sleep.

Still that at least showed how much she cared about Lin Fan, which made Lin Fan's heart fill with warmth even though he had been treated the way that he had been treated.

Momonga gave a nod to this as well and then asked, "So what are you planning to do now?"

There was no need for him to ask Lin Fan about what happened in the Hunters Exam since he had been talking to Brainy as they played their game of chess.

Of course, there were a few things that Brainy didn't know that Momonga was still curious about, but he could ask that another time. For now, what he wanted to know was what Lin Fan planned to do now.

Lin Fan was silent for a bit before saying, "It's finally time to open another store here."

Momonga revealed a bit of excitement in his eyes when he heard this.

During the time that there had been no store, they hadn't been able to use the benefits that the store offered which they thought were given to them by Lin Fan's master. In fact, they hadn't even been able to feel the presence of Lin Fan's master the entire time they were in this upper realm.

Momonga had even started to doubt that Lin Fan's master had abandoned him.

But now that Lin Fan was saying that they were going to build another store, it gave him hope again.

Of course, without feeling the presence of the master, he wouldn't be able to completely calm himself, there was at least hope since Lin Fan wanted to build the store. As long as he could feel the master's presence once the store was built, everything would be fine.

Then there was another reason why he wanted to use the benefits that the store gave them as he had been away from the Lich's Necropolis for too long.

He had suppressed the other undead kings in the Lich's Necropolis with his power alone, so now that they haven't felt his power in the realm for some time, they would definitely be antsy. It was very likely that some of them might have already started planning to invade his territory already.

While his subordinates might be able to fool them and hold them off for a bit, the moment they attacked, his subordinates would definitely crumble right away. After all, his most powerful allies were sealed away and the only ones left unsealed were some of the weaker ones that had escaped or had been in hiding. When compared to the undead kings that were powerful enough to fight Momonga, they certainly didn't stand a chance.

It wasn't just the internal factors that Momonga was worried about, there were also external threats.

For most of these upper worlds, the rulers themselves made up the majority of the deterring force. As long as the rulers of these worlds were there, it was very unlikely that another world would invade.

However, if the ruler were to disappear for a long period of time…There would definitely be people who would start having ideas.

It was the same for Angela and her World of Elements, but they could hold on better than the Lich's Necropolis since there wasn't as much internal strife. All the spirits in the World of Elements had already accepted Angela as their queen, so they worked better together in repelling outside threats.

Though it was the same case of if the ruler disappeared for too long, there would be a problem…

Momonga paused before saying, "Where are you planning on opening the store?"

When he heard this, Lin Fan knitted his brows.

That was the one part of his plan that he hadn't thought through yet.

While he had obtained the rights to open a store in the center of Harmony City after obtaining his Hunter License, that didn't mean that he had the funds to open that store.

There was the possibility of getting a store from the Xu Family since they had vowed to follow Lin Fan now, even though Lin Fan had them keep this quiet and act normal for now. However, the power of the Xu Family was limited in this capacity.

While the Xu Family did have some power in Harmony City and they had more assets after taking the assets of the One Shadow Organization, that didn't mean that they were a big player in Harmony City. At best, they were nothing more than a local bully with a certain amount of power.

If Lin Fan did ask the Xu Family for a store, they would do their best to fulfill his request, but the best they could give him was a store that was several kilometres away from the center of Harmony City.

Lin Fan knew this because he had already consulted with the Xu Family Head about this. In fact, Lin Fan had been given a full list of the Xu Family assets right before the Hunters Exam since he wanted to understand the power of the Xu Family better. So he even knew exactly which store he could get if he wanted one from the Xu Family.

Lin Fan kept that store in his back pocket as a spare just in case he couldn't find any other spaces for his store.

Lin Fan wanted his store to be in the most popular part of town because that would mean the most exposure and more customers, since after all, the store and the system were his only backing. Without the two of them, there was no way for him to match all the experts that he would have to face.

It was just too bad that there was no way for him to get such a store.

He had hoped that something would change during the time that he had been in the Hunters Exam, but it was clear that nothing did.

Seeing that he had no other choice, Lin Fan opened his list of contacts and scrolled down to Qiao Yi Fei's name before calling her.

The Qiao Family was his only contact in the Hunters Organization, so there was no one else he could call on but them. He just hoped that they would be willing to help him.

When Qiao Yi Fei picked up, she asked in a surprised voice, "What do you want?"

Of course, there was a bit of rudeness in her voice because she was still angry about what happened earlier, but she was also genuinely curious why Lin Fan would call her this soon.

Lin Fan calmly said, "I need to meet with your grandfather and I don't have his contact information, so I could only call you."

There was silence that came from the other side before Qiao Yi Fei said in a voice that was filled with a bit of surprise, "He says to come to the Seekers Union tomorrow, he'll meet you there."

Lin Fan could hear the surprise in her voice and he was also surprised when he heard this. He never thought that the Qiao Family's ancestor would agree to meet him this quickly, especially since he had made his stance towards Qiao Yi Fei clear. He didn't believe the Qiao Family ancestor didn't know about this since it was spread all over Harmony City by now.

So after agreeing to this, Lin Fan hung up.

On the other side, Qiao Yi Fei looked at her grandfather who she had video called on another line and asked, "Grandfather, why did you agree to meet him that easily?"

Old man Qiao revealed a faint smile and said, "Well, I also had some business with him, so why not?"

Qiao Yi Fei was surprised by this once again and couldn't help asking, "What business do you have with him?"

Old man Qiao just revealed a smile and said, "It's a secret."

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