Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 643 Ancient World (9)

Lin Fan didn't know what this black ball of light was, but he couldn't feel any sincerity from its words at all.

It was clear that this black ball of light had only saved him for its own purposes, but that didn't matter to Lin Fan right now.

He didn't know what the situation was and there was still the chance that the beasts were all around him even if there weren't any in the town. He had already made up his mind to take his revenge after talking to this black ball of light, but he also knew that as he was now, he wouldn't be able to do anything.

At the very least, he had to be able to cultivate before he could talk about revenge.

That meant that working with this black ball of light was probably his best choice since he wouldn't be able to do anything else if he remained on this planet. After all, this planet was clearly just a planet of mortals or else beasts of that level wouldn't have been able to destroy them that quickly.

After these thoughts passed through his mind, Lin Fan asked the black ball of light, "What can you give me if I work with you?"

The black ball of light didn't answer right away and after a moment of silence, it gave a sigh before saying, "When you're in a situation like this, wouldn't normal humans ask about what kind of revenge I want or who I am? Why do you keep going against the norm with all these questions?"

Lin Fan didn't respond to this as he just waited for the black ball of light to answer his question.

The black ball of light saw that it was no use complaining, so it said, "I'll give you what you want, the ability to cultivate."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes when he heard this and after some thought, he asked, "How?"

The black ball of light said, "If you let me into your body, I can give you a part of my cultivation and you'll be able to cultivate with the cultivation technique that I give you."

Lin Fan immediately shook his head and said, "No, that is not acceptable."

The one thing that Lin Fan had over this black ball of light was his knowledge from earth. He knew all the common plots that had been used before and if he were to let this black ball of light take over his body, he could guarantee that it would try to take him over.

The black ball of light didn't seem surprised at all by Lin Fan's answer.

It was slowly getting used to the way Lin Fan treated it, so it could guess what Lin Fan was going to respond with.

It didn't let itself get caught up in Lin Fan's pace as it said, "I figured, but that's fine as well. I can give you a way of cultivating without having to enter your body. You should be fine with that, right?"

Lin Fan looked at the black ball of light with a look of doubt, but after a moment of hesitation, he still gave a nod in the end.

When the black ball of light saw this, it didn't say a thing as it just floated there for a bit before a smaller ball of black light came out from it.

Once this smaller ball of black light came out, it floated forward until it was floating right in front of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan looked at this small ball of black light, but he was confused because he couldn't see anything special about it.

After a moment, Lin Fan turned to the black ball of light and asked, "What is this?"

The black ball of light gave a chuckle before saying, "Just wait, it'll show its true appearance soon."

Lin Fan was even more confused when he heard this, but he turned his attention back to the small ball of black light.

After another few minutes, the small ball of black light slowly expanded until it was bigger than the original black ball of light. As it expanded, it started changing shape, slowly turning into something that was like a beast with four paws.

Eventually, the change in the shape of the small ball of black light stopped and at that time, it had taken the shape of a little rabbit.

Lin Fan was even more confused when he saw the little rabbit that was lying on the ground in front of him.

The black ball of light just floated there and based on the way it was floating, Lin Fan almost felt as if it was proud of itself. But why would it be proud of itself for making this little rabbit appear?

Lin Fan finally couldn't take it anymore and asked the black ball of light, "Well? What is this for?"

The black ball of light gave a sigh before saying, "You seem like quite the smart kid and you can't see through this?"

Lin Fan looked at the black ball of light with a dark look, but he didn't say anything.

The black ball of light saw this and didn't keep teasing Lin Fan as it said, "It's very simple, you'll be taming this little rabbit and that will allow you to cultivate."

Lin Fan knitted his brows as he asked, "What do you mean? How could taming this little rabbit allow me to cultivate? I don't have any life energy at all nor is this body suitable for cultivation."

The black ball of light shook in place like it was shaking its head as it said, "Che, che, that's why you're taming this little rabbit. By taming it, you'll be able to receive a portion of its cultivation and that will allow you to cultivate."

Lin Fan knitted his brows when he heard this.

After all, this didn't sound like the cultivation method that he was familiar with…

The cultivation method that he was familiar with was using pets as support instead of sharing cultivation with the pets. The pets would help the owners fight, but they both had their separate cultivations which had to be increased separately.

This method that the black ball of light was proposing meant that both the owner and the pet would be able to cultivate together and grow stronger at the same time.

If this was true, it would have completely changed the cultivation method of the world Lin Fan had been from.

That was also what made it hard for Lin Fan to accept.

The black ball of light saw doubt on Lin Fan's face and it shook itself again before releasing another small ball of black light.

This small ball of black light didn't transform into another creature, but rather it was just a ball of black light that had a small jade inside of it.

Lin Fan looked closely and found that he recognized this jade.

Well, he didn't know exactly what this jade was, but he knew what kind of jade it was.

This was a jade slip that could be used to pass down knowledge and in most cases, it would be used to pass down cultivation techniques.

Lin Fan didn't hesitate at all to take the jade slip from the small ball of black light. Holding it in his hands, he looked it over before crushing it, releasing the information that was stored inside.

There was a wisp of blue light that appeared the moment that the jade slip was crushed.

This wisp of blue light swirled in the air for a bit before suddenly flying out to enter Lin Fan's head.

The moment that it did, Lin Fan could feel the new knowledge that was being crammed into his brain.

As he went over this new cultivation technique that he had received, he realized that the black ball of light wasn't lying. This cultivation technique really was capable of allowing the pet tamer and the pet to share cultivations.

Lin Fan looked down at the little rabbit that was still asleep on the ground and he reached out his hand.

However, he realized that there was something missing.

That's right, he didn't have any life energy right now!

Even if he had this cultivation technique, without some life energy to form the bond with the little rabbit, he wouldn't be able to cultivate it.

Lin Fan turned back to look at the black ball of light who he felt was just floating there in a smug manner.

It wasn't hard to guess what the black ball of light was thinking as it floated there.

It had already given Lin Fan everything that he wanted, but before Lin Fan could take it all, he had to show his sincerity to the black ball of light first.

After thinking this through, Lin Fan gave a sigh and said, "Alright, I can see that you're sincere, but I still want to ask you something."

The black ball of light didn't seem to mind as it asked, "What do you want to ask?"

Lin Fan looked at the black ball of light for a bit and then asked, "Who do you want to take revenge on."

The black ball of light didn't respond right away this time and it even turned a bit darker when Lin Fan asked this question. After a period of silence, the black ball of light suddenly said in a deep voice, "The entire Beast Race."

Lin Fan nodded before saying, "Alright, then let's work together."

The black ball of light just gave a laugh before saying a single word, "Good."

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