When they arrived at the banquet hall, most of the reporters that had gathered here had already chosen their targets and there were only a few reporters that were wandering around, hoping to find any story at all.

They chose a very discreet position to park the beast carriage and they tried to hide as much as they could as they walked towards the banquet hall, but it was hard to hide something so dazzling.

It was one reporter at first, but when the first one took a photo, the snap of the light immediately drew the attention of the other reporters.

With how dazzling Lin Fan and these three girls were, it didn't take long before all the other reporters were aiming their cameras in their directions. As soon as they did, there was a burst of camera flashes that blinded Lin Fan and the three girls.

They had tried to get in unnoticed, but it was impossible for them to do that.

Just like with the reporters, they had also caught the attention of the young masters that the reporters had been interviewing previously.

These young masters had been raised as the scion of their families, they were used to being the center of attention. When someone took away their spotlight, even if one used their foot to think, they would be able to understand that these young masters wouldn't be happy.

However, when they got a good look of who it was that had stolen their spotlight, they didn't care at all about the spotlight being stolen. Rather their eyes were completely focused on the three girls that were by Lin Fan's side.

Beauties could cause the downfall of nations and each one of these girls were beautiful enough to cause such an event.

All of the young masters that were here had thoughts about one of these beauties before, but seeing all three of them with one guy had ignited their jealousy and anger.

They looked at Lin Fan and were taken aback by him.

Even if they didn't look bad, they had no choice but to admit that Lin Fan looked better than them. They would never admit it in words, but deep down in their hearts, they had acknowledged it.

Lin Fan was most likely the most handsome person that they had ever met, they had no choice but to admit that he was more handsome than them.

Lin Fan could feel the piercing gazes from around him, but he had no other choice since this was the favour that he had accepted. He knew that they would come after him, but he could tell that there was no killing intent behind those gazes yet which was good.

It took them much longer than normal to get into the banquet hall because there were too many reporters blocking their way, but eventually they made their way in.

The reporters turned to go back to the other young masters, but they found that the other young masters had already gone in. There was nothing else for them here, so the reporters had no choice but to scatter.

Inside the banquet hall, Lin Fan and the three girls stood around a table by themselves with drinks in hand.

The three girls tried to talk to Lin Fan, but he just coldly responded to them each time, not engaging in conversation with them. Still even with how cold he was, that didn't stop them from talking to him.

They knew that as long as they were talking to him, no one else in this banquet hall would come over to talk to them.

Comparing Lin Fan's cold treatment to the annoying treatment the other young masters gave them, it was clear that they would choose Lin Fan each time.

A few minutes passed before someone finally came over, but it wasn't a young master. Rather it was a young woman with fire red hair that was also wearing a fire red dress.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes when he saw her. It wasn't because she was coming over, but rather because she seemed familiar for some reason. It was at the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't remember who this was.

That woman in the red dress came over and ignored Lin Fan as she said to the girls, "It seems like you were all dragged to this banquet as well."

The three girls were surprised to hear this voice since they had been focused on Lin Fan, but the moment that they did, they all revealed happy expressions as they turned to the woman in the red dress.

Mao Tao was the most direct as she reached out her arms to give this woman in the red dress a hug and said, "Big sister Murong, you're here!"

When Lin Fan saw Mao Tao hugging the woman named Murong, he suddenly remembered where he had seen her before. This was the red haired woman who had arrived with Mao Tao during the Hunters Exam!

This meant that this red haired woman was also part of the Hunters Organization…

It was clear that she didn't want to be here, but there had to be a reason for her to be here.

Perhaps the Hunters Organization wasn't just using him as a scapegoat to take care of a few potential suitors, perhaps they had a completely different goal in mind…

While the girls were talking to each other, Lin Fan started to look around the room to see if there was anything special about this place.

As he looked around, there didn't seem to be anything special until he suddenly noticed someone that was also familiar.

He wouldn't have recognized him normally, but there was one part of this person that was very special that no one else would have.

It was his moustache, the strange swirling moustache on his face made Lin Fan recognize him immediately.

It was Shi Yan, his examiner for the second round, the person that had clearly threatened him.

When Shi Yan had threatened him back during the exam, he had been interrupted by old woman Mao. Now that he was here at this banquet, there was also a member of the Hunters Organization that was also present.

If he didn't know any better, it was as if the Hunters Organization was keeping their eyes on him…

Lin Fan's mind began to turn as he started connecting things and soon he realized that what he had thought previously was completely wrong.

After they had talked for a bit, the girls finally remembered that Lin Fan was also here and they realized their mistake.

As the one closest to her, Mao Tao turned to Lin Fan and gave an introduction, "Mister Lin, this is my friend Murong Yue. She's also a hunter associated with the Hunters Organization, so she could be considered your compatriot as well."

Murong Yue gave a nod to Lin Fan and reached her hand out as she said, "Hello mister Lin, I've long heard of your fame and it's a pleasure finally meeting you."

Lin Fan shook her hand and then said, "We've met before."

Murong Yue revealed a smile and said, "That couldn't really be considered a meeting, we didn't even get to talk at all."

Mao Tao didn't care about their conversation as she cut in, "Yue Yue, what are you doing here?"

Murong Yue turned to Mao Tao and said, "My father forced me to come here since he heard that I was in Harmony City. You know who is holding this banquet, so it wouldn't be good for my father if I didn't show up at this banquet."

Mao Tao revealed an understanding smile before saying, "So you're planning on using us as a shield?"

Murong Yue smiled without saying a thing.

Then she turned to Lin Fan and said, "It seems like mister Lin isn't happy that I'm here. Is mister Lin unhappy about having the chance to be with four beauties at once?"

Murong Yue was indeed considered a beauty, she wasn't inferior to the other girls at all.

The only reason she wasn't one of the Five Flowers of Harmony City was because she didn't live in Harmony City most of the time.

Her family was based in another city, so she would spend most of her time in that city instead where she was considered one of the top beauties there. The only reason she was in Harmony City this time was because of her mission.

Lin Fan looked right into her eyes and after a bit, he revealed a faint smile as he said, "Well, sometimes I'm not too happy about being used as bait. I think you should know what I mean."

The three girls revealed confused looks while Murong Yue revealed a surprised look. She took a serious look at Lin Fan before suddenly giving a laugh. It wasn't the dainty laugh of a woman, but the hearty laugh of a man.

This laugh was quite loud and had attracted the attention of the people around, but Murong Yue didn't care about them at all.

After laughing for a bit, she stopped and said with a smile, "It seems like mister Lin is much more perceptive than we thought. Our Hunters Organization is willing to give you some more compensation if you want, but I think we've given a fair amount."

Lin Fan slightly knitted his brows, but then he relaxed them and said, "Well that depends on what happens tonight, don't you think?"

Murong Yue narrowed her eyes a bit as she looked at Lin Fan, but before she could say anything, there was someone else who spoke first.

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