Chapter 717: Morale

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“I’ve decided to go to war against the Court Attendants Army.”

Gu Shenwei had summoned the generals for a war counsel early in the morning but the first words out of his mouth astonished the three people who had just sat down.

Fang Wenshi looked at the Dragon King with bewilderment and shook his head, but didn’t immediately raise any questions as there were still others around. Azheba also didn’t speak, as he clearly recognized that he was better at archery than military strategy.

Without his two bodyguards around, Shulitu actually felt a bit uncomfortable and nervously fidgeted constantly in his chair. “With all of our enemies surrounding us, the Dragon King must have a special reason for choosing to fight the most powerful one, the Court Attendants Army.”

Gu Shenwei had contemplated and revised his plans it for half a night. Although the overall plan still had many loopholes, he believed that his reasoning made perfect sense. “The Court Attendants Army is the strongest, so not only will defeating it deter our other enemies, but also improve the morale of our troops.”

“But… How will we defeat the Court Attendants Army?” Fang Wenshi wasn’t able to hold back, and asked, “We only have thirty thousand people in total while the Court Attendants Army is a hundred thousand strong. Though the Dragon King is skilled at using the few to defeat the many, that… might not work as well against an army.”

“And they are also the best horsemen on the prairie,” Azheba added. Although he had been forced to flee the camp, he was still proud that he had been a member of the Court Attendants Army.

Shulitu thought a bit more and supported the Dragon King, explaining, “Without any commanding officers, the hundred thousand horsemen will be greatly reduced in cohesiveness and power.”

“When they came yesterday, from afar, it looked as if the troops were in good order along with their flags too. Perhaps the Great Shaman has already appointed a new group of officers.” Fang Wenshi played his old role of devil’s advocate to make the Dragon King’s plans foolproof.

“Would the court attendants adapt quickly to new officers?” Gu Shenwei asked Azheba.

Azheba thought for a moment and answered, “That’s not a huge problem. As long as someone raises their flag, the horsemen will follow him. The officers and the soldiers don’t have to talk much to each other. And if the new officers are promoted from within the ranks, there will be no problem at all.” As a previous officer of the Court Attendants Army, Azheba wishedthat the answer was ‘No,’ but he had to tell the truth.

Gu Shenwei said with a little excitement in his tone. “Yes, the soldiers follow the flags so the flags are the core of the Court Attendants Army. So after the shamans took the power, the first thing they must have done was seize the commander’s flag.”

They had all seen that big yellow flag embroidered with a black horse flying behind the shamans, and Azheba was still indignant about it. “The Great Shaman doesn’t have the right to use the commander-in-chief’s flag.”

“The Dragon King wants to destroy the flag?” Shulitu got a little excited, too.

However, Fang Wenshi was a bit more cautious. “I’m afraid that it won’t be that simple. Can destroying a flag really throw the enemy into confusion?” he doubted.

“If the time is right.” Gu Shenwei added a premise.

“For example, right when the two armies are about to collide,” Shulitu also added on.

Then they all turned to Azheba, who was the best qualified to evaluate the Dragon King’s bold plan.

Azheba thought for a while and said, “The flag of the commander is sometimes more closely guarded than the commander himself. Besides, it’s very difficult to predict how the soldiers will react to the flag being destroyed. They might flee in all directions, but they might also be bound even tighter by a common hatred. I really feel ashamed. Although I’ve served in the Court Attendants Army for nine years, I actually know very little about its soldiers’ thoughts.”

“The morale of soldiers is always hard to control,” Gu Shenwei soothed as he tapped the table.

“The morale of our troops is also difficult to predict,” Shulitu blurted out without realizing that he had changed his stance by saying the word ‘our.’ “The three armies have three commander’s flags. It’s fine when they’re lining up and grouped together, but I’m worried that they’ll fight on their own when the battle starts.”

“That problem can be easily solved,” Fang Wenshi hurriedly said as this was a task that he had received. “Within ten days, the whole army will use only one commander’s flag and all the orders will come from one person.”

This subject was a bit sensitive because it was still unsettled who this ‘one person’ would be.

Shulitu also didn’t sleep much last night. He had agonized over a single question all of last night. Now he got up and said, “I have a childish suggestion and I hope that the Dragon King will not laugh at me.”

“Please go ahead. No one would dare laugh at Your Highness.”

“Well, I hope the Dragon King can act as my Grand Mentor and assist me in leading the army.”

The tent fell silent for a while before Gu Shenwei accepted, saying, “I’m honored.”

Fang Wenshi applauded and said, “What’s childish about this proposal? That’s a brilliant idea. Why didn’t I think of that?”

The ‘Grand Mentor’ was a flexible title that held both official and guardian-like connotations. It also showed the king’s respect for the Dragon King, which was most appropriate for the Dragon King, a foreigner.

Being praised, Shulitu blushed a bit. “It would be great if Mr. Fang is willing to be the military adviser.”

Fang Wenshi had already styled himself in this position. “Very good, very good.” He kept nodding his head.

After a few more courtesies, Azheba asked, “Has the Dragon King thought in detail about the fight with the Court Attendants Army?”

Gu Shenwei had almost finished thinking it over, but he continued thinking about it for a while more before saying, “We need to speed up the reorganization of our army. In five days’ time, Your Highness should be the sole commander-in-chief.”

“With the help of Counselor Fang, I don’t that’ll be a problem.” Shulitu tried to behave like an adult. Although he was still a puppet, he found that for the first time, he could speak his mind freely.

Fang Wenshi also made a promise. “Five days, well. It won’t be a problem. We have to make a new flag. If it’s too late, then we’ll just quickly modify King Riying’s old flag.”

