Death Sutra

Chapter 219 - Back to the City

Chapter 219: Back to the City

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

Gu Shenwei guessed that the seeds of betrayal were probably planted when Shangguan Fa sliced off one of his Eighth Son's palms.

In the Western Region, there was a one-legged king but not a "one-handed king". After losing his palm, Shangguan Nu was doomed to be unqualified for the highest position in the castle. There seemed to be only two roads ahead of him: die in an internal struggle or find an alternative way out.

History often operated in cycles. Shangguan Fa had cruelly eliminated all of his competitors yet was unable to be equally merciless with his own son. Perhaps, he knew that his Eighth Son's future had hit a dead end, and keeping the latter alive was merely so that his stronger sons would have someone to target.

Based on the snippets of private conversation he overheard from within the tent, Gu Shenwei could confirm that Shangguan Nu had long been acquainted with Zhong Heng, and had decided to cross over to the Central Plain's side through the commandant. This was one of the matters which the young killer was extremely puzzled by. The position of governor was higher, and Zhong Heng even had to feign death in order to evade the manhunt. Why would the Eighth Young Master choose such a fallen officer to be his backer?

Everyone in Jade City had their secrets, and so Gu Shenwei was not overly concerned. All he needed to know was that Golden Roc Fort was going to suffer a heavy blow, and that the knives of the Central Plain would begin with one of the Supreme King's arms.

Bighead Kingpin was an important ally of Shangguan Fa, and, like the Meng family of North City, was one of the Stone Castle's pillars. His death would cause an upheaval throughout the entire Western Region.

Gu Shenwei's opportunity for revenge was right here.

When in the big camp of Iron Mountain, he always took precaution against Zhong Heng and Shangguan Nu. It was only until he convoyed the fleet to Golden Roc Fort that he was able to relax slightly. For the time being, the two men had no intention of killing any witnesses.

Gu Shenwei was, however, slower than the spread of rumors this time. The news of Master Wei's murder had already disseminated to every corner of Jade City.

Before the Iron Mountain Flag entered the city gate, a stir had already started. Hundreds of people flocked to have a look because, according to the rumors, the prime suspect was no other than Bighead Kingpin.

"It took place in the territory of Iron Mountain."

"The governor was on bad terms with Bighead Kingpin."

"It was all because of money."

Because of the vicious spread of rumors, the Iron Mountain underlings practically beseeched the killer Yang Huan to deliver the gifts to Golden Roc Fort on their behalf. Without even entering the city, they swiftly hurried back to the big camp to report the situation to Bighead Kingpin.

The closer it was to Jade City, the more exaggerated the rumors were. Naturally, Golden Roc Fort itself could not escape suspicion.

"Who's Bighead Kingpin? He's just a pawn in the mountains. Who do you think instructed him to do something like this?"

"It must be the Tenth Young Master. She's certainly very cruel, and even more powerful than her previous generation. It's just that people like her and find her useful… Forget it, I shan't say anymore."

After analyzing all of the possibilities, everyone would add the same final comment, "Those fifty beauties are such a pity. This is Jade City's loss. Bighead Kingpin is too ruthless."

The gifts were left at the eastern city gate, where they awaited inspection before being delivered by the guards to the northern city gate. Gu Shenwei had not dismounted his horse when Xu Xiaoyi squeezed his way out of the crowd and came forth. His last hope was shattered when he saw that Brother Huan was alone, and thus he could not help but burst into loud sobbing. He had imagined that his elder sister might have changed her mind and returned.

Chu Nanping rarely had a chance like this to feel the sentiments of a good friend. He shifted close to Gu Shenwei and muttered, "He's very sad."

Gu Shenwei did not reveal the truth, nor did he allow Xu Yanwei to show her face. This was a matter which had to be kept strictly confidential. He had repeatedly explained to Xu Yanwei that because she was the only survivor with first-hand information, she would certainly be killed if she was found out.

He did not tell her, however, that the first person who wanted to silence her was himself.

He returned to Kun Society, where, upon seeing him, the first thing Shangguan Ru said was, "He deserved to die." She did not have the resolve to kill, and thus was glad that someone else had done the job on her behalf.

