After Jun Xie paid Lin Fan and left his Arctic Lynx there, there wasn't much for the crowd to do.

After all, they wouldn't know what would be the results of the Arctic Lynx's training until tomorrow morning. So it wasn't as if they could say anything about Lin Fan even though he had punched the Arctic Lynx.

The cold hard facts were in front of their eyes, they could see how much the Arctic Lynx's cultivation had increased after being punched by Lin Fan.

There wasn't a single person that could prove that this wasn't some kind of special technique that Lin Fan used because not a single person was able to understand what had just happened.

So in the end, they could only wait.

But it was a good thing that Lin Fan had said that the training would be done tomorrow.

Everyone was snickering at him on the inside when they heard this since not a single one of them had believed that he could get the training done in a single day.

Most Monster Trainers took at least a month to get some kind of result, so no one believed that Lin Fan could break this standard.

There were even many that thought that Jun Xie was working with the shop to fool them all. This was all a play that the shop had set up to trick them, so they were looking forward to seeing what would happen tomorrow morning.

With all these different thoughts, the crowd that had been in the store dispersed, waiting for the play that would come tomorrow morning.

How could Lin Fan not notice these things?

He just didn't care since he knew what kind of things his store was capable of and he would show them all tomorrow morning.

After the crowd was gone, Xin'er holding Angela's hand couldn't help coming over and saying with a look of awe, "Daddy, you're so amazing! How did you help mister lynx break through just by punching it?"

Even if Xin'er didn't really have a high cultivation because of a lack of resources, that didn't mean that she didn't have any knowledge at all.

After all, she had been raised by the Fragmented Soul Realm Duanmu Hua Yu, so she knew just as much as the next cultivator.

Lin Fan just raised his hand and said with a smile, "It's a little trick that I used, but it's a trick that only I can use."

After Jun Xie had left, the Arctic Lynx had been sticking to Lin Fan the entire time. However, when he saw the way that Xin'er looked at the Arctic Lynx, he tapped it on the head before pointing at Xin'er.

As he tapped the Arctic Lynx, he made sure to use a bit of absorption force to draw out some more impurities for it.

The Arctic Lynx had a look of joy for only a second before revealing a sad look like its wife had been stolen from it. But of course, it also understood what Lin Fan meant with his gestures, so it walked over to Xin'er and started rubbing up against her.

Xin'er revealed a delighted smile and started rubbing the Arctic Lynx.

As a child, naturally she didn't know how to hold back with her playing, so the Arctic Lynx's fur became all clumped up from her rubbing. Even then, it still forced itself to reveal a smile as it allowed Xin'er to do what she wanted.

But this got even worse when Yuki came over with the five sisters.

When the five sisters saw Xin'er playing with the Arctic Lynx, they immediately became envious and they all came over to play with it as well.

However, the Arctic Lynx had its pride and wouldn't let the five of them anywhere near it…that was until Lin Fan suddenly raised his fist at it. When it saw this, its attitude flipped 180 and it immediately started rubbing itself against the five girls.

While Lin Fan didn't like Xiao Tu, that didn't mean that he felt the same about the five girls.

After all, it was hard for him to hate cute little girls like this. Not to mention that Yuki was completely attached to these five girls.

Even if he and Yuki were normally at odds with each other, he was happy to see her being attached to them like this. He knew that Angela was also happy seeing Yuki like this and if she was happy, that was all he needed.

After playing with the Arctic Lynx for a bit, Lin Fan still had to take it away from them since he needed to bring it away for its training.

He had Xiao Tu take care of this, but before Xiao Tu took it away, Lin Fan also made sure to have a few private words with the Arctic Lynx.

Xiao Tu tried to lead the Arctic Lynx away, but the moment that he took the reins that Lin Fan had put on it, the Arctic Lynx immediately started nipping at him. The more that he tried to lead it away, the more that the Arctic Lynx put up a fight.

Lin Fan just watched all of this with a calm look on his face, as if he was already expecting this.

His five sisters wanted to say something to help him, but they were soon led away by Yuki and went off with Angela and Xin'er to have some cake. Kids at their age really were easy to bribe and lead away.

Xiao Tu was just left there with the Arctic Lynx that kept resisting whenever he tried to take it away.

