Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 693 Tournament (5)

The waves of water were unstoppable as they swept out over the entire stage, even swallowing Ying Jun before he could do a thing.

When the waves of water finally stopped pouring out, there was only Mo Ze Chen who was left on the stage.

The waves of water had washed everything off the arena, even including the referee who had been on the side watching over everything.

But the most important thing was that the waves of water had carried Ying Jun off the stage.

The rules of this match were that the match would continue until either contestant was incapicitated, whether knocked out or…Or the match would continue until either side was knocked off the stage.

However, being knocked off the stage was very unlikely because of the size of the stage.

The stage was much larger than a normal stage to give the contestants all the space that they needed to use their abilities. At the same time, it was larger to ensure that stage outs were unlikely.

After all, this was a place for the contestants to show off their abilities, so it was considered a let down if there was a stage out.

In fact, some people even considered it cowardly to try to win with a stage out because that meant that the contestant wasn't confident enough in their abilities to win in the first place. The only way that they could win was to scheme and find a way to catch their opponent off guard to knock them off the stage.

So winning by stage out left a very bad taste in everyone's mouth.

The crowd had been stunned by the large amount of water that had suddenly appeared, but they quickly reacted to what had happened.

As soon as they did, there were many people that started to whisper to each other.

However, the general gist of their whispers were about Mo Ze Chen and they were not kind whispers.

"Did you see that? He took advantage of young master Ying's kindness and then sneak attacked him! How shameless can this person be!"

"Right? He knew that he couldn't beat young master Ying, so he took advantage of young master Ying's magnanimity."

"Can there be a more shameless person?"

These whispers rang out through the entire arena, but for a certain section, there was only silence.

There were people who had started to whisper to each other, but before they could say a thing, they felt a chill suddenly come over them. It was as if if they said a single word, their lives would be taken at that moment.

During all of this, there was one person who was holding the person that this chill came from back.

Lin Fan held her hand to keep her in her seat as he said, "This is part of the plan, there's no need to be like this."

Angela looked at him with an angry look, but she didn't say anything in response to this.

In the end, Lin Fan just said, "I'll buy you some cake on the way home, alright?"

She pouted her lips, but at least this time she gave a nod.

Back in the arena, the referee still didn't know how to handle this matter.

Since he was someone that was refereeing this match, it meant that he was someone from the twelve great families. Then in order to ensure that Ying Jun had a better chance, the Ying Family had swapped the referee out for someone from their own family.

But even if he wanted to stand on Ying Jun's side, he couldn't do it with how clear the results were. After all, even if he was from the Ying Family, this was a tournament that was held by all twelve great factions. Just the Ying Family alone wasn't enough to go against the rules that all twelve of them had set.

So this put him in a very awkward position.

Mo Ze Chen completely ignored all the insults that the crowd was throwing at him and he turned to the referee to ask, "Isn't it about time to call the match?"

The referee revealed a very ugly expression when he heard this.

Perhaps he could delay it a bit if no one said a thing, but if Mo Ze Chen was directly questioning him, he had to say something.

But before he could say anything, Ying Jun said in a voice filled with rage, "I don't accept this!"

Everyone's eyes fell onto Ying Jun when he shouted this.

The normal Ying Jun might have taken a pause to calm himself before speaking, but the current Ying Jun had completely lost himself in his rage.

He couldn't believe that he had been tricked like this and it had been a large blow to his pride. He was one of the greatest hopes of the Ying Family's younger generation, this kind of position gave him a pride that others couldn't compare to, which made his rage even greater.

Ying Jun stood up and jumped back into the stage before pointing at Mo Ze Chen to shout, "I want a rematch! Fight me fair and square if you're a man!"

Mo Ze Chen revealed an awkward look and scratched his head as he said, "Is there a need for this? I just won with the rules of the tournament, so this match is already over."

Ying Jun flew into a rage when he heard this and said, "All you did was use your little tricks? You really think that you're that great? Fight me fair and square if you're a real man!"

As soon as he said this, the crowd also started shouting out in support of Ying Jun.

"That's right, you should fight fair and square if you're a real man!"

"Real men wouldn't use tricks like this!"

"You didn't win, all you did was play your tricks!"

Leaving things like this would clearly leave a bad taste in everyone's mouths, even the hosts of the tournament could see this.

However, this was also a matter of face for them since they were the hosts of the tournament.

If they allowed themselves to be swept up in sentiment of the crowd and forced the two to have a rematch, wouldn't that mean prostrating themselves down in front of the crowd?

That would be the exact opposite of what they wanted since this tournament was a demonstration of their power. It should be the crowd that should be prostrating themselves to their twelve great factions.

But this display was just too shameful and Mo Ze Chen was someone from the twelve great factions which hurt their reputation.

It wouldn't be good for them if they left things like this.

There were many people who were cursing Mo Ze Chen at this moment, whether they were the organizers of this tournament or they were in the crowd. They all looked down on Mo Ze Chen's display just now.

Not a single person felt that Mo Ze Chen had won based on his own power and had only won because he had taken advantage of Ying Jun's magnanimity. However, that was what Mo Ze Chen wanted to see.

As long as they thought this, it would mean that they would look down on him and would keep underestimating him.

That way there wouldn't be anyone that would make a move against him.

Well, maybe the Ying Family, but they wouldn't put that much attention on him since there were still bigger fishes to fry for them. They might make a few small moves, but they wouldn't put their full attention on him since they had the other factions to deal with.

The referee received a message from the organizers and turned to Mo Ze Chen to ask, "Contestant Mo, how about we redo this match? This match does seem a bit…"

He left his words hanging, but it was clear what he meant by those words.

But Mo Ze Chen just spread his hands and said, "Is there a need? I've already won the match, so there's nothing else to say, right?" Then his eyes turned sharp as he looked at the referee and asked, "Or could it be that you feel that there's a need for me to redo this match?"

The referee was completely stunned by Mo Ze Chen's words.

He had thought that since he was asking nicely, Mo Ze Chen would immediately agree to his request. After all, there were the twelve great factions behind him.

Even an idiot would be able to recognize that this was the best choice in this situation, but Mo Ze Chen was this kind of idiot where he didn't understand.

He completely ignored the referee's request and insisted on not doing the rematch.

Hearing this, the referee revealed a very ugly look, but he didn't refute Mo Ze Chen's words.

It wasn't that he didn't want to, but he couldn't say anything.

If he did, it would have gone against what the organizers wanted.

They were hoping for Mo Ze Chen to agree to this rematch so that it would seem like it was something done willingly between the two contestants.

After all, if they forced Mo Ze Chen to accept this rematch, that would mean that they were bowing down to the will of the people and that was the last thing they wanted.

Before the referee could say anything else, Ying Jun roared out, "You really are shameless! Don't you have any pride at all?"

Mo Ze Chen revealed a smile and said, "Pride? Of course I do. I won by my own power and that's why I'm moving on. Is there anything else to say?"

Hearing this, Ying Jun's face completely twisted.

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