However, because she had been busy assigning tasks, she did not pay close attention to the matter and heard few rumors about it. "Our business has been plentiful," Shangguan Ru proudly boasted, "Everyone is terrified and wants to hire a bodyguard. This has been good for us. I'll be able to return the taels of silver to you in less than a year if this goes on."

Shangguan Ru seemed as though she was gradually reverting to her personality of bygone days. Gu Shenwei only found out that this was a false front after he met in private with Maid Lotus. "Tenth Young Master would often sit in a daze alone at night as if she was considering some issue. Sometimes, she would ask me, "There'll always be someone sad when a person dies, right?"

However, this was an advantage as far as encouraging Tenth Young Master to return to Stone Castle in advance was concerned. All that Maid Lotus needed was a suitable opportunity.

Gu Shenwei had come back this time with many new secrets albeit he did not tell any one of them to Maid Lotus. It was not because he did not trust her, but because he felt that these matters had nothing to do with her and thus there was no need to drag her into them.

After convoying the gifts up the mountain, Gu Shenwei remained for less than a day in the Stone Castle and immediately descended the mountain after paying respects to Luo Ningcha. He was afraid that Lady Meng would summon him while there remained many things which he would not be able to explain clearly.

Gu Shenwei recommended a female slave to Luo Ningcha and asked the latter to take good care of the slave. Luo Ningcha had a stomachful of concerns she wanted to confide in the "conspiracy teacher", and was very displeased when she could not do so. "Where did Bighead Kingpin purchase this little goblin from? She doesn't look like a proper person at all, and you want to me take care of her? Hmph, fine, I shall take very good care of her."

What needed to be said had already been said. It would be up to Xu Yanwei's own ability whether she could win the favor of the mistress. The blind and tongueless maid standing beside Luo Ningcha could perhaps offer her some inspiration.

Gu Shenwei signaled to Xu Yanwei to exit the room. Luo Ningcha understood this tacitly and also ordered her maids to leave, while covering up Maid Cui's ears.

"Honestly, was that girl your… lover?"

Luo Ningcha sounded very harsh, causing Gu Shenwei to be a little shocked. It was, in principle, not right for her to ask this kind of question, and furthermore, it had nothing to do with her even if the girl was his lover. "No, I brought her to the castle so that it'll be easier for me to send word in the future."

Luo Ningcha seemed not quite convinced. However, because she had something significant to brag about, she put off the interrogation temporarily. "You know, I've done many things in recent times…"

Gu Shenwei was in no mood to hear her out as he had to descend the mountain as soon as possible. "Listen, there's an important matter which I'll need you to investigate for me."

"What can be more important than what I was going to say?" Luo Ningcha raised her voice even higher.

"It concerns the lord," Gu Shenwei replied in a low tone.

There was no sound behind the wooden walls for a moment. When Luo Ningcha resumed speaking, her voice was noticeably lowered, "What happened to the lord?"

"Rumor has it that he's fallen ill, and quite seriously so for a long time already."

"Really?" Luo Ningcha cried but quickly broke off. "No wonder that wench surnamed Meng has been able to stay as she pleases in the Inner Residence, and nobody bothers about her agony. I finally understand."

She used to call Lady Meng "b*tch" but had switched to "wench" this time.

"This is just a rumor and so don't tell anyone about it, not even to the men sent by Bighead Kingpin."

"Certainly. Do you think I don't know the importance of keeping secrets? Let me tell you, I'm hiding a lot of things in my heart right now which will shock you if I spoke of them…"

Gu Shenwei decided that he would leave this "shock" to be felt at a later time, and immediately cut short the mistress. "Find a way to clarify this rumor. Is the lord truly sick? What sort of sickness? What's his condition? This will be important information both to yourself and Bighead Kingpin."

Luo Ningcha's sole backer, Bighead Kingpin, would be toppled before long. Gu Shenwei knew he had to make use of her value while she still had some. Although the Wei family wanted to find out information through Tenth Young Master, Gu Shenwei did not think it was a good idea. He had other plans for Shangguan Ru.

