The assassin had been feeling confident as he approached Lin Fan, but seeing him suddenly reveal a smile, he couldn't help it as a bad feeling filled his heart.

For someone that was trapped, he seemed too calm.

It was almost as if he…

The assassin immediately looked around himself, but he couldn't sense anything at all. He was certain that there wasn't any trap waiting around him at all.

Even if that was the case, the assassin couldn't stop the worried feeling in his heart.

He turned back to Lin Fan and asked, "What are you smiling at? Can't you see that you're completely trapped?"

Lin Fan just had the same smile on his face as he didn't say a thing.

Seeing this, the bad feeling in the assassin's heart became worse as he started to panic, but there was something that kept him from running.

It wasn't anything like loyalty since as an assassin, the concept of loyalty didn't mean anything to him. Not to mention that this lord was someone that he had only met for a few days, so there was no way for loyalty to develop in this short period of time even if he was someone who could feel loyalty.

The only reason he didn't run away was because of fear.

He had seen the lord's power, the lord had demonstrated this to all the members of the Assassins Association group the day that he had met them. This was the reason why they had even followed him in the first place.

If he ran now, he knew that the lord wouldn't spare him…

So without any further hesitation, the assassin stabbed his dagger at Lin Fan, aiming for the holes in the net.

But before his dagger could even reach the net, there was a barrier that suddenly appeared around Lin Fan. It blocked the force of the dagger and then with a flash of light, it suddenly blew the assassin away.

The assassin flew back a few meters before quickly stabilizing himself and looking around, but when he looked around, he wasn't able to find a single thing.

But the barrier that appeared was still there in front of him, covering the net, which proved that someone had interfered just now.

After another pause, the assassin said, "Is there someone else here? If you are, there is no reason for you to interfere in this business! This is a private matter!" Then as if he had thought of something, the assassin had added, "If you leave this matter alone, I can promise that my lord will owe you a favour. You can see how strong my lord is based on the power of the net, so it will be in your favour."

Of course, he didn't have the qualifications to actually promise something like this, but the other side didn't know that.

Lies were a very useful thing in certain situations.

But his lies weren't effective at all as the only response that he received was silence.

The assassin knew that the situation wasn't good for him, so his hand silently moved to his waist before suddenly throwing something to the ground.

As soon as the item he threw hit the ground, there was a smokescreen that appeared and the assassin turned to run in the opposite direction.

However, the moment that he turned, there was a ball of light that had suddenly appeared behind him. Before he could even react, the ball of light had turned into a beam of light that suddenly pierced right through his chest, right where his heart would have been.

The assassin was thrown forward by the force of the beam of light and landed on his knees.

Looking down at the hole in his chest, the assassin opened his blood soaked mouth to say a few words, but all he could say was "Who are…" Then before he could finish, he fell right onto the ground, creating a pool of blood.

However, even after the assassin had died, the net cage around Lin Fan didn't disappear, but that didn't matter to him.

After the assassin had died, the ones that had killed him revealed themselves.

Landing on the ground were five children and one teenager who had been hiding the trees around this area.

Naturally they were Lin Fan's pets.

He had been keeping an eye on the assassin the entire time, even seeing him when he had been setting up his ambush. Or rather, Brainy had been keeping an eye on the assassin the entire time.

Once he knew what the assassin was up to, Lin Fan had let out his pets and placed them around himself with Brainy leading them while he set himself up as the bait.

Naturally what had blocked the attack of the assassin just now was the array that the five of them had set up.

Even without Lin Fan giving them any instructions, the five of them could follow Brainy's lead to create the array. Lin Fan didn't expect to have them take action since he assumed that he would be able to take care of the assassin himself, he had only set up his pets in the area around him just in case anything happened.

However, what he never expected was that he would need his pets to save him since he never expected that this assassin would have this net cage.

Even now, he still wasn't able to use any of his powers as he stood there inside of the cage.

Lin Fan saw them appear and said, "Try and hit this cage from the outside, maybe that will break it."

The five kids were about to use their array to attack the net cage when Brainy suddenly raised her hand.

The five kids immediately stopped releasing their life energy as they looked at Brainy with confused looks.

Brainy came forward and stood in front of the net cage, looking at it for a bit before saying, "It seems like this cage is set up so that it freezes the life energy inside the cage, but it also allows things from outside to enter the cage. If we attack it now, the attack will just go right through and hurt master instead…"

Then she reached out her hand towards the cage as she said, "But it doesn't seem like there's something set up outside of the cage to protect it or prevent others from using it. That means…"

In one smooth move, she suddenly pulled the net of the cage and pulled it off the trees that the four corners had been on, instantly freeing Lin Fan.

As she held the net in her hand, she gave nods as she muttered, "As expected, it's only designed to guard against those on the inside and not against those on the outside. No one expected that the person trapped would have allies outside to free them, so it wasn't designed that way. But then again, it also saves on costs if it's designed like this…"

Lin Fan didn't bother her as he turned to the assassin who was dead on the ground.

He walked over and took the dead Assassin's Storage Ring before coming back over to where Brainy was.

When he came back, he saw that she was no longer holding anything and asked, "What happened to the net?"

He actually did care about the net that she had recovered.

After all, this was something that could restrict someone's ability to use their life energy, so it was a very useful item. Not to mention that this matter wouldn't be over yet since he knew that that person from the Assassins Association group wouldn't let it end like this.

If he were able to use this net against them…That would be very helpful.

The slap to his face would be an extra bonus.

Brainy pointed at the ashes on the ground and said, "It burnt up."

Lin Fan looked at them and shook his head, but he didn't say anything.

He could guess that this was most likely a single use item and once it had fulfilled its purpose, it would destroy itself. Since it was gone, there was no use crying over spilt milk and he continued forward with this trial.

Once this person was gone, Lin Fan pulled his pets back into his pet space other than Brainy since he still needed Brainy to maintain the puppets that were left at the entrance. After all, he didn't know how far he would have to go in this forest and his spiritual sense wasn't as strong as Brainy's so he couldn't cover that distance.

Brainy changed back into the vine snake form and jumped into Lin Fan's sleeve.

Once everyone was put back into place, Lin Fan started heading down this path.

As he continued down the path, there was nothing that happened which confused Lin Fan.

Shouldn't there be a trial that he was supposed to be undertaking at this moment? So why was nothing happening?

Lin Fan was confused, but that didn't stop him from moving forward.

Then after continuing on for another bit, he suddenly felt a chill from behind him, but this wasn't just a normal kind of chill. It was almost as if there was someone's cold breath that was falling onto the back of his neck.

But when Lin Fan turned around, he saw that there was no one there.

After continuing forward a bit longer, Lin Fan suddenly saw something out of the corner of his eyes. However, when he turned to look in that direction, all he saw were the trees that had been around him the entire time.

What was going on here?

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