Lin Fan was surprised by how fast this white haired girl adapted.

One minute she was saying that names were shameful and then the next she was asking him to come up with a name for her.

But seeing the looks on Angela, the white haired girl, and even Lu'er's faces, he knew that he had no choice but to comply.

So he began thinking about what kind of name would suit her.

Of course, it would have to be a name that would be snow or ice based because of her abilities and her white hair.

Lin Fan even considered naming her something that was similar to white witch, but then he decided that perhaps simple was better and he came up with a name that he liked.

Lin Fan hesitated a bit before saying, "How about Yuki then?"

The white haired girl heard this and she muttered under her breath to herself, "Yuki…" Then she said in a louder voice, "Un, it's not bad, I'll use that as my name then."

Without even caring to listen to Lin Fan's response, she turned to Angela and said, "I'm Yuki from now on."

Angela revealed a smile and reached out to pat her on the head without saying anything else.

Lin Fan could see that everything seemed settled here and he had finished his mission, so there was no reason for him to stay here any longer.

After making sure that Angela was alright, he said, "Alright, then I'll be heading back then. Be good and rest up, contact me when you're ready to come back, alright?"

Angela gave a nod in response without saying anything else, but there was a clear trace of unwillingness in her eyes. It was clear that she didn't want to see him leave just yet.

But it was too bad that Lin Fan couldn't stay in this place forever, so he waved goodbye and then disappeared with a flash of white light.

When the white light faded from his field of view, Lin Fan saw that he was back in his store.

He was about to look at the time when he suddenly heard a voice say, "Oh, you're back."

Lin Fan was surprised by this voice and turned in the direction that it came from, but he was even more surprised when he saw who it came from.

Sitting in a chair in front of him was a young man with silver hair and piercing purple eyes, it was another face that he hadn't seen for a long time. It had been so long that he had actually forgotten about him when the Angela matter had come up.

It was naturally the Lich King, Momonga.

Lin Fan had been so busy with his matters and missing Angela that he had unknowingly forgotten all about Momonga. So when he saw him, he revealed an awkward smile and gave a nod before saying, "Yeah, I went to take care of some business, but I'm back now."

Momonga narrowed his eyes to look at Lin Fan for a bit before asking, "How is she?"

Lin Fan was surprised to hear this at first, but then he quickly knitted his brows as he picked up on the hidden meaning in Momonga's words. It seemed like whatever had happened was much bigger than he had thought.

After a pause, he said, "She's fine, but what about you?"

Momonga gave a shrug and said, "Can they even do anything to me? I'm an undead, I can revive as many times as I want."

Lin Fan didn't feel like this was true and even felt that Momonga was putting on airs, but he didn't expose him since he knew that this wasn't something that was easy for him to talk about. Instead he asked, "Do you know who did it?"

Momonga didn't answer his question, but rather asked another question, "Do you know?"

Lin Fan looked into those piercing purple eyes and after another pause, he said, "No, she wouldn't tell me. She said that she was afraid that I wouldn't be able to control myself."

Momonga revealed a faint smile before saying, "Then do you want to know?"

Lin Fan knitted his brows once again as he took a serious look at Momonga. There was this feeling that he was plotting something that nagged him from the back of his mind, but there was also this feeling of curiosity that filled his heart.

Finally, Lin Fan couldn't help asking, "Why would you tell me?"

Momonga gave a sigh and said, "I know that you aren't a rash person like she thinks you are." Then he looked at Lin Fan with a serious look as he continued, "I also know that you're not someone simple, so eventually you'll reach the level that all of this involves. Instead of not knowing anything, isn't it better for you to know so that you can come up with your own plans?"

Then as if it was an afterthought, Momonga added with a faint smile, "I'm also curious what your opinion on this matter is."

Lin Fan knitted his brows as he looked right at Momonga. He wasn't certain if he was telling the truth, but there was a part of him that told him to trust him.

Finally, after a long moment of hesitation, he said, "Alright, tell me then."

Momonga gave a nod, but instead of telling him what the situation was, he asked a question first, "What do you know about the general state of this universe?"

Lin Fan was taken aback by this and he couldn't help being stunned for a bit before asking, "What do you mean by that?"

Momonga explained, "The situation between the Beast Race and the humans."

Lin Fan was even more confused when he heard this as he asked, "Aren't the Beast Race and the humans at war? Is there anything else beyond that?"

Momonga gave a chuckle before saying, "There's always more underneath the surface, things that you can't see. For example, aren't there many different factions in your human society?"

Lin Fan knitted his brows to think before putting it together, "Then you're saying that there are different factions among the Beast Race?"

Momonga gave another chuckle before saying, "Beast Race, that really isn't an accurate way to describe it."

Then he said in a more serious voice, "The Beast Race that you're describing are the spirit beasts, but do you think that someone like me would be included in that?"

Lin Fan didn't understand what he meant by this at first, but then after thinking about it, he couldn't help revealing a look of understanding, "Then are you saying that you're not a part of the Beast Race?"

Momonga shook his head before saying, "The Beast Race is a concept that you humans came up with in the first place, it's just a way for them to describe all living beings that are not a part of the human race."

Lin Fan knitted his brows before asking, "Why?"

Momonga gave a shrug, "Why else? It's to create an enemy to unite against and to spread human supremacy propaganda. After all, isn't it easier to achieve your goals if you have a common enemy to unite against?"

Lin Fan fell into deep thought at this and in the end, he had no choice but to give a nod.

Unlike the people that were born in this universe, Lin Fan who had come from earth had seen examples of this before which made it easier for him to accept.

In the history of earth, the power of racism had demonstrated how strong it was again and again. There was no doubt that common hatred was one of the best ways to bring people together.

Momonga then said with a smile, "Not to mention that the human word beast is such an ugly word, it's probably why they used it to describe us all."

Lin Fan nodded along to this because there had been clear examples of this on earth as well.

Different groups had been labelled with different slurs to make it easier for people to insult and gather against…Even in the modern era of earth that Lin Fan came from, this still hadn't changed…

Momonga continued by saying, "So the ones that the humans are really facing are the demon beasts who are only one of the races of the Myriad Races. The only advantage that they have is their ability to reproduce quickly, but those numbers have overwhelmed many other races before." After a pause, he continued by saying, "Of course, besides the demon beasts, there are many other races. Some are neutral towards the humans and some even work with the humans such as the Dragon Race or the Phoenix Race."

Lin Fan slowly asked, "Then…which faction are you a part of?"

Momonga revealed a smile and said, "Clearly I'm a part of the neutral faction."

After a pause, he explained, "A big part of that is because no one wants to work with us undead. After all, all humans and beasts fear death and you have to admit that some of us really do look terrifying."

Lin Fan nodded along to this.

There was a reason why the undead were used for so many horror movies on earth, it was because they looked just too terrifying.

Lin Fan then asked, "But if you're a part of the neutral faction, then why did people attack you? Wouldn't they be afraid of pushing you to the other side?"

Momonga shook his head before saying, "It's precisely because we're a part of the neutral faction that they attacked us. The same applies for that little girl."

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