Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 124 - Chapter 124: Chapter 76: Creating Mythical Bloodline! The Scepter of Heaven! Gaining Numerous Benefits! (6k)

Chapter 124: Chapter 76: Creating Mythical Bloodline! The Scepter of Heaven! Gaining Numerous Benefits! (6k)

Translator: 549690339

Hyperdimensional mark,

Sophie Kerrigan’s eyes widened slightly, her rose-colored eyes looked at Logan, full of expectation, as if to say,


‘Hurry and say that you think the Goblin Tribe is beyond redemption!’ ‘Even if you break their race grade limit, you still can’t cure their stupid brains.’

‘Then seek my help.’

‘As long as you ask, I will help you.’

‘War breeds… no, Monarch Species are all prepared for you!’

‘Don’t worry, these resources are nothing to me.’

‘Although changing races halfway will have some impact, it’s no big deal. I’ll find a way to help you make up for it.’

Amidst Sophie Kerrigan’s anticipation, she saw Logan gently speak,

“That is, teacher…”

“My Goblin Tribe has already broken the Ancient Curse, completed their wisdom, and is now waiting for the establishment of their kingdom and civilization to get on the right track and refine their spirituality.” “So, I came to you this time because…”

Before Logan could finish, Sophie Kerrigan cut him off excitedly, “Good!”

“I knew the Goblin Tribe wouldn’t work. I’ll change you right now…”

Halfway through her words, Sophie Kerrigan suddenly realized what Logan had said.

In an instant, her rosy eyes were filled with shock and disbelief,

“Logan, what did you say?”

“I didn’t hear you clearly just now. Say it again…”

T03 WorldArea,

TS0083 Planet (Angel Mini),

A golden planet with clouds filled with holy light.

Heather Graham sat in the holy temple, in her angelic sanctuary, where there should be only a holy and pure atmosphere.

However, at this moment, a crazy, sulfur-filled, and brutal aura appeared!

This was the Blazing Blade Demon God, Abyss Turtlefield.

Its primal world was a microplanet that had been completely corrupted by the exotic abyssal breath, turning it into an eternal burning abyss.

Its original race was the Mythical Species “Demons” and was a powerful clan among the Demon Clan, not inferior to the Angel Tribe, the exotic demons Blazing Blade Demons.

The Demon Clan is inherently brutal and warlike, extremely skilled in war.

Moreover, the Blazing Blade Demons, an exotic demon species that has been transformed by a faction in the Immortal Civilization, are undoubtedly killing machines.

If a war were to break out, even Heather Graham’s Angel Tribe might not stand a chance.

Of course, Heather Graham wouldn’t lose that easily either.

“I heard you were defeated by a lowly prisoner breed?”

“Seems like it was a goblin?”

Abyss Turtlefield had a huge body, with a pair of hideous demon horns, and sturdy, black legs with reverse joint growth.

Its body was engulfed in pitch-black karma fire, which was said to originate from a special faction of the Immortal Civilization, possessing various terrifying characteristics such as “indestructibility”, “god erosion”, and “extreme pain”.

It exposed a sinister smile, but its tone was full of disdain, casually saying:

“Your Angel Tribe is becoming more and more corrupt. How about I go find Titan and the others for a proposal to strip you of your Mythical Species qualifications?”

“However, if you agree to become my vassal, and your race contributes fallen angels to my civilization, I may consider sparing you.”

Facing Abyss Turtlefield’s words, Heather Graham simply said, “Who do you think you are?”

“Abyss Turtlefield, be clear about your position…”

“You’re just a Mythical Species that hasn’t reached the Transcendent Tier, what qualifies you to join forces with those useless Titans to strip me of my Mythical Species level?”

“Even if you were a Throne, you wouldn’t dare to say such things, would you?”

“Do you demons think with your broken brains?”

“Did the karma fire burn your brain?”

“I’ve long heard that the Demon Clan is arrogant and thoughtless, and now I see it’s true.”

“It seems that exotic demons are even more foolish!”

Upon hearing this, Abyss Turtlefield just gave a faint smile, his face twisted,

“As expected, you don’t know the extent of the war between Blue Star Civilization and Abyssal Civilization.”

“To be more precise, you probably don’t even know what will happen next…”

“The Seven Dominators of the Abyss, the Emperors of the Seven Deadly Sins: pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, and lust.”

“Now, the Eternal Lord of Blue Star Civilization has already obliterated the

Emperor of Lust, Gluttonous Emperor, Envy Emperor, and the Divine Spirit of

Greed Emperor!”

“Of course, even if the Eternal Lord’s divine spirit perishes, as long as their civilization remains intact, they will eventually return in the eternal course of time.”

“However, do you think the Federation will give them this opportunity?”

“Has the war reached this level?”

“There are actually already four Eternal Lords who have perished!”

Hearing Abyss Turtlefield’s words, Heather Graham couldn’t help but narrow her pupils.

She was somewhat shocked. She knew that the war between the Federation and the Abyssal Civilization was extremely fierce, but she didn’t expect that even the great and eternal existence, the Eternal Lords, had already perished!

‘After losing contact with my father, my access to information has indeed become much more limited.’

As Heather Graham’s thoughts flowed through her will, she spoke,

“But then, what does this have to do with you?”

“The Abyssal Civilization still has the Emperors of Pride, Wrath, and Sloth.”

Even the arrogant and proud Abyss Turtlefield, when saying these words, his speech was filled with an intense heat,

“The Federation is formulating the [Emperor Replacement Plan]!”

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