It took him even less time to reach the two hundred and second step, as he did it in just thirty seconds.

Then after that, each step he took took even less time, with the last step taking only a few seconds.

But of course, once he reached the two hundred and tenth step, he stopped again.

It wasn't the increase in the pressure that had stopped him, but rather it was the change in the law of gravity.

It seemed like every ten steps meant that the quality of the law of gravity changed, making it harder for Lin Fan to negate with his own understanding of the law of gravity.

But of course, Lin Fan wasn't frustrated with this.

Rather he was excited since as he absorbed this higher quality law of gravity, the law of gravity that the statue in his dantian released also became of higher quality. With this new higher quality law of gravity, it also increased Lin Fan's level of understanding of the law of gravity, allowing him to negate the higher quality law of gravity once again.

It went on just like this, taking less and less time to make it up to the multiple of ten steps before suddenly stopping to adapt to this new higher quality law of gravity. Once he adapted, he was able to make his way quickly up the steps to the next multiple of ten step.

Just like this, Lin Fan quickly made his way up the steps, reaching the three hundredth step in less than two hours.

The moment that he stepped onto the three hundredth step, he felt another change in the quality of the law of gravity, but this time the change was different from the multiple of ten step.

The moment that he stepped onto the three hundredth step, it was like before when he reached the two hundredth step. It wasn't just a change in the quality of the law of gravity, but rather the law of gravity reached a whole new level.

The moment that his foot touched the step, the statue inside of his dantian suddenly grew in size. It reached a size that surpassed all the other statues that were inside of his dantian.

Lin Fan immediately realized that this was bad since if it became too strong, it would be out of balance with all the other law statues that he had in his dantian. If it became too strong, he wouldn't be able to use it properly since it would even overwhelm the strange absorption force.

But as he tried to suppress it, he found that it was useless.

Even when he dissipated the law of gravity that he absorbed as life energy to increase his own cultivation, the statue inside of his dantian continued to grow as part of the law of gravity was still being absorbed by the statue.

He had to watch as that statue that represented the law of gravity continued to grow until it was more than twice as big as the other statues.

Seeing this, Lin Fan could only give a helpless sigh in response because he knew that there was no other choice.

Once he saw this, he gave up the idea of suppressing the growth of this statue.

He knew that it was useless to do so, so instead of choosing to suppress it, he decided to see how strong it would become.

He didn't mind if it became stronger, he would just have to avoid using it temporarily since it would mean that his other laws would become unbalanced with this law of gravity. That would make him weaker instead of making him stronger, so until he was able to balance the power of the law of gravity with the other laws, he wouldn't use the law of gravity.

As for when that was, it would be hard to tell since the law of gravity statue inside his dantian didn't show any signs of slowing down its growth.

But that didn't slow him down as he continued moving up the staircase.

After another six hours, he was about to reach the halfway point of five hundred steps.

At this point, the statue in his dantian had already reached the point where it was five times bigger than any of the other statues that were already there. However, even though it was that big, it didn't show any signs of slowing down its growth.

Lin Fan really couldn't help wondering just how big it would grow.

But the one thing that never crossed his mind was just how fast he was rushing up this set of stairs.

He had been able to reach the five hundredth step which was the visible halfway point in just eight hours, this was a speed that would have surely shocked everyone else. Especially since after eight hours, the best among them hadn't even reached the hundredth step.

The main difference between them and Lin Fan was the difference in recovery speeds.

Naturally it took a lot of life energy to negate the law of gravity that fell whenever they took another step up the staircase, so they had to take the time to recover the life energy that they had spent.

That wasn't the situation with Lin Fan though.

Lin Fan had his absorption force that helped turn some of the law of gravity that fell onto him into life energy for him to use, as well as the suns inside of his dantian that kept generating life energy for him.

So unlike everyone else, he was able to recover the life energy that he spent very quickly and that allowed him to push forward without having to spend that much time on recovering his power. He was even able to recover during the time that it took for him to adapt to the increase in pressure with each step.

At this rate, it was only a matter of time before he finished this trial ahead of everyone else.

And it turned out that way.

It took him another twenty four hours, but he was able to reach the thousandth step in the end.

When he did, the statue of the law of gravity in his dantian was already twenty times bigger than any other statue that was there.

Standing on that thousandth step, his body was already almost completely covered by the clouds and he really couldn't see much, but when he looked down at his feet, he saw that there wasn't another step for him to take.

Lin Fan couldn't help being surprised and confused by this.

Could it be that the trial just ended there?

But if it did, why was there no indication that the trial was over?

Could it be that he had to take that next step into nothingness to see if this trial was over?

It took him a few minutes to adjust, but he did adjust to the pressure that was on the thousandth step in the end. Once he finished adjusting, he started looking around himself to see if there was anything else, but there really wasn't anything.

It seemed like the only thing left for him to do was to take the next step into nothingness or to take a step back to head down the stairs…

Seeing that there was nothing else he could do, Lin Fan had no choice but to raise his foot in the end and step off the stairs to the non-existent thousand and one step.

But what happened next wasn't what he had expected to happen.

He had fully expected that the next part of this trial would be a leap of faith, but the moment that his foot fell down, the clouds around him suddenly started to change.

The thick clouds that had obscured his vision suddenly started to dissipate and as it did, it gathered under his foot, forming the one thousand and first step.

Along with that one thousand and first step, there was a platform made purely of clouds that appeared around Lin Fan, with a hole perfectly in the center. This hole was made to allow access from the staircase which it was now attached to by the one thousand and first step.

Lin Fan looked around at the white platform, but there was nothing atop this platform either.

Still, he took that final step and walked up to the platform, standing atop that one thousand and first step.

The one thing that he did know was that this should be the end of the trial since the moment that he took that one thousand and first step, the pressure that had been on him the entire time disappeared.

After it had disappeared, it was like a giant weight was lifted off his shoulder and he felt like he could control his body better.

When he looked down at his own hands, he realized that this wasn't just a sensation, but rather it was the truth that reflected the change with his body.

Through the tempering of the law of gravity, his body had slowly gotten stronger as his muscles were destroyed and repaired again by the golden power inside of him.

After taking a moment to organize all the gains that he had gotten from walking up these stairs, Lin Fan finally started looking around again.

Just like before, there wasn't a single thing that was around him and even after waiting a few minutes, nothing happened.

How was he supposed to get out of here if nothing was going to happen?

As Lin Fan started to ponder how he would get out of here, the clouds suddenly started moving. They flowed to the middle where a vortex appeared before a statue suddenly came out of the ground.

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