Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Chapter 141 - Chapter 141: Chapter 101: Mysterious Light_1

Chapter 141: Chapter 101: Mysterious Light_1

Translator: 549690339

Spirit Eyes Mysterious Light Technique.

Although the name sounds somewhat rustic, it is, without a doubt, a Taoist Gate Righteous Skill, even capable of cultivating to the level of “Heaven View Earth Hear” and “Admiring Eye of Heaven” – such Great Divine Power.

By practicing this technique, one can open their Spirit Eyes to see the Mysterious Light, which can be used to inquire into all matters under heaven, even peering into the Heavenly Court and Underworld, life and death, past and future, spirits and demons, and the hidden secrets of gods and Buddhas.

In short, as long as it still exists within the Three Realms and the Five Elements, theoretically, anything can be investigated with Spirit Eyes Mysterious Light, revealing its essence and origins.

This was Xu Yang’s understanding of the “Spirit Eyes Mysterious Light Technique.”

But understanding was just understanding; he had never obtained its Mana Point, let alone practiced this profound and righteous technique.

Now, the Dry Prosperous Taoist risked his life for righteousness, fulfilling Xu Yang’s wish by presenting the technique to him.

Xu Yang would not disappoint him and immediately began to study the wondrous skill within the Taoist Scriptures.

After some indeterminate time, Xu Yang set down the scripture, his face full of admiration.

“So that’s how it is, so that’s how it is, truly a Great Divine Power!”

Between his words, he clearly gained insight into the subtleties of the righteous skill.

Why could Spirit Eyes Mysterious Light inquire into the Three Realms?

Because its basis was “asking the heavens for the way!”

To extract information from everything under heaven and earth, as long as you have left traces, and as long as you are within the Three Realms and the Five Elements, the world will inevitably be aware of your information, because everything you’ve interacted with is a part of heaven and earth.

For example, if you take a step, the ground will bear the weight, the air will be disturbed, and there will be the intervention of light, material changes…

In essence, every thing in the world, including yourself, serves as “eyes and ears” watching you; whatever you do, the world retains traces.

The Spirit Eyes Mysterious Light Technique is about entering the world’s information repository, using great mana as the access right to inquire the information within, thus knowing everything that can be known.

Therefore, it is a righteous skill of the Taoist Gate and Art of Divine Abilities because it already touches upon the Heavenly Mechanism!

Xu Yang had always coveted such skills of Heavenly Mechanism.

Alas, such cultivating skills were also extremely rare and precious within the Cultivation World.

It’s not just the Foundation Establishment forces, even the Three Sects of Golden Core might not have the related heritage and collection.

Only in this realm with its exceedingly high status, although declined due to “The End Times of Evil Age,” there remain many Immortal God techniques and Righteous Skill legacies, enabling the acquisition of such Great Divine Power techniques.

Xu Yang stood up and turned towards the Mana Altar, ready to test the subtlety of this technique.

He scattered a handful of Yellow Talismans, then stepped through the Big Dipper formation, casting a spell and reciting an incantation.

“Heaven so clear, Earth so spiritual, the three wonders of Sun, Moon, and Stars, asking the heavens about ghosts and spirits, beholding the depths to see the essence… I summon Supreme Elder Lord with haste as the command!”

“Through the eyes enters the Spirit Law, into the mirror enters the Mysterious Light!”


As Xu Yang’s voice resounded, mana surged, and within his brow, Spirit Light flickered, slowly manifesting an inscription as if a mud pill palace was opening to reveal the spirit eyes.

The Spirit Eyes were formed, then it was time to behold the Mysterious Light.

Standing before the Mana Altar, Xu Yang lifted one hand as if he was holding a mirror, and placed the other hand over it, activating his mana and starting its rotation.

In just a short time, the Mysterious Light flickered in the palm, solidifying into a mirror revealing itself.

That was the Xuan Guang Mirror!

“It’s done!”

With a smile, Xu Yang opened his Spirit Eyes and peered into the mirror.

But all he saw was a glimmer of Mysterious Light, with no information whatsoever.

Because he had yet to inquire.

What to ask?

Xu Yang considered.

With his current Cultivation and the newly-initiated Spirit Eyes Mysterious Light Technique, it was impossible to ask about life and death, past and future. He could not even get involved with matters of spirits and gods, at most he could inquire about mundane objects.


“Meditation mats, made of cattail, a mundane object, yet because Cultivators meditate upon them year-round, have also become imbued with traces of spiritual energy and mana, possessing a certain effect of Condensing Spirit and calming the mind. Commoners who use it can ward off nightmares.”

With a thought from Xu Yang, the mirror immediately displayed a meditation mat, precisely the cushion he used for daily meditation and practice.

Seeing the meticulously detailed information in the mirror, Xu Yang smiled and thought to himself: “This could be considered a treasure appraisal technique. In the future, if I go to the markets, I may very well find some overlooked treasures and earn a few Spirit Stones.”

“No, no, no, using such Divine Skills for treasure appraisal is really putting great talent to petty use!”

“Now I’ve just started, but once I reach a certain level, the spell will become Divine Ability, and Heaven View Earth Hear will be a trivial matter. I might even, like the legendary True Monarch Erlang, grow an Admiring Eye of Heaven that can illuminate the Three Realms and see through to the netherworld!”

“By then, whatever demons or evil spirits, with a single glance I could discern their essence, and in combat, I could identify their spell flaws, weaknesses, and vital points, similar to the complementary subtlety of the Butcher’s technique!”