With no other choice, he looked to Lin Fan for help, but all Lin Fan did was just look at him with a smile before also walking off, leaving him there alone with the Arctic Lynx.

Bullying, it was clear bullying!

But there was nothing that Xiao Tu could do since Lin Fan was his boss. All he could do was try to get the Arctic Lynx to follow him into the back…

That was still easier said than done.

The order that Lin Fan had given the Arctic Lynx before heading off was to cause as much trouble for Xiao Tu as possible.

He knew that Xiao Tu still hadn't given up on his feelings towards Xin'er and that was what annoyed him. He wouldn't accept Xiao Tu since there was nothing to accept about Xiao Tu, so he would do all that he could to keep them apart.

Though with his standards, he felt that no one in this world was good enough for Xin'er.

After dinner, Lin Fan headed to the area where the Arctic Lynx had been kept.

The Arctic Lynx had been patiently waiting to be trained, but after such a long time, it couldn't help being anxious.

It had done its best to cause trouble for Xiao Tu, but of course it had also held back since there was the cultivation difference. Xiao Tu was only in the Gold Realm while the Arctic Lynx was already in the Fragmented Soul Realm.

If it was serious about making it hard for Xiao Tu, it was unlikely Xiao Tu would have gotten out without a scratch.

Seeing Lin Fan come over, the Arctic Lynx was immediately filled with excitement.

Whenever it remembered the feeling of Lin Fan punching it, it couldn't help being filled with excitement and joy. That was the feeling of having its bloodline purified and having its dreams fulfilled, it couldn't be blamed for being excited.

It was looking forward to being beaten up…no, it should be "trained" by Lin Fan. It was just too bad that Lin Fan didn't have such plans.

He had already purified the Arctic Fox's bloodline as much as he could for now. If he were to continue purifying the Arctic Fox's bloodline, with the poor foundation that it had, it wouldn't be able to handle this sudden increase in power.

If he were to do this, eventually the Arctic Fox would be crushed under its own power and all his efforts would be wasted as it self-destructed.

So before he could train it further, he needed to enhance its foundations and allow it to adapt to the new power that it was gaining.

Naturally the best way for him to do that was…

When the Arctic Lynx was brought out of the comfy cage that it had been put in and was expecting to be beaten, it was led down a low hallway instead.

It couldn't help feeling that this hallway was eerie with how dark it was, but it tried to convince itself that this was just because it was nighttime and it was dark outside. It was

just thinking too much and that was scaring itself.

It was just too bad that it didn't accept reality and face these instincts since Lin Fan was indeed bringing it to a bad place.

It was brought to a dome where it was placed in the center before Lin Fan left while telling it to stay. This was a very empty place that didn't have anything in it, but that all changed with a single push of the button from Lin Fan.

With just a single blink, the Arctic Lynx found that it was now surrounded by frozen jungle and that it was standing in the middle of a blizzard.

The Arctic Lynx couldn't even begin to understand what had just happened. It had been standing inside of an empty dome one minute and the next, it had been transported to this world of ice and snow.

While the Arctic Lynx was trying to get its footings and trying to understand what happened, something changed in this world of ice and snow.

The shadow under the Arctic Lynx suddenly started to move before leaving the Arctic Lynx to take form in front of the Arctic Lynx. The shadow came out of the ground and transformed into a dark version of the Arctic Lynx that stood there in front of it.

The Arctic Lynx didn't react to this at first since it was still looking around itself trying to figure out what was happening, but then it felt the aura coming from the shadow version of itself and it immediately turned its attention to the shadow version.

It didn't know where this shadow version came from, but it tried asking, "Who are…"

Before it could finish its roar, the shadow version suddenly jumped out at it, swinging its dark claws down. As the claws swung down, dark ice formed around it like claws and slashed at the Arctic Lynx.

The Arctic Lynx was barely able to react in time, but it was able to release an ice wall that blocked this attack…or at least it thought it blocked the attack until the ice wall it formed had shattered and it was sent flying.

The shadow version didn't stop there as it continued beating up the Arctic Lynx again and again with the dark ice claw.

The Arctic Lynx tried fighting back, but it realized that it was completely outclassed and it was just getting wailed on by the shadow version.

Just like how it had bullied Xiao Tu in the afternoon, it was now getting bullied by this shadow version of itself.

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