Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 828 Conference (1)

The next few days were like hell for Lin Fan's subordinates.

The plan that he had come up with involved many different gangs, so they had to keep running around to contact these gangs. They couldn't leave a single one of these gangs out because if they did, there was no way of guaranteeing that an incident wouldn't happen.

Right now they still had the element of surprise and while they were being looked down on, it was easiest to take them down.

If they were alerted and contacted a larger organization, it would be hard for them to take care of them all at once like they wanted to do.

So having to contact everyone while keeping everything secret, naturally it was very difficult for Lin Fan's subordinates.

As for Lin Fan on the other hand, he was very relaxed as he sipped tea in the office in preparation for the conference in the afternoon.

He didn't have any contacts with these gangs and he wasn't as well known as the various gang leaders under him, so it wasn't as if he could contact anyone to begin with. So he left all this work to his subordinates.

When the time came, he left Xin'er at the office to be taken care of by the babysitters that he had hired and headed off.

Naturally he couldn't just leave Xin'er to his subordinates since they were all scarred men who didn't look an inch like they could care for kids. He had no choice but to hire people to help him take care of Xin'er.

With the price that he paid, they would have even given him an arm, let alone take care of Xin'er.

Xin'er wasn't happy to see him go, but she knew that he had business to take care of, so when he left, she waved her hand and said, "Come back soon."

Lin Fan's heart melted when he saw this and he said with a smile, "I'll be back soon."

If anyone didn't know better, they really would have thought that the two of them were father and daughter.

But after he left the building, his face immediately turned serious and his subordinates around him all felt the pressure that was coming from him. Still, even though they felt this pressure, this gave them even more assurance.

The stronger that Lin Fan was, the better chances that they would have of everything going right today.

Lin Fan was the last person to arrive at the conference, the other gang leaders had long arrived and were currently impatiently waiting in the conference room inside. But even so, Lin Fan didn't go in right away.

Instead, he waited for Brainy to check something. Only when Brainy gave him a nod to confirm that everything was ready, did he finally push the doors in front of him open and walk into the conference room.

The people near the doors turned to look who it was, but seeing that it was someone they didn't recognize, they ignored him and turned their heads back to the center. After all, right now, the center of the room was where the main show was happening.

There were five different gang leaders that were gathered around the center of the room, gathered around one single person that they were all glaring at.

All five of these gang leaders were in the Embryo Soul Realm and were the leaders of the five strongest gangs left in these outer parts of the slum city. It would have been six since the Demon Wolf Gang was once considered a part of this group, but that was no longer the case after the Demon Wolf Gang chose to submit to Lin Fan.

"What did you call us here for? You're making us wait this long too! Do you really think that you're better than us?!" The Inferno Ape Gang's boss yelled as he pointed his finger in the Demon Wolf Gang's boss' face.

The other four gang bosses just watched, but it was clear by the look on their faces that they also felt the same.

The only reason that they had even come was to give the Demon Wolf Gang boss face since he was someone at the same level as them. However, after they arrived, the Demon Wolf Gang boss never started the conference and had them wait for this long.

It was almost as if he was looking down on them.

As the leaders of the strongest gangs, they naturally had their pride and their arrogance, so they couldn't take being looked down on like this.

But even after threatening the Demon Wolf Gang boss, he never started the meeting and just calmly told them that they would start once everyone had arrived.

It was clear now that everyone had arrived since every gang boss they were familiar with was currently in the room. There was no one else that could possibly come and yet the Demon Wolf Gang boss still wasn't starting the meeting.

If it wasn't for the fact that this was a meeting of all the gangs, they would have left this place in rage already.

They knew that the Demon Wolf Gang boss must have some kind of plot to call them all here, but they were also counting on this. They had the ambition and knew that this place where all the gangs were gathered was the best place for them to increase their own power.

So they came here fully knowing that there was some kind of plot against them.

In fact, they had already formed alliances amongst themselves.

There was a group of two and a group of three who had allied with each other in preparation for this day. They were now just waiting for a chance to play their hand and take over the conference.

But before anyone could say anything, Lin Fan had walked all the way up to the center.

The five Embryo Soul Realm gang bosses were surprised to see this kid who came out of nowhere walking up to them, but that surprise quickly turned to annoyance.

That was because this kid had walked right up to them, not giving them any face.

No matter who he was, they were still the bosses of the strongest gangs in this conference and no one would treat them like this.

The fact that this kid had walked right up to them like it was nothing made it clear that he didn't have any respect for them at all. He walked up like he owned this place, as if they were his subordinates.

The Inferno Ape Gang boss was about to say something when the Demon Wolf Gang boss suddenly came forward and kneeled down in front of Lin Fan. Then as everyone revealed shocked looks, he said, "Boss, you're finally here."

Everyone looked at the Demon Wolf Gang boss in disbelief as they couldn't understand what was happening.

Why was one of their companions, one of the strongest gang bosses kneeling down in front of some random kid?

Lin Fan gave a nod before saying, "You can start it now."

The Demon Wolf Gang boss nodded in response before standing up and turning to everyone else at this conference to say, "Everyone, we can start the conference now. The reason we called you here today is..."


The Inferno Ape Gang boss suddenly shouted out to cut the Demon Wolf Gang boss off.

The moment he shouted, everyone turned to look at him.

The Inferno Ape Gang boss moved right in front of Lin Fan and pointed his finger in his face as he said, "You're telling me that you're listening to this kid now and he's the one who called us all here?" Then he turned to the Demon Wolf Gang boss and roared, "Have you lost your mind?! Do you really think that any of us is going to listen to what this kid has to say?!"

The Demon Wolf Gang boss just had a calm look on his face as he took what the Inferno Ape Gang boss was saying. He then just stood there without saying a thing.

This further enraged the Inferno Ape Gang boss.

As someone with a short temper, he was already angry enough being insulted like this. But now that he was being snubbed to his face, his rage completely exploded.

He pulled out his weapon and pointed it at Lin Fan as he said, "Kid, get out of here before I really lose my temper. You can't blame me for being impolite when that happens."

Lin Fan just looked at the sword pointed at him before looking back up at the Inferno Ape Gang boss and saying, "With just you?"

A vein popped out on the forehead of the Inferno Ape Gang boss and he roared, "Don't blame me for not warning you!"

After saying this, he immediately raised his sword and was about to slash down at Lin Fan. But before he could move his sword down, he suddenly felt a powerful force coming from in front of him.

This was a force that he couldn't resist at all, it knocked the wind and the blood out of him, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood before being slammed into the ground.

As he was slammed into the ground, everyone jumped back and away from him as a large crater was formed around where he had been standing.

After being slammed into the ground, he just laid there turned sideways with his arms up and one leg above the other. This was a very iconic death scene in Lin Fan's world, but in this case, he didn't die since Lin Fan had held back.

Lin Fan looked around at the others and said, "Is there anyone else that wants to try?"

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