Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 587 Monster Trainer Exam (7)

Another three fourths of an hour passed and the second half of the first exam was over.

There were less people that passed in this second exam because a lot of them had been distracted by Lin Fan.

It wasn't that they were directly distracted by Lin Fan's performance since it had only lasted less than two minutes, but their mentality had been struck a blow that had been hard to come back from.

After all, the talent that Lin Fan had shown was just too much for them to accept.

So there were many of them that had their egos crushed and weren't able to perform as well as usual, which had caused them to fail.

It was their own faults for not having a strong enough mentality, so they really couldn't blame anyone. Though there certainly were a few that blamed Lin Fan for what happened.

In total, there were only five other people that had passed the second half along with Lin Fan.

When the five of them came into the room, the first thing they did was look at Lin Fan with a terrified look before sitting down on their own to calm their minds.

There was one who had tried to talk to Lin Fan, but he had received the same treatment as everyone else who had tried to talk to Lin Fan before him. In the end, he had no choice but to give up as well and sit down to calm his mind.

It took another ten minutes before a staff member arrived to take them back into the hall for the second exam. As they went along, there was someone that asked the staff member what the second exam was on, but the staff member completely ignored him.

Seeing this, no one else said a thing and just followed the staff member back into the same hall as before, but this time, the stations that had been there previously had already been removed. Instead they had been replaced by eight stations that were much larger than the previous stations.

With their current numbers, it didn't divide evenly into eight, but it still meant that they would be separated into two different rounds to take the exam in. But they still didn't know what the exam would be about.

That was until the old man who had been in charge of the first exam said, "For the second exam, you will be in charge of training a pet that has already been tamed assigned to you. As long as you reach the standard of an Expert Monster Trainer, it will be considered a pass."

The standard for an Expert Monster Trainer, that wasn't considered hard since it was only teaching a pet a new skill. It didn't even need to be a high grade skill, it could just be a low grade skill and that would still count.

However, that required years of working with pets before being able to do so and it wasn't something that could be learned that easily.

The ones that had passed the first exam revealed nervous looks because they had been under the assumption that they would only need to reach the level of a Junior Monster Trainer, but now they were asked to reach the level of an Expert Monster Trainer. This really was too quick of a change for some of them.

Of course, that didn't mean that everyone was worried. There were some people that were confident, for example, Lin Fan and Fei Jun.

Both of them were certain that they would be able to reach the level of an Expert Monster, but for one of them, their goal was something else.

Fei Jun glared at Lin Fan while the rules of the exam were being explained. It was clear by the aggrieved and challenging look in his eyes that he wanted to take his revenge.

He could already imagine the scene now.

After the old man finished explaining the rules of the exam, they drew tickets once again to determine the order that they would be going in.

Just like with the first exam, Fei Jun was placed in the first round and Lin Fan was placed in the second round. As well, the tickets that they pulled out had the same scribbles on the bottom as the first round.

This time they knew what the scribbles on the tickets meant, but it was still hard to figure out what kind of beast they would receive since they couldn't make out what the scribbles were supposed to represent.

Take the first round for example, Lin Fan's best guess for the scribble on the ticket that he received was a cat, but it turned out to be the Berserk Bear.

As for this time, the scribbles on his ticket seemed like they represented some kind of bird, but he wasn't certain at all if that was the case.

Still, it wasn't his turn to go first, so Lin Fan was led to the side with the other six who would be going second where there was a viewing booth that had been prepared for them. This was also something that was different from the first round since in the first round, they were just left to stand wherever they wanted.

This was just the difference in treatment between those that had passed the first round and those that had failed.

p As Fei Jun moved up to his station, he had been glaring at Lin Fan the entire time with a burning look in his eyes. Even when they brought out the cages that contained the beasts that they would be training, he was still glaring at Lin Fan.

Only when they gave them the imprints for the temporary contracts placed on the beasts contained in the cages did he finally look away.

Since this was a test of their training abilities and not their taming abilities, the beasts that they were supplied with were ones that had already been tamed by the Tamers Guild. All they had to do was press the imprints on the back of their hands to apply the temporary contracts which would allow them to train the pets.

Once everyone had finished applying their temporary contracts, the doors to the cages were lifted and the pets that they were assigned were revealed.

Not a single person looked like they expected the pets that they had been assigned since not a single person had been able to make out what the scribbles on their ticket meant. Still, no one wasted any time in starting the training since there wasn't much time assigned to them.

Most Monster Trainers would take days just to train a single pet, but now they had to finish this training in just an hour which could be considered quite a rush.

Fei Jun was even faster than most as his desire to beat Lin Fan burst forth.

He immediately came up to the pet that he had been assigned, which was a two headed wolf. He gathered his life energy in his palm and placed it onto one of the heads of the two headed wolf.

With a flash of light, there was a sudden change with the life energy of the two headed wolf as the life energy around Fei Jun's hand had disappeared.

He pulled his hand back and started moving it around in a pattern. As he moved his hands around, the life energy of the two headed wolf followed the movements of his hand as it moved around the two headed wolf.

Since they had the temporary contract, Fei Jun was able to control the wolf to follow along as he moved its life energy.

This was one of the most common methods of pet training, but also one of the most difficult because it required combining the Monster Trainer's life energy with the pet's life energy.

Life energy for any individual was unique and to combine them together was similar to splicing genes together. It was very difficult, but it was also something that could be done.

However, if it was done poorly, it would result in a life energy backlash for both the Monster Trainer and the pet which would affect their cultivations. If it was serious, it might even take their lives.

That was why most Monster Trainers wouldn't rely on this method of training since it was too difficult, but there was no doubt that this was a very effective method of training because it was a very direct method.

The method itself was very simple, which was to memorize the life energy movement patterns of certain skills and then using the Monster Trainer's life energy to control the pet's life energy to move in such a pattern. Then at the same time, the Monster Trainer would use the temporary contract to guide the pet into learning how to move along with the life energy pattern so they could use the skill.

This was more effective than the communication teaching method or the physical training method, but the high difficulty and the high risk of this method was what kept most Monster Trainers from learning it, not to mention using.

However, Fei Jun showed no hesitation as he immediately linked his life energy with the life energy of the two headed wolf.

The rest of the examinees were all using either the communication teaching method or the physical training method.

As time passed, the two headed wolf's movements became more and more smooth until it was finally able to spit out flames from both of its mouths.

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