Neither of them had heard anything since they were both focused on their conversation. Lin Fan hadn't seen anything either even though he was facing that way because he had been lost in thought.

Murong Yue was about to add something when she saw Lin Fan's expression change, but then both of them felt a strong aura come from behind her.

When they both turned to look, they saw Lei Feng standing there. Around him was a faint glow that if one didn't look closely, they would have missed it.

Seeing the two of them turn to look at him with surprised looks, Lei Feng felt like there was another dagger that was stabbed into his heart.

He gave a soft snort and then the faint glow around him was released.

It didn't dissipate, but rather it went out in front of him like a ripple. This ripple continued until it made contact with the space law and sound law bubble that Lin Fan had placed around them.

The moment that this ripple touched that bubble, the bubble popped like…well, like a bubble.

It didn't matter that the bubble popped since the two of them had stopped talking the moment that they felt the aura coming from Lei Feng, however Lin Fan still knitted his brows when the bubble did pop.

The bubble that he had formed was something that he had made casually, but it was still something that was made with two different laws, so it wasn't something that was weak. For Lei Feng to pop it with just a single wave of his life energy, it really showed how powerful he was.

After releasing that wave of life energy, the expression on Lei Feng's face immediately changed as he revealed a smile and came up to the counter as well.

He walked up right beside Murong Yue and said to Lin Fan, "Owner Lin, it really is a coincidence meeting you here."

Both Murong Yue and Lin Fan had the urge to roll their eyes when they heard this.

Which one of them didn't know why he was really here?

But neither of them said a thing to contradict him.

Lin Fan just gave a nod in response to this.

Lei Feng didn't mind this at all as he turned to say to Murong Yue, "Miss Murong, it's also a pleasure seeing you here today. Will you be coming to our auction in three days?"

Murong Yue did the same as Lin Fan and gave a nod in response.

Lei Feng's smile widened as he said, "I look forward to seeing Miss Murong there."

Then he turned back to Lin Fan and the smile on his lips became a bit lighter as he said, "Owner Lin, this really is an interesting store you have here. I hope that your business will be better in the future."

Without even waiting for a response from Lin Fan, Lei Feng walked right out of the store without even looking back once.

In fact, it was taking all he could to restrain himself at this point.

If only there weren't people around, he would make Lin Fan disappear…

After he left the store, Murong Yue turned back to Lin Fan as if she was waiting for his answer.

Since Lei Feng had even taken the initiative to show up in Lin Fan's store, there was no better example for her to use. All she had to do now was wait for Lin Fan to think things through and hope that he made the right decision.

As for Lin Fan, once Lei Feng left the store, he fell into deep thought.

The main reason why he hadn't been able to make a decision previously was because he didn't know enough about Lei Feng to make that decision. He was worried that if he pushed Lei Feng too far, he might disregard everything and go all out against him, which was the last thing that he wanted.

However, based on the display that Lei Feng had just shown him, he could tell that this wasn't the case.

It seemed like he had underestimated Lei Feng's tolerance, it seemed like he could still push him a bit further.

After a small period of silence, Lin Fan looked up at Murong Yue and gave a nod before saying, "I'll go then."

Murong Yue instantly revealed a smile before saying, "I'll come get you on that night, so you don't need to do anything."

Then without even giving Lin Fan a chance to reply, she turned and ran out of the store.

For some reason, there was a bit of joy that she didn't understand that had appeared at the bottom of her heart. However, she didn't have time to worry about it now since there were still other things that she had to do first.

Lin Fan was just left there alone in the store, but he didn't mind it since he had already slowly gotten used to this. It had been the same with Qiao Yi Fei and Mao Tao, he figured that this was just how girls were.

It was too bad that he didn't know that this was just how girls were with him…

As Murong Yue came out of the store, there were a pair of eyes that watched her enter her beast carriage and watched as that beast carriage drove off.

This beast carriage had arrived after Murong Yue's beast carriage arrived and had been parked here the entire time, watching her beast carriage.

After seeing Murong Yue's beast carriage leave, the person inside let out a sigh of relief before his eyes suddenly turned dark.

Lei Feng tapped the armrest of his seat with his fingers a few times before he suddenly said, "Xiao Tie, investigate the owner of this store."

The door didn't open, but there was a person who was dressed in all black that appeared in front of Lei Feng.

That person in black fell to one knee and cupped his hands as he said, "As you wish, young master."

Then without making another sound, he disappeared from the beast carriage without a trace.

Last time, Lei Feng had left this matter to Shi Yan. So even though the assassination had been a failure, he didn't look too deeply into it since he thought that the warning sent should have been enough.

However, it seemed like he was wrong and he needed to take action personally.

After the person in black clothing disappeared, Lei Feng muttered under his breath, "It seems like I need to personally take care of some flies."

Then he said out loud, "Go."

The driver outside heard this and immediately headed off without even asking for the destination since he already knew.

Three days passed without anything really happening.

It was a rare period of peace for Lin Fan's shop where no one had come looking for him.

Well, it wasn't that no one had come looking for him.

The Xu Family Head had come to ask him for his advice on some matter.

The Hunters Organization had actually approached the Xu Family to see if they were willing to come under them, but the Xu Family Head didn't agree right away. Instead he came to find Lin Fan for his opinion first.

Lin Fan knew that the Hunters Organization would be helping the Xu Family after the incident with the City Lord, even though he didn't know exactly what they would be doing. However, this didn't seem to be a problem for him since he was already tied to the Hunters Organization boat, so having the Xu Family work under the protection of the Hunters Organization for now wasn't a bad idea.

He wanted to build his own force, but before he could, it wasn't wrong for him to rely on existing forces to protect his own force.

When they became strong enough to become equals, it wouldn't be too late to separate from them. After all, once they became equals, it wasn't like the Hunters Organization would be able to stop them from splitting off from them.

So the Xu Family Head agreed to this and then the day after, the Xu Family Head came again to consult Lin Fan about another matter.

The Xu Family had naturally received an invitation to the Thunder Sect and True Spirit Sect's auction since they were a family with decent influence in Harmony City. However, that was also what the Hunters Organization had approached the Xu Family about.

The Hunters Organization wanted the Xu Family to be one of the families that would bid on their behalf.

This caught Lin Fan off guard since he never expected the Hunters Organization to trust the Xu Family this much. However, that didn't mean that he would accept this.

He felt that the Hunters Organization was going too far here, treating the Xu Family as a family that was actually under them instead of just using their influence temporarily. It seemed like someone really wanted to devour the Xu Family.

This had made Lin Fan doubtful, but for now, he decided not to pursue this matter since he still needed to work with the Hunters Organization.

But that didn't mean that he would let the Hunters Organization use the Xu Family as they wanted.

So in the end, even though the Xu Family Head was worried that they would offend the Hunters Organization by doing this, Lin Fan still had him reject the Hunters Organization's request about the auction.

Now on the day of the auction itself, Lin Fan was just waiting for Murong Yue to arrive to pick him up before heading to the auction.

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