“Upon reaching the pinnacle of mastery, one might even be able to glimpse into the Heavenly Mechanism, ascertain the past and future, knowing five hundred years ahead and five hundred years behind—a true Immortal and formidable being.”

“Moreover, one could act on a whim, receive premonitions, and thus avoid catastrophe and danger. It’s just that the Dry Prosperous Taoist’s skills were not refined, and he hadn’t mastered it; otherwise, he would have noticed my movement without my intervention.”

“Wonderful Skill, Wonderful Divine Power!”

With a smile, Xu Yang retracted the Mysterious Light, and the Spirit Eyes between his brows likewise closed, leaving only a faint inscription trace.

The Future Heavenly Eye, thus it unlocks!

With just this one Spirit Eyes Mysterious Light Technique, this sweep of the Dry Prosperous Taoist Temple is truly worth more than its value.

Not to mention…

Xu Yang held up the second Taoist scripture.

No, it should not be called a Taoist scripture, as this is a…

“Xuanyuan Divine Sword Jue!”

“Sword technique?”

“Flying Sword?”

Xu Yang raised his eyebrow and flipped through it.

Among the spell cultivators, thunder reigns supreme!

Among the fighters, the Sword Dao is unrivaled!

Sword cultivators focus solely on fierce fighting techniques.

Xu Yang was also very interested in this, and he had wanted to acquire sword techniques multiple times in the present world.

However, sword cultivators are different from thunder cultivators.

Thunder cultivators have limitations due to their Spiritual Roots, making the lower tiers of the Thunder Series in surplus, hence their low price and ease of acquisition.

For sword cultivators, it is different. There is no concept of “Sword Spiritual Root” in the Cultivation World. As long as one cultivates with sword techniques, they can become a sword cultivator.

Furthermore, given the Cultivation World’s highly competitive environment and the struggle for survival, sword techniques which can significantly enhance one’s combat capabilities, regardless of their quality, are sought after by countless people and their prices remain high.

With Xu Yang’s current assets, he had only acquired a few first-tier sword techniques corresponding to Qi Cultivation.

As for the second-tier sword techniques corresponding to Foundation Establishment, the starting price was tens of thousands of Spirit Stones. He could afford them, but it really was unnecessary.

But now, in his dreams where anything can exist, a copy of the “Xuanyuan Divine Sword Jue” was given to him.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Yang finished reading the entire scripture, with surprise in his eyes.

This sword technique is a true fighting technique that can be applied in real cultivation and other worlds.

And it was of high tier. According to the divisions of the real Cultivation World, it was at least a fifth-tier sword technique, capable of cultivating a sword cultivator up to the Divinity Transformation realm.

Unfortunately, the scroll was incomplete, and the technique was not whole.

This portion in his hands was only the first part, which could at most be cultivated to the third-tier realm.

Even so, a third-tier sword technique was worth hundreds of thousands of Spirit Stones in the current Cultivation World.

No wonder it is said that knowledge is power, information is wealth!

“Although it’s incomplete, with such a development, completing it in the future won’t be difficult,” he thought.

“It’s not just this sword technique, but other more profound righteous True Scriptures and Art of Divine Abilities could also be within reach.”

“After all, this world was once in the heyday of the Immortal Path, with gods and buddhas everywhere. While it may not compare to the Black Water World, the various heritages left behind are still extraordinary.”

“Thus, with Li Liuxian practicing the Xuanyuan Divine Sword, Shi Jian practicing the Thunder Series True Scripture, and Yin Mountain Taoist cultivating the Ghost Enslaving Skills, the three distinct identities each with its own features, are more intimidating!”

“Adding these three reputations together, plus the threat from Orchid Temple, at the very least, I could earn a few decades of development time.”

Xu Yang sat on the cushion with a deep and determined gaze, planning for the future.

The same old saying goes, where there are people, there’s a Martial World, there are winds of strife swirling about interests.

This world is no exception.

As development progresses and he expands, he will inevitably affect others’ interests.

Otherwise, during the recent feast, neither White Mountain Monk nor Taoist Qinghe would have advised him to restrain himself.

But can such matters be avoided by holding back?

The good are bullied, the kind are ridden; if you don’t devour others, others will come to devour you.

Giving in cannot solve the problem; it only emboldens the other party to take advantage.

Therefore, Xu Yang chose to build momentum, distinguishing three identities, to form a backdrop of support.

With this, he should be able to fight for a few decades of development time.

Considering his current pace of advancement, after decades of accumulation, it won’t be others coming to trouble him, but him going to stir up trouble for others.

Of course, it would just be stirring up trouble.

This world’s waters are too deep, and the foundation of the Three Teaching Sect is profound. The legacies left by the ancient Immortal Gods included not only traditions but also some Immortal Spirit Magical Treasures, enshrined within the great Taoist temples, acting as items that stabilize fortunes. Even after tens of thousands of years, they still possess extraordinary power.

A few decades from now, barring any major accidents, Xu Yang estimated that his own power would at most be enough to dominate a region, to carve out a territory.

To swallow territory like a tiger, like the Great Zhou and the Great Tang once unified the world, would require at least several hundred or even a thousand years of accumulation.

But it doesn’t matter. With the hundredfold time difference, along with a long lifespan, coupled with the ability to wander among myriad worlds and the technique of dreaming anew, not to mention thousands of years, even ten thousand years, he could afford to wait.

He just needed to endure!

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