Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 983 Mechanical Arms

After staring at that spot for a bit, Lin Fan started moving forward.

| сom The guards around him were taken aback when they saw this, but they also moved forward with him to protect him. However, Lin Fan suddenly raised his hand to stop them.

The guards revealed a conflicted look, but they didn't follow him in the end.

They had already secured the area, so there shouldn't be anything that could cause Lin Fan harm.

Lin Fan was the heir of the Lin Astral Family in the end, so his position wasn't something that could be ignored. They had to obey his orders in the end.

So Lin Fan was allowed to move to the center of the cleared area by himself.

As he moved closer and closer, he could feel the strange energy getting stronger.

This strange energy kept assaulting him, almost as if it was trying to make its way into his body. However, Lin Fan strengthened the life energy barrier around himself to prevent it from entering his body.

As he came closer though, he had to use more and more life energy to keep it out.

When he was standing in the center of the circle, he could feel the intense strange energy coming out of the ground and assaulting him. He knew this feeling very well and he knew that this was dangerous for the people in the area, so he raised his hand and said, "Everyone move away from the circle, now!"

All of the people around him were confused when they heard this, but they quickly followed his orders and moved further away from the circle.

Then Lin Fan looked down at the ground under him before raising his hand to gather some life energy.

This was a brown coloured life energy that he had gathered this time.

This was earth laws that he was using.

With these earth laws, he easily moved the ground under him and uncovered what was hidden within.

As he moved the dirt under him, he could feel the radiation energy becoming stronger.

It seemed like the dirt that had been there had been blocking the radiation energy and now that he was moving it, it was just getting stronger.

But it was still within a range that Lin Fan could accept.

As he moved it more and more, he was also getting deeper and deeper into the ground. It didn't take long before he had created a hole that was over three meters deep, but even then, he wasn't able to find what he was looking for.

Still, he could feel the radiation energy getting stronger, so he knew that he was getting close.

Lin Fan didn't stop using the earth laws to dig, but before he could dig any further, there was movement from the ground under him.

The ground only trembled a bit at first, but then the shaking became stronger and stronger until cracks started forming in the ground.

Lin Fan who noticed this immediately moved back and raised his guard.

The guards around him also pulled out their weapons as they prepared for a fight. Even the Ruler Realm guard had pulled out a weapon.

Before anyone could react though, there were these limbs that came out of the ground.

These were dark limbs that had a sharp tip at the ends of them that stabbed out of the ground.

At first, they just stayed there in the air without a target. Then as if they had found a target, they suddenly turned to point the sharp tips at Lin Fan. There were also a few of them that pointed at the guards around the area.

When they saw this, everyone knew that these limbs were prepared to attack.

But Lin Fan also had a different reaction.

That was because these limbs…seemed almost familiar.

They seemed like the limbs of an octopus, but they were made of metal.

They had links in between them that locked all of the metal segments that made up these metallic octopus arms. With this system, it was actually much more flexible since it was like having multiple joints all over the arm itself.

As for where Lin Fan had seen them…they were like the arms of a certain supervillain that fought against a spider themed superhero.

These arms wildly stabbed and swung at Lin Fan, but they moved at a speed that was very easy for him to dodge.

The only problem was that he had misjudged the reach of these metallic arms.

He had thought that since they were stuck in the ground, what he could see was the range that they had, but that wasn't the case. Rather, each of the segments in the metallic arms could stretch, giving it a max reach of over double what it seemed like it had.

So there were a few times where it was almost able to get him.

But Lin Fan could dodge all of the attacks that came swinging and stabbing at him with his overwhelming reflex. So in the end, the metallic limbs weren't able to hit him at all.

As for the guards, they also had no trouble dodging this, but they were at a level that was below Lin Fan's. There were a few of them that were hit by these metallic arms in the end.

It wasn't a problem that they were hit by these arms since there was no life energy infused in them.

There was only the strength that came with having metallic limbs that sent them flying and gave them a few bruises, but there were no serious injuries.

Lin Fan had been overwhelmed by the number of metallic arms that came out at first, but then he had no problem tracking them and easily dodging out of the way. He moved around the arms until he was only in the range of a few of the arms.

At that point, he pulled out his Iron Eater Bone Sword and started swinging at the metallic limbs.

To his surprise though, he found that these metallic limbs were very hard and the Iron Eater Bone Artifact couldn't even make a single dent.

But at the same time, he received a message from the Iron Eater Bone Artifact.

Lin Fan looked at the metallic limbs with narrowed eyes after hearing this, but then he went along with the Iron Eater Bone Artifact's plan.

He dodged and weaved past the metallic limbs, making swings at them as he passed.

He wasn't able to make a single scratch on these metallic limbs, but if one looked closely, they would be able to see something glimmering in the air. It was almost like there was some kind of sparkling dust that was left behind Lin Fan as a trail.

He didn't push further into the center of the circle, just dancing his way around the metallic limbs that were swinging and stabbing at him. Every time he passed by one, he would always make sure to slash at it.

This continued for some time until the metallic arms started getting slower.

It wasn't that they were getting weaker, but rather they chose to slow down on their own after seeing one of the arms suddenly breaking apart on its own. This arm had just swung at Lin Fan when a few of the outer segments suddenly fell off from the rest of the arm.

It was as if whatever had been connecting it had suddenly been severed.

When Lin Fan saw this, he confirmed something.

It seemed like there was something controlling these arms that was learning as it attacked. If he had to guess what it was, it was most likely an advanced AI that could analyze the situation and learn, adjusting to the changes in the situation.

This kind of thing didn't exist in this world, but for a world that could make these kinds of futuristic metallic arms, it shouldn't be a problem.

After adjusting, the arms started working together to try and trap Lin Fan, but it still didn't work.

No matter what patterns these arms took, they just weren't able to touch the hem of Lin Fan's clothes.

However, the situation got worse and worse for the metallic limbs as time passed on. One by one, they started breaking apart, losing more and more segments of themselves until they were just nubs.

At that point, Lin Fan stabbed right into the exposed machinery and silenced those metallic limbs forever.

If one looked carefully at the segments that had fallen off, they would have seen that the metal that these segments were made of had…lost their sheen. At the same time, it was as if the segments themselves had grown much smaller.

It was as if something had been carved off and stolen from them.

It was Lin Fan's Iron Eater Bone Artifact.

He had used the special ability of this Iron Eater Bone Artifact to slowly whittle away the essence of the metal used to create these metallic limbs. This made them weaker and weaker until they just fell apart on their own since they couldn't handle the force being used anymore.

At the same time, if one looked carefully at Lin Fan's sword, they would see that it was starting to sparkle more and more.

This Iron Eater Bone Artifact was just getting stronger and stronger from absorbing the essence of the metallic limbs' metal.

At the same time, it started releasing an aura that didn't seem to exist in this world.

After all, the metallic limbs were created from metals that didn't exist in this world.

Once he had taken care of the metallic limbs around him, Lin Fan was about to head deeper in to take care of more metallic limbs.

But before that could happen, all of the metallic limbs suddenly drew back.

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