Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 621 Ancient Era Ruins (6)

When Lei Feng heard what his subordinate had told him, his face had turned as cold as thousand year old ice. It was as if just a single glance from him could freeze a human whole and trap them in a block of ice.

On the side, Shi Yi's expression was just as ugly as Lei Feng's, but the difference was that there was a clear flame of rage that burned in her eyes.

They had come up with this plan, even risking their own members just to take care of the Hunters Organization, but in the end, they had obtained nothing. All of the Hunters Organization members had lived and the worst part of it all was that their subordinates had died!

After a long period of silence, Lei Feng said in an ice cold voice, "Are you certain that there are no survivors at all? What about Lei Yuan? You're telling me that even Lei Yuan is dead?"

Lei Yuan was the Child Soul Realm subordinate that he had sent out to watch Murong Yue.

Even if there were Child Soul Realm beasts running around this area, he didn't believe that any of them could do anything to Lei Yuan. After all, Lei Yuan was his most trusted subordinate and also his strongest subordinate.

If Lei Yuan was serious, it wouldn't even be a problem for him to escape from someone in the High Child Soul Realm, not to mention Low Child Soul Realm beasts.

The person from the Thunder Sect who had just given the report trembled when he heard this.

He had found Lei Yuan's corpse where he had reported Murong Yue was, but he had also seen how clean Lei Yuan had died.

One hit, it only took a single hit to kill Lei Yuan!

What kind of monster could have done that?

Still, he had no choice but to report honestly to Lei Feng since he knew that there was nothing he could change about the situation.

Lei Feng was so enraged that he was about to slap this person to death, but then remembering where he was, he put down his hand again and tightly clenched his fists.

He couldn't kill his subordinates in this place since it was just too dangerous. He still needed them for later, whether as helpers or as scapegoats.

So in the end, he just gave a snort and turned without saying a thing.

Seeing this, the subordinate who had made the report looked like he had received a pardon and immediately headed off to the side.

Of course, that was only Lei Feng's reaction. That didn't mean that Shi Yi was about to let this matter go that easily.

With a single wave of her hand, the subordinate who had started moving to the side was sent to the ground. As he was flying, there was a streak of blood that appeared in the air that came from his mouth.

She had just sent him flying with a single slap, someone in the High Embryo Soul Realm.

Lei Feng narrowed his eyes to look at Shi Yi, but seeing that she wasn't going to take this any further, he didn't bother saying a thing. But he did give a snort to make sure that she knew her place.

Shi Yi heard this, but completely ignored Lei Feng. However, she still turned around and didn't make another move after that.

On the ground, the subordinate who had just been on the ground had an aggrieved look, but he didn't dare do anything since he had seen Lei Feng's reaction.

Of course, Shi Yi was also angry since she not only wanted to kill the Hunters Organization group, but she mainly wanted to kill Lin Fan for revenge. Now that she wasn't able to take the revenge that she had wanted, it would be strange if she wasn't angry.

But she knew that she wasn't able to do anything about this.

What they were doing was already pushing the plans of those people and if she pushed it any further, she would harm the True Spirit Sect. This was not something that she could afford to do, either for herself or for the Shi Family.

After a moment of silence in this group, they started heading off in a certain direction.

With the way they moved, it was almost as if they had been here before and knew exactly where they were going.

As for Lin Fan's group, as they made their way through the forest, there wasn't much that happened.

They encountered a few Child Soul Realm beasts, but they were easily evaded with Lin Fan's scouting abilities.

Of course, Lin Fan could have also tamed them to use for later, but it wasn't a good idea to show off too much in front of this group. While they had seen his nine Child Soul Realm pets, it wouldn't be good to let them see how he tamed them, or rather how easily he tamed them.

They continued along that path and everything was quiet until they were about halfway there.

As they were heading through the woods, they suddenly heard shouts coming from the right side.

At first, they couldn't hear it clearly, but as they came a bit closer, they could tell that this wasn't a cry of help, but rather the sounds of people arguing.

It seemed like there were people fighting over something.

As they came even closer, they were able to hear what the fighting was about.

"You think we'd let you take it? We saw this herb first, so why should we let you have it?"

"You're saying that you saw it first? We're clearly the ones that saw it first and now you're saying you saw it first? Stop joking!"

This was a common thing that happened in ruins like these since there was only a limited amount of resources available and no one wanted to give something that they found to someone else.

But this didn't concern them since this was an argument between people from the Alchemy King Hall and the Dian Family. Neither of these forces had any affiliations with the Hunters Organization, so there was no need for them to step in.

However, that was until there was another faction that suddenly appeared.

It was a bunch of people that were in full body cloaks that appeared.

At first, no one noticed them, but then as they came closer, both the groups from the Dian Family and the Alchemy King Hall noticed them right away.

Both of the groups stopped bickering as they turned their attention to the group of cloaked people that had appeared.

This group of cloaked people was no one else but the Assassins Association.

After a moment of silence, the leader of the Alchemy King Hall group asked, "These friends from the Assassins Association, is there anything we can help you with?"

Right after that, the leader of the Dian Family group said, "If not, then please leave. This is a matter between our Dian Family and the Alchemy King Hall."

There wasn't any hiding the threatening tone in their voices. They didn't hide it at all, they clearly did not want the Assassins Association group here at all.

However, even after hearing these clear threats, the Assassins Association group didn't leave at all.

Instead, four members of the group turned to the last member of the group, the one who was standing all the way in the back with a different coloured cloak. It was clear that this person was their leader and they were just waiting for this person to make a decision.

After another moment of silence, that person suddenly raised his hand and said, "Kill them all."

The Alchemy King Hall group and the Dian Family group were caught off guard by this, but they didn't panic.

With a nod between the two leaders, the two groups suddenly came together to face the four people that had charged out from the Assassins Association group. It was almost as if they had completely forgotten about their argument from before.

Of course, the groups from the Alchemy King Hall and the Dian Family weren't worried because they outnumbered the group from the Assassins Association.

Both of their groups had four members each, so when added together, they far outnumbered the group of five from the Assassins Association.

However, that was why they were also a bit confused.

The Assassins Association group clearly didn't have enough people to fight all of them, so why were they so confident?

But that didn't matter to them right now. The only thing that mattered was taking care of the people that were attacking them.

Since they outnumbered them, the two groups split into four groups of two that fought the four from the Assassins Association two to one. At the same time, they made sure to keep an eye on the person in the back with the different coloured cloak who was just sitting there.

But as far as they could tell, that person didn't seem like he was going to make a move. He even sat down on a rock on the side like he was just watching a show.

The groups from the Alchemy King Hall and the Dian Family couldn't help feeling a bit of anger at this.

Weren't they being looked down on too much?

Taking this anger, all of them pulled out their weapons and summoned their pets as they prepared to fight the four that were charging at them.

The people from the Assassins Association didn't slow down at all when they saw that they were outnumbered, they just casually pulled out their weapons and summoned their pets as well.

But as soon as their weapons and pets came out, the two groups from the Alchemy King Hall and the Dian Family were shocked.

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