Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 652 Ancient World (18)

In the end, the Beast Race army withdrew from this world.

It had been so sudden that people hadn't been able to react to it in time, but all the beasts had suddenly disappeared one day.

When they disappeared, it had been so quiet, almost as if there hadn't been an invasion.

That is if there weren't the pile of corpses that littered the ground of the planet.

Once the Beast Race army withdrew, Lin Fan started gathering the corpses for his own cultivation.

No one had any complaints about this since Lin Fan and his pets had been the main force in this fight, so it was natural that he would have claim over the corpses that came out of the fighting. After all, most of these beasts had been killed by Lin Fan in the first place.

Well, it wasn't that no one at all had any complaints, it was just the people who had been stuck on the planet.

A few days after the Beast Race army withdrew from this planet, the experts of the various forces that had invested here started showing up.

They were shocked to find that this planet had been able to drive off the Beast Race army, especially with how many beasts the Beast Race had sent. However, they didn't dwell on that too long since the only thing that they really cared about were their investments.

With the invasion of the Beast Race, it was inevitable that there would be some losses to their business since plenty of property had been destroyed during the fighting. So these forces turned their eyes onto something else to recoup their losses.

The only thing of value on this planet covered in destruction right now were the beast corpses that scattered the lands.

There hadn't been any reconstruction done just yet, so they couldn't resume their normal operations, so they wanted the beast corpses to recoup their losses.

It was just too bad that the beast corpses had already been claimed by Lin Fan.

But these forces wouldn't back down and started harassing Lin Fan for these beast corpses.

They claimed that since he was involved in the destruction of their property, he should give them some form of compensation. They of course didn't mention that he was the one who had saved their properties in the end since that didn't benefit them at all.

Lin Fan was too lazy to care about these people and continued gathering the beast corpses for his own use.

These forces had the pride that large forces had and when Lin Fan ignored them, they sent people to start harassing them.

It was a pity that they had underestimated Lin Fan's temper.

Every expert that had been sent to "convince" Lin Fan had disappeared and there wasn't a single clue as to where they had gone. But based on the context, they could surmise that it was very likely that they had met their demise at Lin Fan's hands.

If it was just this, they could have accepted it, but they still would have sent more powerful people to harass Lin Fan since they couldn't back down now. These forces had their reputations to consider and couldn't back down just because of a single person.

But they never expected Lin Fan to take things even further.

After being harassed for a bit, Lin Fan decided that he had had enough of them and he sent his pets to completely destroy their investments on this planet.

All of their properties were destroyed and the experts that they had sent had all been killed in a single night.

Everyone on the planet had been shocked by this.

They understood why Lin Fan would do this since they supported Lin Fan after he had saved this planet, but they never thought that he would be this decisive.

Some people even began fearing Lin Fan after this.

They had thought that he was a hero, but now it turned out that he was just a tyrant.

When the forces received the news that their bases had been destroyed, they sent their own experts to hunt down Lin Fan for destroying their investments. But they didn't know that Lin Fan had already left that planet.

The forces tried looking for Lin Fan, but there were no traces of him at all…That was until he suddenly showed up on the planet of one of these forces.

This force was surprised to see Lin Fan coming to their planet, but they thought that Lin Fan was done for since they never thought that Lin Fan was a threat to them.

What they didn't know was that Lin Fan was already much stronger compared to them and he sent his pets to destroy this planet while he personally killed the experts of the forces ruling the planet. None of them could stand a single blow from him and they all died with looks of shock in their eyes.

After wiping out this force from this planet, Lin Fan left the planet without doing anything else.

The people who lived on this planet were shocked by this, but the spies among them quickly sent news of this to the other forces that had been chasing after Lin Fan.

There wasn't a single force that hadn't been terrified by Lin Fan's actions and they called back their experts to their main base out of fear that Lin Fan would attack them. However, there wasn't another move from Lin Fan during this entire time.

Once they were certain that Lin Fan wasn't going to attack them, they started sending out experts again, but this time they didn't send them out to chase after Lin Fan.

Instead, they sent out their experts to post a bounty on Lin Fan.

The reason that they gave for this bounty was that Lin Fan was colluding with the Beast Race, which was why he was able to get those beasts to follow him.

Lin Fan wasn't surprised by this at all since he knew that once his ability to tame beasts was revealed, he would be labeled as a traitor to humanity. He would be labeled as someone who was colluding with the Beast Race.

There was no concept of taming in this world at all and humans feared what they didn't understand. Naturally the first thing their minds would jump to was the conclusion that Lin Fan had betrayed humanity since they already had a bad image of the Beast Race in their minds.

They couldn't ever imagine the Beast Race being willing to work with the humans.

Lin Fan wasn't surprised by this bounty at all, he was only surprised that it had taken this long for them to place this bounty on them.

This was also the reason why Lin Fan had done all those things that weren't characteristic of him. The reason why he had destroyed the investments of those forces on that planet and why he had completely wiped out that force.

He wanted to instill fear into them, that was the only way that he would find his peace.

If they weren't afraid, they would be tempted by the secrets that he had on him to attack him in an attempt to take those secrets. But if they were afraid, they wouldn't dare to send their own experts after him out of fear of retaliation and would use more passive methods.

Lin Fan had more than enough ways to deal with those passive methods, so they wouldn't be a bother to him at all.

After taking care of that force, Lin Fan started heading out into the world, going from planet to planet.

He clashed with the Beasts Race and the humans from time to time, but most times, he chose to avoid fighting since that wasn't what he wanted.

He still knew that he wasn't at the end of his path of cultivation and before he was there, he couldn't really hurt the Beast Race since their greatest backing were their absolute experts. He might have hurt them a bit by destroying the Beast Race army, but that wasn't worth anything in the grand scale of things.

As he traveled from planet to planet, he met all kinds of people.

Some planets were cultivation planets and some planets were mortal planets.

He had different adventures, learning different cultivation techniques and passing down his methods for beast taming to certain people.

With how novel beast taming was, it didn't take long before it had become a whole new sect of cultivation.

Of course, with the implications of beast taming, their entire sect was called an evil sect who colluded with the Beast Race. They were unwelcome on most human planets and they were also unwelcome on all Beast Race planets.

But no one ever dared to attack these beast tamers since they would always be outnumbered. No one dared to look down on the strength that these beast tamers had.

Lin Fan became known as the sect master of the beast taming sect, but the title that most people used for him was Demon Lord.

He was feared by everyone for creating this new evil branch of cultivation, it had even reached the point where people told stories about him to scare their children.

But none of this mattered to Lin Fan as he continued hunting down beasts to increase his own cultivation.

It took a hundred years, but he was finally able to reach the realm of Rulers and reached the peak of cultivation for this world.

It was during this time that he was suddenly contacted by someone who gave him a shocking piece of news.

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