Chapter 68: Finally gotten a pair!

Chapter 68: Finally gotten a pair!

The wind was blowing, and there was the sound of the leavesrustling.

Dong Xuebing was still looking at that young man after hereturned to one minute ago. That young man's father was still tending to somecustomers in the pet food shop. There were a few onlookers around, standingthere silently.

"Don't want? You said you wanted 4 pairs and we don't dorefunds here!"

Dong Xuebing immediately knew where the conversation hadstopped. "The other fruits are still not cut." Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.π’Έπ‘œπ”ͺ website to read fastest update

"Even if it is not cut, you also cannot return it to me."That young man firmly replied. "Are you trying to create trouble?" The youngman replied. He was not willing to make any refunds.

Dong Xuebing smiled and nodded. "Fine. Then you stop cuttingthe fruit!"

That young man stared at Dong Xuebing. "You want to cut thefruits yourself? Fine. Here are the fruits you picked. I will not refund you asingle cent."

"What is wrong with you? Who does business with such anattitude?" Dong Xuebing was not angry, and he laughed. "I can't be bothered toargue with you. Put those 8 walnut fruits back into the basket and count thetotal number of fruits in the basket. I will buy the whole basket of ChickenHearts!"

That young man thought he had misheard. "Huh? You want thewhole basket?" Hahaha, was this person crazy?

The crowd starts to stir. "What is this person doing? Hemight as well go and reserved a walnut tree."

Dong Xuebing ignored that young man and bend over to countthe fruits. "1... 2... 3... 4... 5..." Within minutes, both the young man and DongXuebing finished counting the number of fruits. There were a total of 202fruits. Dong Xuebing did not hesitate for a minute. He took out 20,000 RMB fromhis bag and extract 6 pieces from the stack of money. "I had paid 800 RMBearlier. Here are the remaining. Check it."

"... Ok. The amount is right." The young man was overjoyed.This deal was so easy!

Dong Xuebing looked at him and carried the basket. "Can yougive me the basket?" Dong Xuebing knew that the young man was treating him as afool!

"Take it, take it..." The young man waved goodbye to Dong Xuebing."Take your time and come back again. Hahaha..."

Looking at Dong Xuebing's back view, the crowd, includingthe young man, felt Dong Xuebing was crazy. He wanted refunds at first, andthen he bought the whole basket. Who would change his mind within seconds?

Dong Xuebing was worried that the young man would go afterhim and he did not take the bus. He flagged a taxi and went back home.

Dong Xuebing placed the basket of walnut fruits in hisliving room and took off his shoes excitedly. "Was this consider a lucky find?Hahaha! That's right! It's time to cut these fruits! Let's see if there's a46mm here! 200 fruits! No matter how unlucky I am, I should be able to find oneor two 46 mm Lion Head!"


The 36th fruit... 44mm. Insect damaged.

The 41st fruit... 39mm. Some blemishes.

Dong Xuebing did not feel tired or feel this was a mundanetask. He had hoped for every fruit he cut. He was even getting better atcutting these fruits. He could easily cut away all the flesh of fruit withinone minute!

Beep, beep. It was a message.

Dong Xuebing wiped his hands and swipe across his iPhone 4.It was a message from Qu Yunxuan. She told him that she will not be cookingdinner as she got to stay back after work. Dong Xuebing replied, "Ok." andlooked at the time. He wiped his sweat and said to himself. "I will have dinnerafter this fruit."

1 cut!

2 cuts!

3 cuts!

This was the 55th fruit.

The seed of this fruit was exposed!

Dong Xuebing continued to cut away the skin and flesh of thefruit. But as he was cutting away the flesh, he felt weird. He looked closelyat the exposed part of the seed and was shocked. His heart was racing, and heeven dropped his knife!



Dong Xuebing quickly picked up the knife again and cut theremaining flesh of the fruit away. He quickly picks up the brush and starts toclean the seed.

Then he picked up the ruler and measured... 46.8mm!

This was a 46.8mm Lion Head!

Dong Xuebing cried out in joy and immediately ran to hisroom to take out the 46mm Lion Head he got yesterday to compare. He placed bothseeds together... The sides, mid-section, bottom, and the pointed top werealmost identical!


It's a pair!

A pair of 46mm Lion Head!!!

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