“I’ll find out the opinions and thoughts of the Court Attendants Army’s soldiers in three days. I don’t believe that an army of a hundred thousand people could be controlled solely by a couple of psychic mediums. There must be a huge gap somewhere.” Gu Shenwei pressed the table with his right hand, his determination to go to war not wavering in the slightest.

Fang Wenshi knew the Dragon King’s means of prying into the enemy’s movements the best, which was a necessary task, but it also made him very worried. Thus, he reminded, “The Dragon King must not risk his life. The previous Commandant…”

“The counselor won’t have to worry about it.”

The Dragon King did not give a definite answer, but Fang Wenshi could only sigh.

Gu Shenwei left Azheba alone. “I noticed a very strange thing. Yesterday, that young shaman seemed to hold a grudge against you.”

That shaman had said a bunch of threats and shot a glance at Azheba before he left. Gu Shenwei noticed the subtle glance and had kept it in mind but placed it lower on his list of doubts.

“He hates not only me, but also all the noble officers.”

“What happened?”

“Uh, it’s like this.” Azheba hesitated for a moment before revealing the ‘scandal’ of several years ago. “It was about four or five years ago, and a chiliarch had had an affair with a woman. There are many versions of the story. Anyways, within a year, the chiliarch carried out his duty and returned to his old post, but the woman committed suicide. The shaman is that woman’s brother and he made a huge scene because of it. But many officers testified that his sister was… a hooker and that she had seduced a lot of officers. The matter was left unsettled in the end.”

That young shaman had hated all noble officers ever since.

“Could he have instigated the soldiers into slaughtering the officers?”

“That’s not very likely. Only the Great Shaman has some degree of influence in the army. Ordinary shamans are merely supply servants.”

Azheba despised the power of hatred. Gu Shenwei didn’t point it out but nodded to show Azheba that he could leave.

It was too risky to penetrate deep into the Court Attendants Army alone, so Gu Shenwei decided to set up a team with good cooperation. He was just about to order Long Fanyun to invite some people here when two guests came in uninvited.

Lianqing had come over to say good-bye. Gu Shenwei tried to persuade him to stay by saying, “There’re disputes everywhere in the prairie now and it’s not safe. Why don’t you wait the chaos out and then return to the Western Regions with the army?”

Lianqing refused. “I’m just a monk with no money or treasure. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“Since you’re so determined to leave, I won’t try to persuade you anymore. But I was wondering if you could do me a favor and take a burden backwith you?”

“The Dragon King wants to take something back to the Western Regions? I have no problems with it as long as you trust me.”

“I trust you. But it will take some time to pack it. Can you wait another day?”

Lianqing frowned and asked, “How big is it? Do I need a carriage to carry it?”

“It’s not big, but a carriage is needed.”

The Dragon King didn’t seem to want to reveal the truth right away. Lianqing was a bit regretful but since he had already agreed to it, so he had no choice but to stay for another day. However, what was bothering him were the thoughts, ‘I don’t owe the Dragon King anything, so why did I agree to help him deliver something?’ Then he suddenly realized that he was questioning his faith and anxiously chanted a series of ‘Amitabha’ to remove it.

Xiao Fengchai came as soon as the monk left. Gu Shenwei had planned to meet her later, but it was fine if she came a bit earlier.

“I heard that the Dragon King went to see the Queen last night.”

“Hmm, the Queen mentioned that you wanted to see me.”

“That’s ideal. It will help avoid gossip.”

Xiao Fengchai wasn’t wearing any makeup today and was dressed simply and neatly. Although this was her usual style, it was particularly detailed today to such an extent that even her looks had become serious. She hid all her charms and it seemed that she wanted to keep a strict distance from the Dragon King.

“Gossip?” Gu Shenwei still remembered the scene of this woman trying to seduce him.

“That Lotus kidnapped me and brought me here for no reason while saying that I had an ambiguous relationship with the Dragon King. Sooner or later, this rumor will spread to Jade City. I don’t want Third Brother to misunderstand.”

The ‘Third Brother’ she was referring to was the third young master of the Meng family. Xiao Fengchai was actually afraid that her lover, who was hundreds of miles away, would suddenly become jealous. Gu Shenwei couldn’t help but feel a bit amused. “Hmm, are we still business partners?”

“The Dragon King’s business is getting bigger and bigger. I have no reason to quit.”

“I still respect my business partners. Now tell me what you want.”

“Send an army to escort me to Jade City. The sooner, the better. The Dragon King also wants me back to take charge of the business as soon as possible, right?”

“If I send you back now with such a big fanfare, I’m afraid that the third young master will only become more suspicious.”

“I have my own explanations.”

Gu Shenwei believed Xiao Fengchai’s ability, so he said. “Get ready. You can set out tomorrow.”

“So soon?” Xiao Fengchai was taken aback. She had prepared several strategies, but had reached her goal before even using one of them, which made her feel a bit uneasy.

“Hmm, but you will not be the only one going back.”

Xiao Fengchai thought for a moment and said, “That’s better. May I ask who it is?”

“You will find out tomorrow.”

Xiao Fengchai took a few steps towards the outside, then turned around and said, “I owe the Dragon King a favor now. I will pay it back sooner or later.”

“I’ll be waiting for it.”

The two of them were business partners, so there was no need to stick to polite formulas.

Gu Shenwei called Long Fanyun inside and ordered him to summon the following people: Mo Lin, Han Wuxian, Nie Zeng, Old Man Mu, Shangguan Ru, Shangguan Fei, and Dog Butcher.

And Shangguan Yun.

Gu Shenwei had gathered enough kung fu experts under him now. It was time to put them to use.

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