He hurriedly took his leave and descended the mountain. Angry that she did not get the chance to brag, Luo Ningcha smashed several porcelains. Fortunately, Bighead Kingpin had sent more new items.

Gu Shenwei encountered a thorny problem once he returned to Kun Society. The Governor's Mansion had sent men to collect the "Protective Talisman" again.

The newly-appointed commandant was not as tactful as Zhong Heng, and demanded the money right away. His insolence nearly reignited Shangguan Ru's killing desire. Gu Shenwei verbally held her back and offered to visit the governor himself to explain the situation.

He knew clearly that the demand for payment was just an excuse. In actual fact, the sum of money had already been used to purchase the killer Yang Huan. The governor finally wanted to meet him.

Though the Governor's Mansion was not the biggest and most magnificent building in North City, it was situated in the city center, and the streets in front of it were wider than everywhere else, giving it a special feel.

Governor Wei Song was a short man with a fair complexion and a trimmed beard. His posture was perfectly straight, and despite being dressed in official clothing, he had the manner of a general about him. He was totally different from his romantic-to-a-fault son.

After offering a bow, Gu Shenwei kept his head down. For a long while, Wei Song did not speak either, and continued to stare at the young man as if sizing him up. "Two people had recommended you, and both of them are dead."

Zhong Heng and Wei Lingmiao. Gu Shenwei was unsure how to reply, but he was not here to "pay respects", and instead came to negotiate on an equal footing. This was the study, where there no one except the governor and him. "Being close to a killer is always a dangerous thing. People have told me that I have an infectious evil spirit on me."

Wei Song laughed in a seemingly forced manner. "My son didn't die of any evil spirit but a conspiracy. I want to take revenge and thus hope you can tell me who the enemy is."

"I've heard that it's Bighead Kingpin, but nobody appears to have any evidence."

"Ah, evidence. Only people who aren't able to exact revenge would go around finding evidence to justify their own incompetence."

"Governor, you know who the enemy is already?"

Wei Song stared at the killer who stared back. The two men were searching for clues on each other's face to ascertain the extent to which they could trust the other.

"Lingmiao told me that you aren't a talkative person."

"As a killer, I never ask more than I need to."

"Alright, you're a killer right now, and I want to hire you to kill someone."

"I shall obey your command."

"My request is very fair. There's nothing more painful on earth than the fact that my favorite son is dead. I want my enemy to suffer the same pain as I am."

Gu Shenwei patiently waited as Wei Song paused for a moment.

"Meng Yuzun has five sons. Go kill one of them, anyone will do."

"Yes," Gu Shenwei replied curtly. He did not expect Wei Song to name the Meng family and not Bighead Kingpin as his enemy.

While the killer indeed did not ask much, Wei Song could not resist offering a line of explanation. "The Meng family wants to collect back its money and believes it can place the blame on others."

This sentence would sound confusing to someone who was uninformed, but Gu Shenwei understood it very well. The Meng family definitely had a hand in producing those chariots of gold. However, he expressed an appropriate amount of doubt and waited until Wei Song's expression returned to a calm state before he said, "The members of the Meng family aren't easy to kill. What price are you offering?"

"Do you prefer the Central Plain or Western Region?"

"Western Region."

"Alright. Since you're already very rich, I shall offer you an official position in any country which the Central Plain controls. Prime Minister or General, whichever you like."

As the Wei family's fortunes had all been stolen, the governor was trying to use empty titles to recruit a killer. Gu Shenwei knew he had to express some unwillingness.

"Believe me, you won't be able to stay much longer in Jade City. There's a major change on the way that'll affect everyone, and you'll need a safe place to go. My promise will be worth a million gold pieces then."

Gu Shenwei acquiesced while making his reluctance apparent.

As he left the Governor's Mansion, Gu Shenwei was not as much interested in the Meng family as he was in the governor himself. When he looked at Wei Song, he had not only felt a sudden sense of familiarity but also recalled something even more important.

During the campaign to massacre the Gu family of the Central Plain, a detective named Han Shiqi, sent by Golden Roc Fort, sneaked into the Gu manor with a reference letter. Gu Shenwei had not been able to recall who authored the letter, but now, the author's name appeared unmistakably in front of his eyes.

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