Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 985 Machine Artifacts

It was a strange ship because it wasn't in the shape of any ship that they had seen before.

But for Lin Fan, when he saw it, he couldn't help revealing a strange expression…

Wasn't this a UFO?

It was a round saucer that had holes in it where the metallic arms were coming out from. At the same time, there were also glowing holes that were clearly the power source for the UFO and where the beams of light had come from.

But why was there a UFO here?

No, the UFO here should be something from the Outers…so could it be that the aliens that people had seen on earth were Outers?

The more he thought about this, the more it hurt his head…

So Lin Fan threw away these thoughts since he knew that it was impossible for him to understand everything. Instead, he started going over the UFO and trying to find a way


But as far as he could see, the UFO was completely sealed off and there wasn't a way in.

Well, there were holes all over it, but that was where the self defense weapons came from, so that was most likely not a safe place to enter from.

There should be a part of the ship that opened up that would allow him to enter the ship, but he wasn't able to find it. That was until they finally found a tiny sliver using their life energy.

Lin Fan gave up in the end and had the guards use their life energy to search every part of the ship.

This was different from a spiritual sense search, which was scanning it with their spiritual sense.

That was because the body of this thing strangely blocked spiritual sense from entering.

This life energy search consumed a lot of life energy because it was using life energy to check every single inch of the surface. It was like covering this thing in water and then seeing if there was a gap for the water to soak into.

However, life energy was much more flexible than water since it was a form of energy.

It was even able to detect gaps that could be measured in microns.

So they were able to find the gap in this airtight seal of the strange ship.

Then after finding that gap, they brute forced it open with their life energy.

With the hole in the ship opened, they could see that the ship was completely dark.

There were things that looked like lights that were on the ceilings of this corridor, but it was clear that there was no power running through them since it was so dark.

Lin Fan took a closer look at these lights, but he couldn't see anything that seemed like it was providing power to this light. It was almost as if there was some kind of wireless power source connected to this.

But this was definitely not something that he could understand since this technology was just too advanced for him.

So in the end, they just created a few lights with their life energy and headed deeper in.

With the atmosphere of this ship, it was almost like they were in a horror movie.

Lin Fan was expecting some alien creature to jump out and attack them at any moment, but nothing like that happened.

They made their way through the dark corridors of the ship until they finally came to what seemed like the bridge of the ship.

However, the moment that they walked into this room, they immediately raised their guard.

That was because there was a dark figure that was sitting at the seat behind the wheel.

Whoever this was, it was most likely the owner of the ship.

Since they owned this ship and this ship belonged to the Outers, this was most likely an Outer.

The guards immediately came up in front of Lin Fan and pulled out their weapons.

They took a formation with the normal guards forming a wall in front of him. To his side, the Ruler Realm guard was standing at the ready, prepared to make a move if anything happened.

Lin Fan also pulled out his weapon just in case, but he also raised his hands to stop the three who were standing in the back.

After a long period of silence, the guards that were in front slowly moved forward.

One of the team leaders took the foremost position and with his sword pointed at the dark figure, he said, "Who are you?"

There was only silence that followed this.

With this silence, they looked at each other before slowly moving towards the figure just sitting there.

Once they were close enough, they slowly used their weapons to poke at that figure, but that figure just didn't react at all.

Finally, they brought the lights closer and they were surprised by what they saw.

Pulling off the cloak on that figure, they found…a skeleton sitting there.

This skeleton didn't have a single bit of flesh left, so it was clear that it had been here a long time.

As they stared at it, Lin Fan came forward to take a closer look at it.

The guards were about to stop him, but he just waved them down. Seeing this wave from Lin Fan, the guards had no choice but to back down since they knew that it would be too much to try and stop him.

Lin Fan came right up to this skeleton and took a close look at it.

He found that this skeleton was just a normal human skeleton without any extra things on it.

He couldn't help thinking of the skeletons that he had seen before when he had been teleported to the cultivation realm by the system.

It seemed that most creatures that came from the Outer had the same shape as humans, but why was that?

Why were there so many creatures that were just like humans in the Outer?

Was there a reason why they all had the same form as humans?

This was something that Lin Fan couldn't help being really curious about, but he also shook this thought from his mind after thinking for a bit.

After all, it wasn't the time to think about this right now.

He turned his attention back to the bridge that the skeleton had been sitting at, but this bridge didn't have any sign of power at all. It was clear that whatever had been powering this ship had been damaged in the fight, so they weren't able to use this ship at all.

Since that was the case, there was no reason to spend time trying to fix it.

They didn't understand the technology at all, so it would have just been a waste of time.

So Lin Fan led his group search through the entire bridge first to see if there was anything that seemed like it would give them information.

But after searching through the bridge, they found that there wasn't a single thing here.

So they decided to search the rest of the ship.

There were other paths that they had seen when they made their way through the ship, but they had ignored them for now since they had wanted to find the control room of the ship.

But since the bridge was a bust, it was time for them to explore all of those rooms.

They made their way to the room that was closest to the bridge and when they went in, they found that this place was just as dark as the rest of the ship.

With the light that they brought, they found that this place was filled with machines of different shapes.

These were machines that they had never seen before and they all had weird shapes to them.

These were shapes that they never would have thought would exist for these machines.

One of the guards who was better at handling machines than the others went to take a closer look at them, but even after opening them up, he wasn't able to determine what they were used for.

There wasn't even any wire inside of these machines that they could use to guess what these things were for.

So they had no choice but to forget about the machines.

There were also some smaller things that they could take with them that were in the room, but they still couldn't figure out what these things were. They couldn't even power them on since it seemed like they were out of power.

As for what kind of power that would even need, that puzzled them even more.

So in the end, Lin Fan said, "Bring them along."

The guards nodded before gathering up all the machines that they could take with them. There were a few that were attached to the floor, so they couldn't pick these ones up and take them with them.

The ones that they did take were the smaller ones that were scattered around the floor.

Their job after all was to scout out this place for the source of the strange energy.

So they would take these things back and check them out properly to see what they were.

Once they were all gathered, they headed off further into the ship to see what else they could find.

The next room that they entered had a strange feeling to it.

It was the strange energy that they had felt before when they had been above the ground, but this time it was much stronger.

It was as if they had found the source of this strange energy.

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