This was a woman in a blue dress with aquamarine hair that was the picture of beauty and with her perfect figure, she ignited the flame of desire in any men that saw her. Especially those peaks on her chest…

But when everyone saw her, no one dared to make a move.

They could all feel that aura that came from her, it was one that placed extreme suppression on them.

They could tell that if it wasn't for her holding back, perhaps they might have already been crushed to pieces under this aura.

After the woman in blue appeared, she took a moment to look over at the people gathered around her before revealing a smile and saying with a nod, "Un, un, not bad, not bad. It seems like quite a good group has gathered this time."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being surprised.

They had all thought that this was a projection that had been left behind by the ones who left these ruins, but now that it was talking like this, it was almost as if this projection was able to see them…But that wouldn't make sense since a projection didn't have a free will of its own…

Then could it be that it had been recorded like this?

The woman in blue looked around again and as if she could see the looks on everyone's faces, she suddenly said, "Now, now, don't only believe what you've been taught to believe. Sometimes you have to accept the truth that's placed in front of your eyes."

This time, not a single person's mouth could remain closed as their chins dropped down.

They had been completely shocked by this clear showing of free will which a recording shouldn't have.

They hadn't been able to sense the energy of a soul which was an indication of a soul fragment, so that ruled out the only possibility that they could think of. None of them could understand what kind of thing would allow a projection to have a free will like this…

But they didn't get hung up on that for too long.

The one way that they comforted themselves was by telling themselves that this was the result of ancient technology. The ancient era must have some kind of way to create projections that could have a personality.

After thinking this through, while everyone still had surprised looks on their faces, the look of surprise was much lighter compared to before and there was a bit of curiosity that appeared.

Seeing this, the woman in blue gave a nod before saying, "You are all here to take our trials to accept our inheritances, that is admirable. However, before we start, I must ask if any of you wish to leave first."

Hearing this, one of the people who had a shorter temper couldn't help shouting, "Who do you think we are? Do you really think that we're afraid of a little trial?"

The others glared at this person, but there were some people who looked at him with looks of agreement.

They had all risked everything to come here and now to be asked if they wanted to leave like this, this was simply insulting them.

Of course, none of them were as direct as this person since they knew that there were no benefits to acting out like this. Instead, they were more curious to see what kind of reaction the woman in blue would have.

However, contrary to their expectations, the woman in blue didn't get angry. Instead, she just looked at the person who had made that outburst and bowed her head before saying, "Please forgive me, I have no intentions of insulting you."

Then when she looked up, her expression was completely different from the relaxed expression or the apologetic expression that she had earlier, instead it was an expression that was ice cold. Her eyes were so cold that it felt like being encased in thousand year old ice, never to see the light of day again.

With these cold eyes and a cold voice, she said, "The trials that you are about to face are more terrifying than anything that you can imagine. I just wanted to ensure that you are all truly ready for them so you didn't die a meaningless death."

No one could say anything in response to this.

After all, just the aura that this woman in blue was releasing was already enough to suppress them all. It wouldn't be hard for them to imagine just how hard the trials that would follow would be.

But still, not a single person backed down in the face of this challenge. Not even the person who had made the outburst just now who had also faced the strongest chill released by the woman in blue.

Seeing the determined looks that everyone had, the woman in blue gave a satisfied nod before saying, "I see that my warnings are unnecessary."

Then she turned around to walk to the gate at the bottom of the staircase that the countdown had just finished for.

With a slight raise of her right hand, there was a staff that suddenly appeared. This was a staff that was made of some kind of wood that had been painted blue with a large blue gem that was right at the top of it.

She lowered the tip of the staff a bit until the blue gem came into contact with the gate and then with a faint flash of blue light, the gates suddenly started to open.

Once they were fully open, she turned around to look at everyone for a bit before saying, "You will find your trial on these stairs. As long as you can reach the top step, you will be able to receive the inheritance associated with these stairs."

She then paused as she turned to the other stairs and said, "As time passes, the other staircases will unlock for different inheritances and you are free to take those trials." Then after another pause, she said in the same cold voice as before, "But each one will be harder than this first one, so please take them at your own caution."

After saying this, she moved to the side to clear the way for everyone to enter the gate and step onto the stairs without saying another word.

Everyone looked at each other before groups suddenly started rushing forward.

The key thing with what she had said was that this was an inheritance, but she had never mentioned how many people could receive the inheritance. She had only said that they were free to take this trial.

Then that could mean that even if they all took the trial, only the first person that finished the trial would receive the inheritance.

If they were slow on the draw, someone else might take this inheritance before them.

But of course, not everyone rushed forward at the same time.

Specifically, the groups that stayed behind were the Hunters Organization and the Assassins Association.

Both of their groups looked at each other with wary looks.

Lin Fan found that aside from the one person with the different coloured cloak, all of them had the same styled cloaks.

It seemed like there was only one person that was leading them…

But could one person back all three factions like this?

After most of the others had gone in, that person with a different coloured cloak waved his hand and led his group through the gate as well.

Lin Fan watched him leave before waving his hand at his group as well and leading them forward.

As they headed to the gate, what they didn't notice was that the woman in blue had turned her eyes to Lin Fan. The moment that her eyes landed on him, they immediately narrowed for an instant before returning to normal.

However, after catching sight of Lin Fan, the gaze of the woman in blue never left him.

Until he finally disappeared through the gate did the expression of the woman change.

She lowered her head to look at her fingers and she did some simple calculations before muttering, "It's actually him…But the aura around him doesn't seem right…Could it be that something happened?"

Then she turned around and started walking towards the other staircases as she said to herself, "No, this isn't right. I have to consult with the others."

She fell silent after these words, but then she said one final thing, "If this doesn't work out, our final hope is lost."

Once they had stepped over the threshold of the gate, there was a flash of light that appeared in front of them.

After that flash of light, Lin Fan saw that he was alone again.

He hadn't been surprised by that flash of light since everyone else had also disappeared as soon as they passed through the gate, stepping onto the stairs. He had figured that something must have transported them into the trail since he wasn't able to see them anymore.

The one surprise was that he had been separated from everyone else.

Was it like when they first entered where everyone had been separated or was it something else?

Lin Fan first checked with Brainy who confirmed that she couldn't sense the seeds on the others at all.

It seemed like it wasn't like the beginning where they had been separated in the same space, but rather a new subspace had been created for each person who was taking the trial, so that they would be alone in their trials.

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