Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 726 Alchemist Exam (11)

The rest of the day passed normally and then it was time for the third and final round of the exam.

The number of examinees had already been narrowed down to the point where everyone could take the exam together, so they were all brought out at once. However, instead of being brought to a station that had ingredients and a recipe prepared for them, they were brought to different seats set up in the arena.

When Lin Fan saw these seats, he couldn't help revealing an awkward smile.

That was because these seats looked like something from his past life…

These seemed like seats that they would use for those trivia game shows. Even the buzzer that was placed in the center of the desk in front of the seat was just like the ones used in the game shows he used to watch…

He couldn't help wondering what this whole thing was about.

After they had all been seated, the referee came forward to say, "Now that you've been tested on practical skills, the next test that you will be receiving will be a test of your theoretical knowledge."

The referee came up to one of the desks and pointed at the various features as he explained them, "This desk comes with a pen and paper for you to write your questions on and once you have finished them, they will be checked by the referee that we have assigned to each of you. They will then declare whether you have answered the question correctly or not with the board behind you."

Behind each of the desks was a board that had a red and green light, which was pretty self explanatory.

After he finished with his explanations, the referee didn't wait at all as he said, "We'll now be giving the first question."

The referee moved to the side to allow another person to come forward to give the questions.

The person who came forward was the head referee from before who had basically shadowed Lin Fan and Yuki.

When he gave his question, his gaze was even on Lin Fan and Yuki who had been given seats right beside each other.

The head referee said, "When the Solar Dragon Herb is mixed with the Lunar Phoenix Herb, the balanced effect of these two herbs should create a very strong healing effect. However, when mixed in a 1:1 ratio, the resulting mixture will always explode. Why is this?"

This was a very simple question since it was a question about herbs that could be found everywhere in this upper realm. It was something that people had long experimented with and had found the reason for already.

Of course, this was just the first question which was why it was so easy.

However, even with how easy this first question was, there were some people that couldn't answer it.

But that wasn't the case with Lin Fan and Yuki as they buzzed in seconds after the question had been asked.

The referees behind them only took a single glance before declaring that their answer was correct.

Once the time was up, the head referee stopped them from answering and revealed the answer, "Because the yang energy contained within the Solar Dragon Herb is stronger than the yin energy of the Lunar Phoenix Herb, it requires a 2:1 ratio instead of a 1:1 ratio to balance out."

When he revealed the answer, there were some people who hadn't been able to answer the question who became even more discouraged.

But then they all focused their minds as they prepared for the second question.

It was just too bad that when the second question came, everyone was stunned…Well, everyone except for Lin Fan and Yuki.

The head referee said, "The second question. When you control your flame to refine ingredients, why do you always have the flame spin clockwise instead of counterclockwise?"

This seemed like a very simple question, but in fact, it was a trick question.

Even most Alchemy Masters had trouble explaining this phenomenon.

However, Lin Fan and Yuki weren't stumped by this question at all as they immediately started writing. Almost at the same time, the two of them hit their buzzers to indicate that they had finished with their answers.

The two referees behind them came to check, but unlike last time, they didn't approve of the answers right away.

The two referees stood there for a while with knitted brows, but they didn't pass or fail their answers in the end. Instead, they called for the head referee to come over to verify the answer.

The head referee was confused why the two referees would ask for him, but he soon found out the reason.

That was because the answers that Lin Fan and Yuki gave were completely different from the sample answer that they had prepared, but the thing was that their answers weren't incorrect.

The answers that both Lin Fan and Yuki gave were far beyond the level of the normal generic sample answer that they had prepared, so the two referees really weren't able to verify if the information contained within these answers were correct.

They had no choice but to call for the head referee.

However, even the head referee wasn't able to understand everything that was written in Lin Fan and Yuki's answers.

He tried his best to verify this answer, but as he continued reading over the answer, he found that these answers contained theories that even he had never heard about. But when he tested them in his mind, he found that they were feasible.

After he finished reading the answers of the two, he had no other choice.

The head referee nodded at the referees to leave this matter with him before saying into the microphone, "There's been a small incident, so we'll be taking a short break to deal with this before resuming the exam."

Then without even waiting for anyone to say anything, the head referee quickly headed off.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Lin Fan and Yuki with suspicious looks when they heard this. After all, the head referee had only run off after seeing their answers.

After around ten minutes, the head referee came back with Lin Fan and Yuki's answers to talk to the referees before the referees had accepted their answers.

Once this was done, the head referee took the microphone and specifically stated something, "The answers of these two examinees were judged to be a higher level than the answer expected, so they have both been given extra points in their total score."

As he said this, his eyes swept over the crowd as if he was stressing this to everyone.

The crowd didn't say anything in response to this, there were even many people who turned from his gaze.

After that, the head referee continued on with the exam like nothing had happened.

However, with the two extreme variables known as Lin Fan and Yuki here, there was no way that the exam would continue as normal.

Just like with the second question, every question that followed after that required the head referee to run off to check the answers that the two of them gave. Then every time that he came back, he announced that both Lin Fan and Yuki would be receiving extra points to their total.

By the time that the exam was finished, both Lin Fan and Yuki had more than double the points that everyone else had. They even had double the maximum number of points that they could have earned from the exam.

That was just how many extra points that they had been given.

There were others who had passed the exam, but they were all ignored as all eyes were on Lin Fan and Yuki.

After all, if it happened once or twice, it could still be considered a fluke.

For the head referee to run and check the answer for every single question, it could no longer be considered a fluke. Not to mention that this was a public exam that was held by the Alchemy King Hall, they wouldn't  fake something like this since it would harm their reputation, so this had to be real.

If that was the case, just what kind of monsters were Lin Fan and Yuki that even Alchemy Masters couldn't match their knowledge?

They would certainly become pillars in the Alchemy King Hall in the future, so everyone wanted to build a relationship with them. It was just too bad that once the exam was over, the head referee immediately called Lin Fan and Yuki away.

The two of them were led by the head referee through the Alchemy King Hall branch until they came to an elevator which they took to the top floor. When they came out of the elevator, they were brought into the office that took up the top floor.

When Lin Fan arrived, he couldn't help feeling that this place was very similar to the president's office at the Hunters Organization.

When they came in, they saw that there were two men that were waiting for them.

These were the same two men who had talked to the head referee two nights ago. They were the vice president and the president of this Alchemy King Hall branch.

The two of them had serious looks as they looked at Lin Fan and Yuki, but the president gestured for the two of them to sit down which they obliged with.

Once they were both seated, the president leaned forward and said, "You two really are something. Not just your pill refining skills, but also your theoretical knowledge is something else. You know many things that even we don't know."

Then his eyes became sharp as he asked, "So why have you come here?"

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