Chapter 686 – : Chapter 676: New Species [ Second Watch ]

Dudian took Aisha and Gwyneth down the mountain. They climbed over the fortress and headed towards the passage of the giant wall.

Gwyneth was running at full speed but found that she could barely keep up with Dudian’s pace. She was shocked because she was a limiter now, but she didn’t expect that the distance between them was getting farther and farther.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The three of them came to the passage of the giant wall. There were no knights of light guarding the passage. Dudian asked Barton to remove the people guarding the passage so that Gwyneth could come in and out. But if there were monsters sneaking into the giant wall.., it would be difficult to detect.

Dudian opened the iron plate on the ground and entered the familiar passage of the giant wall. There was a smile on the face of the goddess carved on both sides of the passage. She looked a bit mysterious under the flickering lights.

Dudian let Gwyneth lead the way out of the passage.

After half an hour, the three of them came to a lush plain. There were collapsed buildings in the messy grass. However, they were pierced by the tenacious grass and branches. They looked like a giant who had fallen to the ground, their bodies were full of worms.

Dudian wiped the dagger from his hand. It was covered with the blood of monsters who had come out to hunt. He put away the dagger and hid in the grass. He quietly approached the front. His vision had caught three groups of heat sources, two of them were together and slightly squirmed. The other group of heat sources was very large. It was like a giant ball with a diameter of about 13-14 meters. However the heat source’s reaction was weak. It was like a dim sunset, the heat source’s density was similar to that of an intermediate hunter.

Gwyneth pointed to the front.

Dudian squinted his eyes. Although it was dark but he could still see a huge cage in the grass. There were two monsters lying in the cage. One was big and the other was small. They were the two splitters that he had imprisoned in the cage.

Half a year had passed but the two little splitters hadn’t changed much. According to normal growth they should be more than three times the size of the cage but they were squeezed in the cage, the tungsten steel cage was like a black net that bound them. Their flesh was squeezed out of the hole, making it difficult for them to move.

Seeing this, Dudian suddenly understood why they didn’t break out of the cage. Under such circumstances, it was difficult for them to twist their bodies, let alone attack the cage, moreover, it was estimated that it was already very difficult for them to grow to this stage. The scarcity of food, coupled with the shackles of the cage, had made their development become abnormal.

Dudian suddenly felt a trace of cruelty. But he knew that it was his instinct to sympathize with the cruel scene in the cage.


At this time, the two little splitters in the cage suddenly let out a wail. It sounded like a threat or a plea. Their bodies were struggling to wriggle. The flesh and blood outside the cage were squeezed, the hard outer shell of their bodies seemed to degenerate and become fragile.

At this time, Dudian saw a huge black shadow slowly approaching from outside the cage. It was like a giant black ball. It was emitting strands of black limbs. If it wasn’t for its huge size, it would have looked like a head full of hair, countless strands of hair floated in the air.

However, these “Hair”were incomparably thick. They were as big as bowls. They were emitting an evil and terrifying aura as they twisted and stretched towards the two little splitters in the cage.

The two little splitters screamed and struggled violently. However, they were still approached by the black limbs. A few of the black limbs suddenly pierced into the cage and went through the flesh and blood in the hole.

The two splitters screamed in pain.

Dudian’s face slightly changed. He had never seen this giant black ball monster. He had never seen it even in the monster atlas of the inner wall, there was no monster with such a strange shape!

“Is this a new mutated species?”Dudian’s heart was moved. The Monster Atlas was always updated to record the information of the latest mutated monsters. Obviously, the information of this monster hadn’t been recorded by the Monster Institute.

As he was thinking, the struggle of the two splitters became more and more intense. The cage shook and turned over on the ground.

A few black limbs were pressed under the cage and quickly retracted. The rest of the black limbs swarmed up and pierced through the holes outside the cage to wrap the entire cage. If the people with agoraphobia saw this scene, they would have been scared to death.

Dudian didn’t wait any longer. He was ready to attack. If he continued to attack then the parasitic soul worms of the two young splitters would be gone.

Just as he was about to get up, the black limbs suddenly retracted and put the cage on the ground.

Dudian was startled. From the heat source, the two young splitters didn’t die. Why would it suddenly stop?

At this time, the giant black ball slowly rolled towards the distance. It seemed that it had given up on killing the two splitters.

Dudian was even more puzzled. Suddenly, he noticed that the two splitters seemed to be on the verge of death. Their spirit was weak and their bodies seemed to have become smaller. The flesh and blood outside the cage had become much thinner, the most important thing was that there were no wounds on the bulging parts. Not a drop of blood flowed out!

Dudian was startled for a moment. He suddenly realized that the new mutated species should be some kind of blood-sucking monster. The limbs that previously penetrated the body of the splitty had the effect of leeches, it was eating the blood of the host.

No wonder it didn’t kill them. Apparently it had treated them as its own blood bag!

Dudian didn’t stay any longer as he saw that it was about to leave. He said to Gwyneth: “You wait here.”He shook the bell and quickly chased after it with Aisha.

The giant black ball noticed that Dudian and Aisha were chasing after it. Its body slowly stopped and a large number of black limbs were emitted from its body. It quickly shot towards Dudian and Aisha as if they were prey.

Dudian snorted and shook the bell to let Aisha attack.


Aisha growled and increased her speed. She suddenly jumped onto the black monster and bit its black limbs.

The Black Monster’s body immediately caved in. The surrounding black limbs swarmed up and closed Aisha’s body as if they were embracing her.

Dudian saw through the heat reaction that there was a human figure missing from the Black Monster’s body. Aisha had entered its body and it seemed that it had taken the initiative to send her into its body!

What kind of structure was this?

It wanted to digest her?

Dudian growled and pulled out the dagger. He activated the power of magic marks and white bones gushed out of his body. It looked like a skeleton. He roared and grabbed one of the black limbs. He used it to pounce on its body and ruthlessly stabbed it with the dagger.

As soon as he stabbed it, he felt as if he had stabbed into a giant jelly. The body of this thing was very elastic.

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