After Lin Fan left the room, he went to the training field of the palace.

When he arrived, he saw that there were people there that were waiting for him.

These were people that he recognized.

These were his cousins from the Lin Astral Family.

They had been gathered by the Lin Astral Emperor, so they had no choice but to come here.

But of course, not a single one of them knew why they were here.

They had just been summoned on behalf of the Lin Astral Emperor by the servants that had been sent. These were all servants that had high positions in the palace, so they knew that this was the truth.

They had been surprised when they saw that it was the other cousins who had been gathered.

Finally, when Lin Fan arrived, they couldn't help feeling an uneasy feeling.

There was still that feeling of fear that they felt towards Lin Fan.

When Lin Fan arrived, he nodded at the servants and all of them left, which made them feel even more uneasy. After all, this made it seem like…he was the one that was in charge here.

There were a few of them that moved towards the door as if they were trying to escape, but they found that there were already guards standing there. These guards were firmly standing there without leaving a single gap, making it clear that they wouldn't let anyone pass by.

So they could only stand there and watch.

Lin Fan came to the center of the arena and was the center of attention.

He looked at them before saying, "I'll be training all of you today. I'll be whipping all of you into shape for the future."

All of them revealed shocked looks before those expressions turned into looks of indignation.

This was someone that they regarded as the youngest one of them, so they were against treating him as someone that was above them. That would hurt their pride as someone who was older than him.

But they were also scared of him, so not a single person made a move.

Instead of facing him directly, they chose to leave this training room.

However, they were stopped by the guards that were at the door.

They tried ordering the guards to move, but not a single guard listened to them. This was something that they had never experienced before.

Still, they couldn't do a thing since it wasn't as if they could defeat the guards.

The guards were the guards of the Lin Astral Family, so these were elite experts of the Lin Astral Empire. Even the weakest among them was in the Planet Realm, just like them, but the ones here were all those in the Sun Realm.

It would take just one of them to take care of all of them.

They could only turn to face Lin Fan who was standing there with a confident look on his face.

When being trapped between a rock and a hard place, they chose to face Lin Fan since they felt that they had a better chance with him. After all, they had reasoning on their side, so they felt that they would be able to do something against Lin Fan.

They chose the oldest one among them to come forward and talk to Lin Fan.

However, before he could say anything, Lin Fan suddenly slapped him across the face.

That person who was slapped could only stand there in a daze as he didn't understand what happened.

As for the rest of them, they also looked at Lin Fan in daze since they never expected him to do something like this.

But Lin Fan wasn't done after doing this.

He looked at them with a smile of disdain on his face and he said, "Is that all you have?"

Their pride was slapped when they heard this and this was worse than any slap to the face.

Since Lin Fan was provoking them, they decided that they wouldn't hold back anymore. But before they attacked, one of them said, "Do you dare fight us with your own power?"

As they said this, all of the cousins remembered what had happened last time with Lin Hong.

They knew that if they were to fight Lin Fan now, they would just be beaten up by his pets.

So they immediately started supporting the cousin that had proposed this.

Lin Fan's disdainful smile grew wider as he said, "Why wouldn't I? In fact, I won't even move from this spot and you still won't be able to do anything to me."

All of them were angered by this again, but they also let out a sigh of relief when they heard this. After all, if Lin Fan really didn't use his pets, they didn't think that they would lose to him.

Not to mention that he even said that he wouldn't move.

But Lin Hong who had also been dragged here by the guards couldn't help feeling an uneasy feeling.

He knew that Lin Fan wouldn't say something like this unless he was confident in doing it.

So he moved to the back of the crowd…

He knew what was about to come.

Seeing that Lin Fan just stood there without doing a thing, the cousins all started feeling confident. They pulled out their weapons and started moving towards him.

Lin Fan just stood there without doing a thing, but there was something that appeared in his hand inside of his sleeve.

Seeing him just standing there, they gathered their life energy and used their most powerful attack.

They had thought that this pressure would be enough to force him away, but it didn't do a single thing as he just stood there with the same smile on his face. It was clear that he was still looking down on them.

So they didn't hold back like they were planning on doing and used their strongest attacks on him.

But before they could hit them with their attacks, there was a barrier that suddenly appeared around him.

This was a barrier that they were all familiar with since they were all members of the Lin Astral Family.

This was a barrier created from void laws.

The moment that their attacks hit the barrier, they were all stopped. Then in a phenomenon that they were familiar with, all of the life energy that hit the barrier was drained away.

All of their attacks had been negated and sucked into the barrier.

It was all that they could do just to pull themselves away from the barrier without being sucked dry by it.

In the end, they could only look at Lin Fan like he was a monster.

They had never encountered such strong void laws before, or at least they had never encountered anything like this before against a member of their own generation. Even against people in the upper generation, they had never felt void laws like this.

The only time that they had encountered void laws this strong was…when they had sparred with the Lin Astral Emperor that one time when he taught them.

They couldn't understand how he was able to release this kind of powerful void law barrier, but there was nothing that they could do about it. After all, it had just absorbed all of their strongest attacks, so they knew that it was impossible for them to break through it.

They had been so confident in taking him down, but now…

After looking at each other, they all understood what they should do.

They decided to split up so that Lin Fan couldn't attack them all at once and they also created distance with Lin Fan. Lin Fan had said that he wouldn't move from his spot, so they wanted to create distance to make it harder for him to attack.

Then they started attacking with different attacks from different directions.

It was clear that they were trying to find the weakness in the barrier around Lin Fan.

Lin Fan just stood there and allowed all of these attacks to hit his barrier, but not a single one of them was able to break through it.

When they saw this, they knew that this wasn't the method to take him down, so they started moving away and observing Lin Fan's barrier.

It was just that Lin Fan wouldn't give them that chance.

As they were standing there observing his barrier, there were balls of life energy that gathered all around him.

The cousins were all surprised and confused by these balls of life energy, but before they could react, all of them shot out at them. They weren't even able to keep up with these balls of life energy with their eyes as they shot out.

When they reacted, the balls of life energy had already slammed into them and had sent them flying into the walls behind them.

These balls of life energy were of the exact same law that they had used to attack Lin Fan with, but they were much stronger than their attacks.

The only ones that had been sent flying were the ones that had made an attack. The rest of them were just standing there with shocked looks on their faces.

The only one that had a different expression was Lin Hong who had a bitter smile.

He had already expected this, which was why he had moved to the back and watched everything.

There was also a trace of schadenfreude in his eyes as he finally was able to see someone suffer the same way that he had suffered before.

Lin Fan just looked at them with the same disdainful smile as he asked, "Is that it?"

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